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ถนนชีวิต Tanon Chewit (The Road of Life)

By ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul
Album: แป๊ะขายขวด Bpae Kaai Kuat (1982)

Note: This old song seems to complaining about the bad traffic situation (probably in Bangkok). However a note under the official Carabao YouTube claims the song is metaphorical: Life is compared to a road; we hurry along it and forget to appreciate our surroundings. FYI: A song-taew is a large pick up truck with an awning over the back and two benches along both sides for picking up passengers. A tuk-tuk is a motorized tricycle that can fit 1 to 3 passengers in the back (in addition to the driver).

รีบตื่นกันไวไว ไม่ทันไปเข้าเรียนสาย
rêep dtèun gan wai wai mâi tan bpai kâo rian săai
Hurry and wake up! We’re running late to class
lăai krang yàa wăng ká-naen dee
Too many times [late] and there’s no hope for good grades
รีบตื่นกันไวไว ไม่ทันไปเข้างานสาย…
rêep dtèun gan wai wai mâi tan bpai kâo ngaan săai …
Hurry and wake up! We’re running late to work
lăai kráng yàa wăng ngern deuan dee
Too many times [late], and there’s no hope for a good salary

rót may mee yòo gèe săai kon gôr mâak maai
However many bus lines are there, they are crowded with people
mee tà-nŏn yòo gèe săai rót gôr mâak mee
However many roads there are, they are crowded with vehicles.
บนถนนทุกๆ สาย ดูมันวุ่นวาย
bon tà-nŏn túk túk săai doo man wûn waai
On every road, it looks so chaotic.
tam yàang rai jà bpai tan tam ngaan
What can I do to be on time for work?

เมื่อก่อนมีรถราง แล่นพลางก็ร้องพลาง
mêua gòn mee rót raang lâen plaang gôr róng plaang
Before we had a trolley. As it was gliding along it would sing*.
chăn tĕung têe tam ngaan tan way-laa
I got to work on time
เดี๋ยวนี้มีรถเมล์ แล่นเฉไปเฉมา
dĭeow née mee rót may lâen chăy bpai chăy maa
Right now we have buses going along, swerving in and out
wáa … yang mâi tan way-laa ngaan
Sigh . . . I’ll still be late to work

mee rót may mee yòo gèe săai kon gôr mâak maai
However many bus lines there are, they are crowded with people.
mee tà-nŏn yòo gèe săai rót man mâak mee
However many roads we have, they are crowded with vehicles.
บนถนนทุกๆ สาย ดูมันวุ่นวาย
bon tà-nŏn túk túk săai doo man wûn waai
On every road, it looks chaotic.
tam yàang rai jà bpai tan rohng rian
How am I going to be on time for work?

มีรถเก๋งก็รีบไป มีรถเมล์ก็รีบไป
mee rót găyng gôr rêep bpai mee rót may gôr rêep bpai
There are cars rushing along. There are buses rushing along
รถแท็กซี่ก็รีบไป รถสองแถวก็รีบไป
rót táek-sêe gôr rêep bpai rót sŏng tăew gôr rêep bpai
Taxis also rush along. Song-taews also rush along.
รถตุ๊กๆ ก็รีบไป มอเตอร์ไซค์ก็รีบไป
rót dtúk dtúk gôr rêep bpai mor-dtêr-sai gôr rêep bpai
Tuk-tuks, also rush along. Motorcycles also rush along
รถสิบล้อก็รีบไป รถโดยสารก็รีบไป
rót sìp lór gôr rêep bpai rót doi săan gôr rêep bpai
Ten-wheeled trucks also rush along. Commuter vehicles rush along

rót may mee yòo gèe săai kon gôr mâak maai
No matter how many bus lines there are, they are crowded with people
mee tà-nŏn yòo gèe săai rót man mâak mee
No matter how many roads there are, they are crowded with vehicles.
บนถนนทุกๆ สายดูมันวุ่นวาย
bon tà-nŏn túk túk săai doo man wûn waai
On every road, it looks chaotic
tam yàang rai jà bpai tan tam ngaan
How am I going to be on time for work?
tam yàang rai jà bpai tan rohng rian
How am I going to be on time for school?

ขุดถนนก็ขุดไป กลบถนนก็กลบไป
kùt tà-nŏn gôr kùt bpai glòp tà-nŏn gôr glòp bpai
[If we need to] dig up the roads, do it! Cover the roads? Do it!**
ตัดถนนก็ตัดไป ซ่อมถนนก็ซ่อมไป
dtàt tà-nŏn gôr dtàt bpai sôm tà-nŏn gôr sôm bpai
Build new roads? Do it! Fix the roads? Do it!
นํ้าท่วมถนนก็สูบไป สร้างสะพานก็สร้างไป
nám tûam tà-nŏn gôr sòop bpai sâang sà-paan gôr sâang bpai
If the roads are flooded, go ahead and drain them! [If you need to] build a bridge, build it!

ขุดถนนก็ขุดไป กลบถนนก็กลบไป
kùt tà-nŏn gôr kùt bpai glòp tà-nŏn gôr glòp bpai
[If we need to] dig up the roads, do it! Cover the roads? Do it!**
ตัดถนนก็ตัดไป ซ่อมถนนก็ซ่อมไป
dtàt tà-nŏn gôr dtàt bpai sôm tà-nŏn gôr sôm bpai
Build new roads? Do it! Fix the roads? Do it!
นํ้าท่วมถนนก็สูบไป สร้างสะพานก็สร้างไป
nám tûam tà-nŏn gôr sòop bpai sâang sà-paan gôr sâang bpai
If the roads are flooded, go ahead and drain them! [If you need to] build a bridge, build it!

ขุดถนนก็ขุดไป กลบถนนก็กลบไป
kùt tà-nŏn gôr kùt bpai glòp tà-nŏn gôr glòp bpai
[If we need to] dig up the roads, do it! Cover the roads? Do it!**
ตัดถนนก็ตัดไป ซ่อมถนนก็ซ่อมไป
dtàt tà-nŏn gôr dtàt bpai sôm tà-nŏn gôr sôm bpai
Build new roads? Do it! Fix the roads? Do it!
นํ้าท่วมถนนก็สูบไป สร้างสะพานก็สร้างไป
nám tûam tà-nŏn gôr sòop bpai sâang sà-paan gôr sâang bpai
If the roads are flooded, go ahead and drain them! [If you need to] build a bridge, build it!

* It would “sing,” or possible “cry”. In any case, trolleys make a high screeching sound.
**They dig up the roads to get to the underground pipes.

น้ำผึ้งหยดเดียว Nam Peung Yot Diow (Only One Drop of Honey)

By ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul aka แอ๊ด คาราบาว Aed Carabao
Album: กำลังใจคาราบาว Gamlang Jai Carabao (Carabao Strength of Spirit/Moral Support) (2011)

Wars of conflict/disagreement
Are likely to come from just one drop of honey
Drive fast and scrape [another car]!
ชักปืนยิงกัน อันตรายถึงตาย
Raise guns and shoot each other. There’s a danger someone might die.
Our homes are built right next to each other
Dogs like to bark
The clamor never dies out
Harassing people until they break off relations for good
Thugs fight and kill each other
It’s always in the news
Seems like it’s just a story about dogs

A drop of honey
Oooo ooo waa
Oooo ooo waa
Oooo ooo ใครหว่า
Ooooo, whoever
It’s only honey, just one drop

All have honor/dignity, every one
เขมร รามัญ ลาว ไทย พม่า
Cambodian, Mon, Lao, Thai, Burmese
If anyone thinks they should use it to
move towards war, they should think VERY carefully
Three Southern border provinces [of Thailand]
Have together fallen into troubles and disturbance
Over the matter of honor/dignity
Thai people should think carefully
Thai society should watch this closely
The previous world wars
Were because of just one drop of honey

One drop of honey
One drop of honey
One drop of honey
It’s only honey, just one drop
One drop of honey
One drop of honey
One drop of honey
It’s only honey, just one drop

All have Honor/dignity, all of them
เขมร รามัญ ลาว ไทย พม่า
Cambodian, Mon, Lao, Thai, Burmese
If anyone thinks to use it to
move towards war, they should think VERY carefully
Three Southern border provinces [of Thailand]
Have together fallen into troubles and disturbance
over the matter of honor
Thai people should think carefully
Thai society should watch this closely
Not deaf and dumb to [human] dignity
Because every individual person has dignity
[and] world wars have happened . . .
(เคยมี เคยมี)
(They’ve happened. They’ve happened.)
Because of one drop of honey

One drop of honey
One drop of honey
One drop of honey
It’s only honey, just one drop
One drop of honey
One drop of honey
One drop of honey
It’s only honey, just one drop

Announcement: All Songs through “Made In Thailand” ALBUM Fixed by GREAT Translator

Last year, a highly-qualified translator who is a native Thai and is fluent in English volunteered to systematically check and suggest improvements for my translations of Carabao song lyrics. This is a huge project, and I thank this person (who wants to remain anonymous) from the bottom of my heart. I am thrilled to announce we have finished fixing the translations up through the album Made In Thailand.

You can now (as of Valentine’s Day 2020) read the translations of the early Carabao songs with confidence. I am happy to say, we didn’t have any changes that overturned the overall meaning of a song, but we did have at least three song translations that were radically improved. You might want to read their new translation and give these already fascinating songs a fresh listen:

Songs with radically improved translations:

Summer Hill

ท ทหารอดทน Taw Tahaan Ot Ton (The Persevering Soldier)

คนเก็บฟืน Kon Gep Feun [The Firewood Collector]

Some important details were uncovered in at least two songs

In กัมพูชา Kampucha (Cambodia) about the Cambodian genocide there is an already evocative line: “In the end, when the guns stop roaring and echoing/ a plaid cloth [a pakaoma],/ blown away by the wind, falls to the ground.” The new translator notes that a pakama is used to cover the bodies of dead people lying on the ground, thus it is understood by Thais that the pakama is blown by the wind to fall on a dead body.

In the last last line of “เดือนเพ็ญ Duan Pen (Full Moon)” a child who is away wants to return and nestle in the bosom of their mother. I thought it odd that the person, most likely a soldier, misses their mother more than anyone else, and guessed that the “mother” is Thailand itself. But the new translator points out that it is also possible that the person wants to return to their wife, often also called “mae” or “mother” by the husband.

A newly translated song

The song “หำเทียม Ham Tiam (Dildo)” could not have been translated at all without the help of this person. To give you a taste of the complexity, which I could not have sorted out if I studied Thai for the rest of my life, here are the notes explaining the title of the song:

“The man in this song’s story is named ‘Ham,’ which is in the Isaan dialect, can mean either a ‘lad” or ‘penis’ or ‘testicles.’ ‘Ham’ is a cute and friendly word for ‘penis,’ . . . The title of the song is หำเทียม (Ham Tiam), means ‘artificial penis’ or ‘dildo,’ but refers to the longer word หำ[ผสม]เทียม Ham [Pasom] Tiam, which means ‘artificial-mixing penis,’ or ‘artificial insemination,’ . . .”

A Legacy for Fans and Future Researchers

I started this project using the “Fake it ‘til you make it!” approach. I was translating relying heavily on and on begging friends for help. Because I translated the best songs first, at a time when I could barely translate, the best songs were often the worst translated, while very obscure songs are now receiving relatively deluxe treatment. From the start, I got in-depth help from knowledgeable volunteers to whom I am forever grateful. However, some of my helpers were other Farang translators, meaning we will inevitably miss out on some of the idioms, references, and word play. Other helpers were Thais who are not official translators.

The new translator is able to “read between the lines” and guess when Add Carabao is using a word other than his first choice in order to rhyme. This person is able to interpret an idiom in which all the words of the standard idiom have been swapped out for new words. They can note that two lines that I had separated are actually connected. They can explain why one song advises one to “Be the moon” and “put copper rings on the hands of each child” (because Add is referring to a children’s lullaby which every Thai person knows).

The importance of the project (I want to leave it as a resource to Carabao, international fans of Carabao and to scholarly music ethnologists) means it deserves more than just my own best efforts and sporadic advice from others. The songs deserve solid translations that you can trust! Which you now have.

สาละวิน Salaween [River]

By พิเศษ สังข์สุวรรณ Phiset Sangsuwan
Album: ช้างไห้ Chang Hai (Elephant’s Lament) (1993)
This album is highly recommended. Buy it HERE at eThaiCD where you can shop in English.

Note: This song was not written by Add Carabao but by Phiset Sangsuwan (according to Wikipedia). One unusual thing about this song is it is almost 10 minutes long! My translation of the note under the official Carabao YouTube of the song: “Water from the Himalayan mountains flows to the Andaman Sea, passing many lands and many peoples melting together into one and becoming the Salaween River. And how come the people of many types, many thoughts, many minds [living along the river] never combine?”

[Sound of guns firing]

nám yen yá-yêuak
Cold water shivers
jàak têuak kăo hì-maa-lai
off the cliffs of the Himalayas
lăi chîeow líeow lót lăi bpai
Flowing swiftly, winding along
กำเนิดเกิดสาย สาละวิน
gam-nèrt gèrt săai săa-lá-win
giving birth to the Salween River

Hmmm . . .

เมื่อหิมะละลัย กลายเป็นสายธารา
mêua hì-má lá lai glaai bpen săai taa-raa
When the snow melts to be a stream
จากเขาสูงเสียดฟ้า ไหลลงมาสู่อันดามัน
jàak kăo sŏong sìat fáa lăi long maa sòo an daa man
Off of the tall, sky-piercing mountains, it flows on down to the Adaman [Sea]
pàan pàen din làak lăai
Past many different lands
pàan kon mâak maai pào pan
Past people of many ethnic groups
ล้านๆ เม็ดน้ำรวมกัน
láan láan mét nám ruam gan
Millions of drops of water combine
เป็นหนึ่งเดียวกันนั้น สาละวิน
bpen nèung dieow gan nán săa-lá win
there to be one: Salween

ผู้คนอยู่ริมฝั่งน้ำ ชุ่มชื่นฉ่ำด้วยน้ำอาบกิน
pôo kon yòo rim fàng nám chûm chêun chàm dûay nám àap gin
People along the riverbanks are delighted to be moistened with water for bathing and drinking
săai náam líang kon táng sîn
The river takes care of all the people
ไม่เลือกถิ่น ไม่เลือกเผ่าพันธุ์
mâi lêuak tìn mâi lêuak pào pan
not choosing one land or a tribe [over another]*
dtàe kon nán dtàang jìt dtàang jai
But those people, their individual hearts and minds
เดี๋ยวรักใคร่ เดี๋ยวทำร้ายกัน
dĭeow rák krâi dĭeow tam ráai gan
One moment they love each other, the next they hurt each other
mâi êua féua chûay lĕua bàeng bpan
They aren’t generous in aiding each other and sharing/portioning things out
mûng fâat fan kâa gan hâi ban-lai
They aim to fight and kill each other so as to ruin [each other]

สาละวิน มีทั้งสิ้นกี่หยดน้ำ
săa-lá win mee táng sîn gèe yòt náam
Salaween, all together how many drops of water?
มนุษย์ตาดำๆ มีทั้งสิ้นกี่ผู้คน
má-nút dtaa dam dam mee táng sîn gèe pôo kon
Humans with black, black eyes,** how many are there altogether?
yòt náam hàeng săa-lá win
The water drops of Salaween
ruam gan táng sîn bpen nèung săai chon
altogether are one river of water***
dtàe má-nút pôo nâa chà-ngŏn
But humans are puzzling
mee mâi gèe kon glàp mâi koie ruam gan
The number of people is much less [than number of drops of water] but [the people] never unite [into one group]****

สา…ละวิน สา…ละวิน
săa lá win săa lá win
Salaween Salaween
สา…ละวิน สา…ละวิน
săa lá win săa lá win
Salaween Salaween
สา…ละวิน สา…ละวิน
săa lá win săa lá win
Salaween Salaween
สา…ละวิน สา…ละวิน
săa lá win săa lá win
Salaween Salaween

[Sound of people arguing]

สาละวิน มีทั้งสิ้นกี่หยดน้ำ
săa-lá win mee táng sîn gèe yòt náam
Salaween, all together how many drops of water?
มนุษย์ตาดำๆ มีทั้งสิ้นกี่ผู้คน
má-nút dtaa dam dam mee táng sîn gèe pôo kon
Humans with black, black eyes [implies innocence] how many are there altogether?
yòt náam hàeng săa-lá win
The water drops of Salaween
ruam gan táng sîn bpen nèung săai chon
altogether are one river of water
dtàe má-nút pôo nâa chà-ngŏn
But humans are puzzling
mee mâi gèe kon glàp mâi koie ruam gan
The number of people is much less [than number of drops of water] but [the people] never unite [into one group]

ผู้คนอยู่ริมฝั่งน้ำ ชุ่มชื่นฉ่ำด้วยน้ำอาบกิน
pôo kon yòo rim fàng nám chûm chêun chàm dûay nám àap gin
People along the riverbanks are delighted to be moistened with water for bathing and drinking
săai náam líang kon táng sîn
The river takes care of all the people
ไม่เลือกถิ่น ไม่เลือกเผ่าพันธุ์
mâi lêuak tìn mâi lêuak pào pan
not choosing one land or a tribe [over another]*
dtàe kon nán dtàang jìt dtàang jai
But those people, their individual hearts and minds
เดี๋ยวรักใคร่ เดี๋ยวทำร้ายกัน
dĭeow rák krâi dĭeow tam ráai gan
One moment they love each other, the next they hurt each other
mâi êua féua chûay lĕua bàeng bpan
They aren’t generous in aiding each other and sharing/portioning things out
mûng fâat fan kâa gan hâi ban-lai
They aim to fight and kill each other so as to ruin [each other]

săng-kom pôo kon làak lăai
Society with many sorts of people
chên chéua săai pôo kon làak pan
like [with] family lineages from various races
kwaam rák kwaam kít gôr dtàang gan
[have] loves and thoughts that are also different
têe rim săai taan mâe săa-lá win
At the edge of Salaween River
bâang rák nai pong pào pan
Some people love their tribe/race
bâang gôr rák nai pĕun pàen din
Some love their land/country
rim fàng nám săa-lá win
Along the banks of the Salaween River
เป็นถิ่นสงคราม แย่งความเป็นใหญ่
bpen tìn sŏng-kraam yâeng kwaam bpen yài
is a region of war [with groups] competing to be [most] powerful.

สา…ละวิน สา…ละวิน
săa lá win săa lá win
Salaween Salaween
สา…ละวิน สา…ละวิน
săa lá win săa lá win
Salaween Salaween
สา…ละวิน สา…ละวิน
săa lá win săa lá win
Salaween Salaween
สา…ละวิน สา…ละวิน
săa lá win săa lá win
Salaween Salaween

* The river isn’t prejudiced.
**The term “black, black eyes” implies innocence.
*** “สายชล” would be bodies of water but “สายพันธุ์” is one breed or race, and ชล is homonym with ชน and สายชน could mean race.
****Thank you to an anonymous native-Thai translator for the translation of this line. I would never have figured it out.

Carabao performed an English-language version of “Made In Thailand” in the US

This song was on the Carabao compilation album เพลงไม่มีวันตาย Plaeng Mai Mee Wan Dtai (Songs Will Never Die). It is not currently available.

This amazing live version of “Made in Thailand” was performed in the United States around 1985 right after Carabao shot to superstardom in Thailand. I was in Thailand at the time and watched clips of that US concert on the news. (Thierry Mekwattana sings the English version; then Add Carabao sings the Thai version.)

“Made in Thailand” is a song that is aimed directly at a specific time, so several other versions of “Made in Thailand” address the situation in other decades. But usually, in live concerts, one or two lines of original “Made in Thailand” is switched up to keep the song fresh.

This version begins in English, so I won’t translate the English, some of which is hard to hear and some of which doesn’t make sense to me, but it is a criticism of American militarism. The English may be “wrong,” nevertheless, the performance is perfect.

Click here to see the original Thai version of “Made In Thailand” with translation

เลิกใช้ Lerk Chai (Stop Using [Them]!)

By ปรีชา ชนะภัย Precha Chanopai (เล็ก คาราบาว Lek Carabao)
Posted to Facebook November 1, 2019

มีใครห่วงใย ลูกหลานไทยในวันข้างหน้า
Is anyone concerned for Thai descendants in the days ahead
เห็นมีแต่ออกมา สาธยายกันแต่เรื่องผลประโยชน์
I only see people coming out to explain about the benefits/profits
โทษกันไปโทษกันมา กับเงินตราที่ต้องจ่ายเพิ่มขึ้น
Blaming each other about the increased money that must be spent
ยิ่งฟังยิ่งมึน ยิ่งงงสงสารประเทศเรา
The more I listen, the more I’m dazed, the more I’m confused, pitying this Thailand of ours

น่าเศร้าหนักหนา อนิจจาทำไมไม่นึกถึง
It’s so sad, so critically serious. Alas, why does no one think of
ชีวิตที่ถูกตรึง ถูกตอกกรอกด้วยสารเคมี
the lives that have been transfixed and nailed down by chemicals
คนเป็นแสนเป็นล้าน ถูกสังหารตายผ่อนส่ง
People numbering in the hundreds of thousands or millions have been killed, little by little
ยังจะหลงละเมอ เพ้อเจ้อถึงสารพิษตัวใหม่
Yet we’ll fall into blathering mindlessly about new toxins

*** เลิกใช้ เลิกใช้ ใช้ทำไมให้คนไทยเจ็บป่วย
Stop using them! Stop using them! Why use them and have Thais be sick?
ยิ่งกินยิ่งม้วย ยังจะสร้างตัวใหม่มาอีกหรือ
The more we ingest, the more die we die. And we’re still going to produce new ones?
เลิกใช้ เลิกใช้ ใช้ทำไมให้คนไทยตายผ่อนส่ง
Stop using them! Stop using them! Why use them to have Thais die by installments
อย่าหลงลืมคุณธรรม เห็นกำไรหรือเหนือชีวิต คน
Don’t forget virtue. Or do you view profits as more valuable than the lives of people?

Carabao Songs that “Feel Like” Some English-language Song

Recently Add Carabao shared the song “Don’t Let the Old Man In,” by Toby Keith, saying he really likes this song and it reminds him of his own song “อย่าเพิ่งตาย” (Yaa Peung Dtai) (“Don’t Die Just Now”). I totally agree.

Similarly, he once introduced the Thai song, “รอยไถแปร” (Roi Tai Bprae) “Plowing Over Old Furrows” (not his own song but a cover) with a verse from “Desperato” in English. Notice how the two songs have a very similar feel? The lyrics of both songs describe a desperate, hard worker, and yet the melodies are soothing.

I have a short list of famous Carabao songs that I think are closely comparable, not superficially but in their essence, to some famous English-language song. Here is an annotated list of pairs of big songs (one English-language and the other Thai and Carabao) that just happen to have the same “feel,” by covering similar ground and capturing the same emotion:

English Language song — Carabao song

I Will Survive – รักต้องสู้ Rak Dtong Soo (Love Must Struggle)
These were, at some point, the go-to “I can survive this break-up” songs in American and Thai cultures, respectively.

Lean on Me – โลกแห่งความรัก Lok Haeng Kwaam Rak (World of Love)
Here are two startlingly powerful, uplifting songs that elicit a big reaction from the audience. The first asks, “Lean on me when you’re not strong,” while the other requests, “Just help me with one step first. From here on, I’m sure I’ll walk on secure” . . . on towards a world where everyone loves each other. (Note there is a great singable English version of this Carabao song, as well as a direct translation.)

Black or White – คนจนผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ ‎Kon Jon Poo Ying Yai (Poor Person, Great Person)
These are two totally addictive hit songs, with a similar of level of fame (relative to the size of their audiences as defined by language group), and similar themes. Add Carabao says that poor people are great people, sticking up for those often dismissed in Thailand. Michael Jackson sings, “If you want to be my brother, it don’t matter if you’re black or white.” “Poor Person, Great Person” came out 5 years before “Black or White.” The totally credible child sex abuse accusations against Michael Jackson caused me to throw out his music, but . . . for the record, these were two great songs, that were great in the same way.

Forever Young – ไม่ยืนยง Mai Yuenyong (Not Endure [Forever])
All I have to say is these songs have almost EXACTLY the same feel of respect and sympathy for oneself as a mortal human being.

Yesterday and Let it Be – ทะเลใจ (Telay Jai) Ocean Heart
The tune to the startlingly great song “Yesterday” came to Paul McCartney in a dream, literally. He woke up with the tune in his head and had to ask other people if they had heard it before. Similary, Add Carabao’s song “Telay Jai,” which is heralded as one of his two best songs, was written quickly in just 30 minutes, including music and lyrics (at a highly charged moment, after returning from a protest that had turned violent – the Bloody May (1992) event). However, the message of “Let it Be” is closer to the message of “Telay Jai.”

A Whiter Shade of Pale – น้ำตาเพื่อน ต.ค. Nam Dtaa Peuan Dtula (Tears of the October Friends)
Jim Beviglia in American Songwriter says: “The general consensus is that “A Whiter Shade Of Pale” is a snapshot of a drunken sexual escapade gone awry. Yet the song defies a specific interpretation, instead conjuring various shades of melancholy which are embellished by the mournful music and Brooker’s pained delivery. . . . If you spend too much time trying to figure out Procol Harum’s “A Whiter Shade of Pale,” you might miss out on its majestically-rendered sorrow.” [emphasis mine] And Add Carabao’s song has just that, although his song is more explicit about the source of the sorrow—it’s about the lost or thwarted ideals of a generation. “A Whiter Shade of Pale” was famously used in the movie “The Big Chill,” which was also about sorrow over lost ideals.

Little Willy by The Sweetหำเทียม Ham Tiam (Dildo)
These are two fun, and only mildly naughty, hit pop songs where the protagonist of the story is named some version of “penis.”

Pride (In the Name of Love) by U2- ในนามแห่งความรัก Nai Nam Heng Rak (In the Name of Love)
In this case only, I wonder if the one song may have inspired the other, such that the two songs are casually connected. Add Carabao says that he often challenges himself to do an original song like some other song—without cheating in anyway. If that was what he was trying here, he knocked it out of the ballpark. Aside from the same title, both songs have the same defiant, driving sound, similar theme, and an overall feel of love and hope—perhaps only barely—winning out over evil and despair. I believe they are equally addictive musically. In the Carabao song, wait for two sudden quiet interludes in the middle—and the high notes! OMG. However, this Carabao song was never famous. It seems to be an overlooked gem, coming at the end of the 14th Carabao studio album, out of an eventual total of 28, at a time when people had stopped following the band as closely. My impression that I had found a hidden gem was confirmed by an unusually high number of likes and shares when I shared the YouTube on Facebook.

The Bridge by Elton John – อยากได้ยิน Yaak Daiyin (Want to Hear)
These are two gorgeous songs with just a voice with a piano. However neither song is famous. That is, even the fans of each artist may have missed these songs. The meaning of Elton John’s song is ambiguous, but I think expresses a longing desire for some sort of fame that lives on past death. Add Carabao’s song, from one of his solo albums, is a plea for everyone to look past a serious political conflict and at least get along on a personal level when they pass each other on the street (given that the alternative is civil war). Somehow these two songs create almost the same mood, at least for me.

What do you think?

Those are all the pairs that really jump out at me, given my limited knowledge of music. There is also the “problem” (for this game) that many Carabao songs are not similar to ANYTHING in English, once you take the lyrics into account. They capture a feel or space seemingly not covered by any other song I know, which is why I am busily translating!

Write to me to suggest other pairs of similar English-language and Carabao songs!

หำเทียม Ham Tiam (Dildo)

Music and Lyrics by ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka แอ๊ด คาราบาว Aed Carabao
Album: เมดอินไทยแลนด์ Made in Thailand (1984)

THIS ALBUM IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED but not currently available at Go to eThaiCD and search on “Made in Thailand” to try to find a copy.

Note: This song can be compared to the bubblegum pop song from the 1970s, Little Willy” by The Sweet.The two songs are similarly catchy, silly, and mildly naughty (“Little Willy” may be more ambiguously naughty, but the success of the song is certainly due in part to its perceived naughtiness.) So for the eyebrow-raising translation notes: The man in this song’s story is named “Ham,” which is in the Isaan dialect, can mean either a “lad” or ‘penis’ or ‘testicles.’ “Ham” is a cute and friendly word for “penis,” and yes, some boys, are named “Ham,” like the man in this song. The title of the song is หำเทียม (Ham Tiam), means “artificial penis” or “dildo,” but refers to the longer word หำ[ผสม]เทียม Ham [Pasom] Tiam, which means “artificial-mixing penis,” or “artificial insemination,” and in this song we are thinking about the male livestock’s part of that process. Because the man in the story is named “Penis” this innocent little story about a man too poor to get married is riddled with likely double entendres, which I have not confirmed, but some candidates may be, “Ham wants just one wife,” “Ham completely drops,” “Ham has to do without,” “Ham tries,” “Ham’s fields are small and getting smaller as he’s been doing it for many years,” “Ham has to rent his fields,” etc. Substitute the name “Willy” for “Ham” to get the sense of it. This song has a sequel, called “Ham Hian” or “Ham is Strong Enough to Do It.”

naa hăm mee nói lĕua piang jôi rôi
Ham’s fields are small, and have been gradually getting smaller
kôi tam maa lăai bpee
As he has been doing [it (farming)]* for many years
yàa dtàt ron dton kâao mâi dee
Don’t break up with him just because the rice hasn’t done well
ช่วยหำสักที อยากมีเมียสักคน
chûay hăm sàk tee yàak mee mia sàk kon
Please help Ham. [He] just wants one wife.

kwaam jon bpen u-bpà-sàk
Poverty is an obstacle
gèet kwăang taang rák kŏng chaai sòht yĭng săao
Blocking the path of love between men and women
rák gan chôp gan dtông gin kâao
Couples who love each other must [also] eat.
dtàeng gan dtua bplào jà ao a-rai tam gin
If they get married having nothing, how are they going to make a living?
têe din hăm yang dtông châo
Ham’s still has to rent his fields [in order to grow rice]
hăm bòk jà ao a-rai dtòr rong
Ham wonders what he has for bargaining [over a dowery]**
nóng naang kong mâi hĕn jai nâe
The lady is unlikely to empathize [and accept his proposal], that’s for sure!
ปีนี้นาหำแย่ หำคงต้องแก่ไปตามลำพัง
bpee née naa hăm yâe hăm kong dtông gàe bpai dtaam lam-pang
This year, [Ham’s] fields are terrible. Ham will probably have to get older all alone

naa hăm mee nói lĕua piang jôi rôi
Ham’s fields are small, and have been gradually getting smaller
kôi tam maa lăai bpee
As he has been doing [it] for many years
yàa dtàt ron dton kâao mâi dee
Don’t break up with him just because the rice hasn’t done well
ช่วยหำสักที อยากมีเมียสักคน
chûay hăm sàk tee yàak mee mia sàk kon
Please help Ham. [He] just wants one wife.

gòn née mee têe naa tam-nao
Formerly, [Ham] had fields that were tolerably good
อีตอนเค้าลงค่าข้าว หำเอาที่นาจำนอง
ee dton káo long kâa kâao hăm ao têe naa jam-nong
When they lowered the price of rice. Ham, mortgaged the field
lĕua nòi dieow por dâai gèp gìeow sài tóng
Leaving only a little, enough that I can harvest and put [food] in my stomach
ฝนไม่มาไม่มอง ท้องไม่มีที่ไม่พอ
fŏn mâi maa mâi mong tóng mâi mee têe mâi por
The rain doesn’t come; we don’t see it. The stomach doesn’t have [anything], there isn’t enough land.
dtông kŏr châo ngern gào hăm long mòt
He needs to rent [land for growing more rice]. The savings of Ham completely drops.
mâi tam hăm òt krai jà bplòt nêe sĭn
If he doesn’t do it, Ham has to do without. Who will erase the debt?
tam tâo dai dâai kon èun ao bpai gin
However much he makes, someone else [the creditor] takes and consumes it
ดอกที่จำนองดิน มันหินมันเกลือเค็มๆ
dòk têe jam-nong din man hĭn man gleua kem kem
The interest rate on the mortgage is extortionary***

naa hăm mee nói lĕua piang jôi rôi
Ham’s fields are small, and have been gradually getting smaller
kôi tam maa lăai bpee
As he has been doing [it] for many years
yàa dtàt ron dton kâao mâi dee
Don’t break up with him just because the rice hasn’t done well
ช่วยหำสักที อยากมีเมียสักคน
chûay hăm sàk tee yàak mee mia sàk kon
Please help Ham. [He] just wants one wife.

mêua prâi fáa chaao naa bai nâa man
When the citizens, the farmers’ faces are oily [soaked in sweat]
dang tòok kăo jàp tam măn yòo gan bpai dtaam yá-tăa
It’s as if someone’s caught and sterilized them all.**** [They are] living aimlessly.
ngern mâi mee kăn màak mâi yók maa
[They] don’t have money. There is no betel bowl to raise up [to the bride’s parents during the wedding ceremony]
แม่น้องนางบ้านนา เห็นใจเถิดหนาหำพยายาม
mâe nóng naang bâan naa hĕn jai tèrt năa hăm pá-yaa-yaam
The girls of countryside sympathize with him. Ham is trying
kwaam jon tĕung man bpen u-bpà-sàk
Poverty is an obstacle
dtàe kŏng chôp kŏng rák krai jà hàk jai long
But when it comes to love, who can give up?
hĕn wua kwaai pà-sŏm lòt láew néuk bplong
[He] sees the cattle breeding by artificial insemination tube and he realizes desperately
èek mâi naan hăm kong dtông long kâo kiw pà-sŏm tiam
Not much longer and Ham will probably have to get in line for artificial insemination/sperm collection

*The sentence doesn’t specify what he was doing, but the implication, at least on primary level, is he has been doing farming for many years now.
**It is a Thai tradition that a groom has to pay some money to the bride’s family on their wedding day.
***หิน meaning “rocks” is slang meaning ‘tough’ or ‘difficult’ or ‘mean’; เกลือ meaning “salt” is slang means ‘greedy’ and ‘selfish’; so the phrase มันหินมันเกลือเค็มๆ word-for-word means “it’s rocks, it’s really salty salt” but it implies the interest rate is unacceptably high, so I translate “is extortionary.”
****The weird metaphor here may be dictated by the rhyme. The word for “oily” rhymes and matches well with the word for “artificial insemination.” But the idea is that when the farmers are struggling so hard, it is as if they are sterilized because no one wants to marry someone so poor.

คอริดอร์ Corridor [สืบทอดเจตนา 2 Suep Tot Jaydtana 2 (Carrying Out Suep’s Intentions 2)]

Lyrics and Music by แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao

Song from 2006 included on the Gold Edition of the album “ทุ่งฝันตะวันรอน (The Field Dreams of the Sunset. BUY IT HERE.

Note: In the video below the song starts at minute 1:45 after a long spoken introduction. This song advocates for a Wildlife Corridor spanning a road that splits Khao Yai National Park (a UNESCO World Heritage site) and Thap Lan forest. Route 304 is strategically important to economic growth and development of the country. It’s the main road from Isaan to the eastern sea board. This song “Corridor” was written by request, and Add Carabao sang it at a small, more intimate concert (not a typical Carabao concert), in 2006. The live version of the song, with the patter introducing the song, is included on the Gold Edition of the album “ทุ่งฝันตะวันรอน (The Field Dreams of the Sunset. BUY IT HERE. If you want to see how Thailand’s first Wildlife Corridor turned out (presumably the same one called for in this song), watch THIS VIDEO. The current song is subtitled (or alternatively titled) “สืบทอดเจตนา 2” (“Carrying Out Suep’s Intentions 2”) because it recycles the tune of the first “Carrying Out Suep’s Intentions” (from 1990 on the album “No Problem”) and also, very neatly, actually carries out Suep’s intentions! Suep Nakhasathien was an inspirational forest conservator.

Khao Yai is a national park
With the Thap Lan forest to the Southeast
The two forests have importance
Elephants, tigers, bison, buffalo are animals near extinction

We should preserve them
So that our Thai descendants can be proud
that Thailand is a land of paradise
A sanctuary for all kinds of animals

[What will] Khao Yai [be] in the future?
The government launched an economic development plan
Wild animals also have life
And should all have the right to come and go visiting

A road was constructed dividing the forest
Which of course creates problems for the reproduction of species
Because wild animals with very similar blood
become genetically weak

Humans can still fly across the sky
Many Farang [Westerners] come marry young women of Baan Tae [Thailand]*
Adding variety to the genetic make-up
increasing the strength of the offspring**

We are civilized people
Who must dare to confront [things], must dare to be generous
Our national heritage happily
extends, as a great merit, to be a world heritage


We are civilized people
Who must dare to confront [new things], must dare to be generous
Our national heritage happily
extends as a great merit, to be a world heritage

Khao Yai is a national park
With the Thap Lan forest to the Southeast
It’s fine to construct a road
But remember, the animals need a way to get across

So that animals can come and go looking for food,
come and go to maintain the species
Thailand will be a paradise
Just increase the budget to create a path for the animals to walk

We ask for a corridor so the animals can travel
We ask for a corridor so the animals can travel
We ask for a corridor, a route for the animals to walk

* สาวบ้านแต้ or “Young Woman from Baan Tae” was a famous song in 1960s referring to a village in Isaan [northeastern Thailand] called ‘Baan Nong Tae.’
** “พันธุ์แท้” is actually means “true breed” or “pure breed” when talking about dogs. But no offense is intended. In fact, you can also use “พันธุ์แท้” to say you are a “true fan” of something. (I am a “แฟนพันธุ์แท้” (faen pan tae) or “pure breed fan” of Carabao.) Also, a fellow translator guesses that word Add really wants to use is พันธุ์ดี (good/strong offspring), but in order to rhyme he substitutes “พันธุ์แท้.”

รักเธอได้เเค่วันนี้ Rak Ter Dai Kae Wan Nee (All I Can Do is Love You Today)

Lyrics and Melody by อี๊ด โอภากุล Eed Opakul
Posted to Facebook August 21, 2017; Now on the Album ยิ้มสู้ฝัน Yim Soo Fun (Smile, Fight, Dream)

dtràap têe bâan yang kong mee pay-daan
As long as the house still has a ceiling
láe win-yaan yang dtông mee bpor-ri-póp
And the spirit still must have Bparapop [Thai Buddhist Heaven]
aa-yú aa naam man dtông mee jùt jòp
Age must have an end point
dtàe kwaam bpen jing baang tee mâi bpen bpai
But reality doesn’t turn out [like we expect]
prór kwaam rák man bpen rêuang kŏng hŭa jai
Because love is a matter of the heart
gam-nòt hâi kwaam măai jing mâi jing
determining whether the meaning is real [or] not real
sàt-jà-tam kwaam rák yang kong àep ing
The truth of love remains nestled close
láe kwaam măai man gôr kâe măai kwaam
And the meaning, means what it means
ไปตามนั้น ไปตามโน้น ไปตามนี้
bpai dtaam nán bpai dtaam nóhn bpai dtaam née
Going there or there, going here
ตามไหน แล้วใครจะไปรู้ล่ะ
dtaam năi láew krai jà bpai róo lâ
Going where? Well, who can know?

dtàe way-laa man sân sà-mĕr
But time is always short
săm-ràp ter pôo dtông gaan way-laa
for you, the person who needs time
láe way-laa bpen a-má-dtà ní-ran
And time is eternal, everlasting
săm-ràp chăn pôo mee rák mân dtà-lòt way-laa
for me, a person who has love that is certain all the time

kam săa-baan săn-yaa goh-hòk
Vows and promises lie
dtràap ná-rók yang kôo kuan sŭang sà-wăn
As long as Hell is still paired with Heaven
chăn kong rák ter kâe wan née tâo nán
I may love you only in this day.
prûng-née mêua waan láew dtàe ter jà kít bpai
Tomorrow, yesterday, it’s up to what you think
prór kwaam rák man bpen rêuang kŏng hŭa jai
Because love is a matter of the heart
gam-nòt hâi kwaam măai jing mâi jing
determining whether the meaning is true [or] not true
sàt-jà-tam kwaam rák yang kong àep ing
The truth of love remains nestled close
láe kwaam măai man gôr kâe măai kwaam
And the meaning, means what it means
ไปตามนั้น ไปตามโน้น ไปตามนี้
bpai dtaam nán bpai dtaam nóhn bpai dtaam née
Going there or there, going here,
ตามไหน แล้วใครจะไปรู้ล่ะ
dtaam năi láew krai jà bpai róo lâ
Going where? Well, who can know?

dtàe way-laa man sân sà-mĕr
But time is always short
săm-ràp ter pôo dtông gaan way-laa
For you, the person who needs time
láe way-laa bpen a-má-dtà ní-ran
And time is eternal, everlasting
săm-ràp chăn pôo mee rák mân dtà-lòt way-laa
For me, a person who has love that is certain all the time
ตลอดเวลา ตลอดเวลา ตลอดเวลา
dtà-lòt way-laa dtà-lòt way-laa dtà-lòt way-laa
All the time . . . all the time . . . all the time


dûay sàt-taa rák ter kâe wan née
With faith, loving you just in this day
chûa leo dee mâi dee chăn gôr mâi sŏn
Evil, good, or bad, I’m not interested
aa-rom ter bpen yàang ngai chăn gôr yom ton
Whatever your mood, I am willing to deal with it
rák ter nĕua hàyt pŏn nĕua kam a-tí-baai
I love you above reason, above explanation
prór kwaam rák man bpen rêuang kŏng hŭa jai
Because love, it’s a matter of the heart
gam-nòt hâi kwaam măai jing mâi jing
Specifying whether the meaning is real or not real
sàt-jà-tam kwaam rák yang kong àep ing
The truth of love remains nestled close
láe kwaam măai man gôr kâe măai kwaam
And the meaning, means what it means
ไปตามนั้น ไปตามโน้น ไปตามนี้
bpai dtaam nán bpai dtaam nóhn bpai dtaam née
Going there or there, going here,
ตามไหน แล้วใครจะไปรู้ล่ะ
dtaam năi láew krai jà bpai róo lâ
Going where? Well, who can know?

dtàe way-laa man sân sà-mĕr
But time is always short
săm-ràp ter pôo dtông gaan way-laa
for you, the person who needs time
láe way-laa bpen a-má-dtà ní-ran
And time is everlasting eternal
săm-ràp chăn pôo mee rák mân dtà-lòt way-laa
for me, the person who has certain love all the time

dtàe way-laa man sân sà-mĕr
But time is always short
săm-ràp ter pôo dtông gaan way-laa
For you, the person who needs time
láe way-laa bpen a-má-dtà ní-ran
And time is everlasting, eternal
săm-ràp chăn pôo mee rák mân dtàe ter wan née
for me, the person who has certain love only for you today
เพียงวันนี้ เเค่วันนี้ ทุกๆ วันนี้
piang wan née kâe wan née túk túk wan née
Just this day. Just today. And every single today
rák ter dâai kâe wan née
All I can do is love you today

กัญชามาแล้ว Ganja Ma Laew (Ganja Has Come!)

By ปรีชา ชนะภัย Preecha Chanapai, aka เล็ก คาราบาว Lek Carabao
Premeired on YouTube October 25, 2019

Note: The context is about the benefit of น้ำมันกัญชา (Ganja oil) for terminal illness – cancer.

ใครอยากอยู่รอวันตาย หัวใจสลายเจียนตายรอมร่อ
Who wants to live waiting for the day they die. Their hearts wilted, nearly dead
หมอก็บอกหมดทางเยียวยา เพียงรอเวลาให้ลมหายใจขาดห้วงไปเอง
The doctor tells them, “We’re out of treatment options. Just wait for the time when breath ceases on its own.”
มีใครอยากป่วยไปจนวันตาย เงินทองมากมายจึงกลายเป็นค่ารักษา
Who wants to stay sick until the day they die? Much wealth therefore is lost to the cost of treatment
ถ้าขาดเงินก็มีปัญหา เพราะค่ายาค่ารักษามันไม่เบา
If one doesn’t have enough money, there’s a problem, because the cost of medicine and treatment isn’t cheap.
มีใครเล่าอยู่รอความตาย ต้องกลายเป็นป่วยติดเตียงตลอด
Is there anyone who wants to wait for death while becoming bedridden?
ถ้ามีทางรอดก็น่าลอง ดีกว่ามองดูตัวเองน่าเวทนา
If there is some chance of survival, it’s worth trying! It’s better than seeing oneself as pathetic.

*กัญชามาแล้ว มาแล้วมาช่วยผู้คนที่สิ้นหวัง
Ganja has come! It’s come to help people without hope
ให้มีพลัง ที่จะอยู่ดูโลกต่อไป
To give strength to live and to go on looking at the world
กัญชามาแล้ว มาแล้วมาช่วยผู้คนที่ทุกข์ทน
Ganja has come! It’s come to help people who suffer
ไม่ว่ารวยหรือจน ก็ใช้ได้เพียงป้ายใต้ลิ้นก็พอ
Whether rich or poor, they can use it; putting a few drops under the tongue is enough


*กัญชามาแล้ว มาแล้วมาช่วยผู้คนที่สิ้นหวัง
Ganja has come! It’s come to help people without hope
ให้มีพลัง ที่จะอยู่ดูโลกต่อไป
To give strength to live and to go on looking at the world
กัญชามาแล้ว มาแล้วมาช่วยผู้คนที่ทุกข์ทน
Ganja has come! It’s come to help people who suffer
ไม่ว่ารวยหรือจน ก็ใช้ได้เพียงป้ายใต้ลิ้นก็พอ
Whether rich or poor, they can use it; putting a few drops under the tongue is enough

กัญชามาแล้ว มาแล้วมาช่วยผู้คนที่สิ้นหวัง
Ganja has come! It’s come to help people without hope
ให้มีพลัง ที่จะอยู่ดูโลกต่อไป
To give strength to live and to go on looking at the world
กัญชามาแล้ว มาแล้วมาด้วยราคาไม่แพง
Ganja has come! It comes at an affordable price!
ไม่ต้องหมดแรง ช็อกตายเพราะเห็นบิลค่ารักษา
One don’t need to be in despair or die of shock when you see bill for the treatment

ฉานสเตท Chan Sa-tayt (Shan State)

By ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao
Album: ทำมือ Tam Meu (1989)

This album is HIGHLY Recommended and is available at eThaiCD, where you can shop in English.

Note: For the very complicated background, see the Wikipedia articles on the Shan State and the Shan people. Shan State is in Burma (Myanmar) bordering Thailand (to the upper left “at 10 o’clock” relative to Thailand) and many of the ethnic groups who live there want independence from the Burmese. Thailand had for decades been supporting the noncommunist rebels within Burma, but in more recent years the policy changed to cooperate with the Myanmar government to pressure these small groups to give up fighting against Myanmar and stop producing heroin which has long been their main income. At the time this song came out, the Burmese military government was signing ceasefire agreements with all the rebel groups in Shan State, leading to “an uneasy truce.” The Tai-Shan ethnic group migrated to their present locations from Southwestern China (during the Mongol campaigns in the 13th century, if I understand correctly). The Shan or Tai Yai (meaning “Big Tai”) descend from an older branch of the Tai-Shan and live in present day Shan State. The Tai-Shan who migrated into modern-day Laos and Thailand are the Tai Noi (meaning “Small Tai”). Another detail is that the word ไท้ means both “Tai” (the ethnic group) and “free” and is pronounced the same as “Thai.” However, Add is mostly using the spelling “ไทย” (“Thai”) even when talking about the Tai Yai.

The video is from the Carabao 35th Anniversary concert in Thailand and features Sek Loso. Notice Sek Loso mostly pronounces “Shan State” according to English pronunciation (showing off that he speaks perfect English).

ข้างซ้าย 10 นาฬิกานั้น ตะวันยังเศร้ายังโศกศัลย์
To the left, 10 o’clock, the sun is still sad and distressed
เหตุการณ์ผ่านเลย นับแสนวัน
The event happened already many days ago
Everyone has retreated back together, both Shan and Dtai [the Shan-Tai]*
เมื่อเจงกีสถ่าน กรีฑาทัพ
When Genghis Khan** moved his troops
รุกตี เข้ามาถึงจีนใต้
invading southern China
เขาถอยร่นมา เป็นไทยแต่ไทยใหญ่
They withdrew to arrive [where they are]. They are Thai, but Thai Yai (Big Thai)
เราถอยร่นมา เป็นไทยแต่ไทยน้อย
We withdrew to arrive [where we are]. We are Thai, but Thai Noi (Small Thai)

ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไท้
Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Tai/free

ดินแดนที่ปกคลุม ด้วยเทือกเขา
A territory covered with mountain ranges
มีดอกไม้ขาว พิษยางร้าย
There are white poppies and opium latex
วันนี้อบอวล ด้วยควันไฟ
Today it smells of smoke
ที่เผาล้างมลทิน คอยนินทา
from burning to wash away the blemish that [the world] condemned
เพื่อลบคำ ตราหน้าว่าค้าฝิ่น
To evade the stigmatizing words “opium trade”
เพื่อกอบกู้แผ่นดิน อย่างทำมา
In order to save their territory as always****
และวันนี้ไทยน้อย จงเปิด ตา ซ้าย 10 นาฬิกา มีชนชาติไทย
And today the Thai Noi (Small Thai) must open their eyes. To the left, 10 o’clock, is a Thai nationality

มี ภาษา เป็นของตัวเอง
Have [one’] own language
มี หนังสือ เป็นของตัวเอง
Have [one’s] own books
มี แผ่นดิน เป็นของตัวเอง
Have [one’s] own territory
มี ลูกหลาน ดูแลตัวเอง
With [the] decedents taking care of their own selves

มีประชาชน ชาวไทยเจ้าฟ้า โปโมเฮง ขุนศึกขุนส่า
There are people, Thai people, “Prince” [General] Bomoheng, Khun Sa the warlord***
ลุกขึ้นสู้ กองทัพ พม่า
[who] stood up and fought against Burma [this is perhaps in the 1960s?]
เพื่อแผ่นดิน บิดรมารดา
For their motherland
เพื่ออนาคตไทยใหญ่ ไท้
For the future of the Thai Yai. Tai/free

ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไท้
Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Tai/free

ข้างซ้าย 10 นาฬิกานั้น คือรัฐฉานบ้านช่องของไทยใหญ่
To the left, 10 o’clock is Shan State of the Thai Yai
เขาต่อสู้เพราะเขา คือคนไทย ไม่ใช่หม่อง โซ่ ที่โกงเมือง
They fight because they are Thai. Unlike Maung So [I don’t know how that is] who cheated the country.
ถ้าเห็นเป็นเรื่องของชาวบ้าน ตามตำนาน คือพี่น้อง คือผองเพื่อน
If you’re wondering how this is any of our business, according to legend, we are relatives, we are all friends
อย่าเห็นเป็นกันชนกันคนเถื่อน ที่ลบเลือนประวัติศาสตร์ ของชนชาติไทย
Don’t view them as a buffer [against] the savages [who tried to] erase the history of the Thai people

ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไท้
Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Tai/free

ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไท้
Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Tai/free

ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ฉาน สเตท ฉาน สเตท
Shan State, Shan State
ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไทย ใหญ่ ไท้
Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Thai Yai, Tai/free

* The evolution of the word “Thai” is ไต => ไท => ไทย. Thus ฉานไต would be Shan-Tai.
**The official words say “Ghengis Taan” but I am hearing something like “Ghengis Khan”
*** ขุนส่า Khun Sa was a drug lord, the most wanted by the US many years ago. Add is praising him for being a state hero. Read the story of Khun Sa at Wikipedia.
*** Another translator tells me, in this section, Add sympathizes with Thai Yai (Shan) who are accused of being the main heroin producer in the area. He cites the need for money to fight Myanmar as a reason for heroin exportation and claims they gradually reduce the plantation areas by burning them.

เลิก Lerk (Stop [Using Them]!)

Music and Lyrics by ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul (แอ๊ด คาราบา Add Carabao); arranged by ปรีชา ชนะภัย Precha Chanopai (เล็ก คาราบาว Lek Carabao)
Posted to YouTube October 18, 2019.

Note: The three toxic substances are Paraquat, Glyphosate and Chlorpyrifos. About the translation: The word เลิก pronounced “lerk” does not correspond directly with any one English word but means “to end” in the sense of to break up, or it means “to discontinue doing something.” Concerts “lerk” (break up when they end). Couples “lerk” (break up at the end of a relationship). (However if you “lerk” work, you do not quit but only finish up for the day.) A related word “ยกเลิก” “yoklerk” means “to recind or abolish,” as in to abolish a law. I’ve used a variety of English words for “lerk” to get the sense of the word, but “Stop!” Stop!” “Stop!” would work as well.

ลาวก็เลิกแล้ว เขมรก็เลิกแล้ว
Laos has ceased [doing it] already. Cambodia has also stopped.
เวียดนามก็เลิกแล้ว จีนก็เลิก
Vietnam has stopped already. China also stopped.
มาเลย์ก็เลิกแล้ว อินโดก็เลิกแล้ว
Malaysia has stopped. Indonesia also stopped.
ฟิลิปปินส์ก็เลิกแล้ว ญี่ปุ่นก็เลิก
The Philippines has stopped already. Japan also stopped.

*เยอรมันนี ประเทศผู้ส่งออกสารพิษ
Germany, the county exporting this toxin
เขารู้ดีว่ามันผิด ผู้นำเขาถึงสั่งให้เลิก
They know very well it’s wrong, to the point their leader has ordered it stopped
สงสารแต่เด็กไทย ทารกที่กำลังจะมาเกิด
Pity the Thai children, the babies about to be born
อยู่ในสารเคมี อยู่ในท้อง อยู่ในครรภ์มารดา
Living with these chemical substances [since] the mother’s womb

เลิก เลิก เลิก
Stop! Stop! Stop!
เลิก เลิก เลิก
Break it up! Discontinue!
เลิก เลิก เลิก
End it! End it! End it!
เลิก เลิก เลิก
Desist! Desist! Desist!

อเมริกาก็เลิกแล้ว แคนนาดาก็เลิกแล้ว
America has stopped already. Canada also has stopped
บราซิลก็เลิกแล้ว อังกฤษก็เลิก
Brazil has stopped. England has also stopped
ฝรั่งเศส เดนมาร์ก นอรเวย์ อียูไปยันรัสเซีย
France, Denmark, Norway, from the EU to Russia
นิวซีแลนด์ ออสเตรเลีย อินเดียก็เลิก
New Zealand, Australia, and India have also stopped.

**58 ชาติ ที่เจริญแล้วเขาเลิกใช้
58 developed countries have stopped using [them].
เพราะสารพิษอันตราย มันตกค้างไปถึงชาติหน้า
Because they’re dangerous toxins. They will remain for future lives
สงสารแต่เด็กไทย เกิดมาอาจต้องเป็นกำพร้า
Pity the Thai children who are born to possibly be orphaned
พ่อไปไร่นา ไม่กลับมาเพราะแบกถังเคมี
The father goes into the field and doesn’t come back because he was carrying on his shoulders buckets of chemicals

เลิก เลิก เลิก
Stop! Stop! Stop!
เลิก เลิก เลิก
Break it up and discontinue!
เลิก เลิก เลิก
End it! End it! End it!
เลิก เลิก เลิก
Desist! Desist! Desist!

*เยอรมันนี ประเทศผู้ส่งออกสารพิษ
Germany, the county with exporters of these toxins
เขารู้ดีว่ามันผิด ผู้นำเขาถึงสั่งให้เลิก
They know very well it’s wrong, to the point their leader has ordered it stopped
สงสารแต่เด็กไทย ทารกที่กำลังจะมาเกิด
Pity the Thai children, the babies about to be born
อยู่ในสารเคมี อยู่ในท้อง อยู่ในครรภ์มารดา
Living with these chemical substances [since] in the mother’s womb

**58 ชาติ ที่เจริญแล้วเขาเลิกใช้
58 developed countries have stopped using [them].
เพราะสารพิษอันตราย มันตกค้างไปถึงชาติหน้า
Because they are dangerous toxins. They will remain for future lives
สงสารแต่เด็กไทย เกิดมาอาจต้องเป็นกำพร้า
Pity the Thai children who are born to possibly be orphaned
พ่อไปไร่นา ไม่กลับมาเพราะแบกถังเคมี
The father goes into the field and doesn’t come back because he was carrying on his shoulders buckets of chemicals

ที่ดีก็ว่าดี ที่ไม่ดีก็แก้ไขกันไป
What is good, we’re OK with! What is not good, we fix it together.
เพื่อแผ่นดินไทย อยู่ได้อยู่ดีกินดี
For the well-being of Thailand!


เทียนพุทธธรรม Tian Putatam (The Candle of Buddhist Teachings)

Lyrics and melody by ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka แอ๊ด คาราบา Add Carabao
Posted to YouTube January 7, 2017

Note: The main reason I translated this song is it is representative of a very religious turn by Add Carabao in later life. Also it’s pretty sounding. The song is about the monk Prayudh Payutto. Learn about him at Wikipedia.

อยู่อย่างต่ำธรรมดา แต่ปัญญาสูงเด่น
Living as low and ordinary, but his wisdom is high and outstanding
ดั่งพระจันทร์วันเพ็ญ ประดับนภาราตรี
Like the full moon decorating the night sky
ท่านคือช้างป่าต้น คือคนสุพรรณบุรี
He is an elephant in the forest, a person of Suphan Buri [Province]
มหาปราชญ์ฝ่ายบาลี ที่โลกกราบสนิทใจ
A great philosopher on the Pali side, that the world bows to trustfully

ประภาคารแห่งปัญญา อีกเมตตาเป็นที่ตั้ง
A lighthouse of knowledge. Furthermore, kindness is basic [with him]
เถรวาทจึงมีหวัง มีพลังก้าวเดินต่อไป
[His] doctrine therefore is hopeful, having strength for walking onwards
พระพุทธศาสนา ศรัทธาของชนชาวไทย
Buddhism, the religion of the Thai people.
ยังคงส่องสว่างไสว ด้วยเทียนไข “พระธรรมปิฎก”
Still illuminates profusely with the candle of the Pali cannon

* พุทธธรรม วรรณกรรมจรรโลงพระพุทธศาสนา
The Buddhist moral code and literature sustains Buddhism
พุทธปัญญา คือศรัทธา คือดวงตา…เห็นธรรม
The knowledge of Buddhism is faith, is the eyes . . to see Dharma [justice, righteousness, morality]
มวลมนุษย์ ยังเวียนว่ายกิเลสหนา แสงแห่งธรรม นำพาหลุดพ้นกรรม
The masses of people are still swimming in circles of desire. The light of Dharma leads to escape from sin/bad karma
โชคดี มี “เทียนพุทธธรรม” พระพรหมคุณาภรณ์ ป.อ. ปยุตฺโต
Lucky that we have “The Candle of Buddhist Teachings” Phra Prom Khunaporn P.A. Payutto
(ซ้ำ *)
เราโชคดี มี “เทียนพุทธธรรม” สมเด็จพระพุทธโฆษาจารย์ ป.อ. ปยุตฺโต
We are lucky to have “The Candle of Buddhist Teachings” Somdet Phra Buddhakosajarn P.A. Payutto
เพชรน้ำเอกแห่งวรรณกรรม คือพุทธธรรมที่โลกบูชา
The crowning jewels [?] of literature are the Buddhist teachings that the world reveres
เพชรน้ำเอกแห่งวรรณกรรม คือพุทธธรรมที่โลกบูชา
The crowning jewels [?] of literature are the Buddhist teachings that the world reveres

น้ำเอย น้ำใจ Nam Oie Nam Jai (Kindness . . Oh, Kindness)

Lyrics and Melody by by อัสนี โชติกุล Asanee Chotikul
Album: บ้าหอบฟาง Bah Hop Fang (Loaded With A lot of Things) by อัสนี-วสันต์ Asanee-Wasan [Chotikul] (featuring Add Carabao) (1986)
Buy this Album at eThaiCD where you can shop in English.

Note: Add Carabao is the invited singer on this song. He gets to sing the very pretty chorus.

ไม่มีใคร คนใด
There isn’t anyone at all
หัว ใจดวงใด ไม่มีความหมาย
whose heart, whose heart doesn’t have meaning
ต่างมุ่งหมาย ตามสาย ทางเดิน
Different aims, according to the path walked
คนเอ๋ย คนเอ๋ย คน
Oh, people, oh people . .. People,
ต่างก็รู้ อยู่
each one knows
ใจของใครก็ รู้รู้ใจ
whoever’s heart also knows, the hearts
of people aren’t different from each other.

จะมีใคร คนใด
Is there anyone at all
หรือ ใจดวงใด
or and any heart at all
that wants to lose, to fail?
ใครอยากอ่อนแอ เรื่องราว
Who wants to be weak? Stories . . .
Different people’s differ
ก็ต่าง มุ่งหมาย มั่น
Also their aims are different
คนเหมือนกันแหละหนา ฟ้าดิน
People are the same all across the Earth and sky
ดิ้นรนหา ความ
People struggle and search for meaning

น้ำ เอย น้ำ ใจ
Kindness, oh the kindness
ของ ใคร ให้มา
of whoever, let it come
เหมือน การ พึ่ง พา
Like relying on
ภาษา ความ เข้าใจ
the language of understanding

Chorus of people:
(น้ำ เอย น้ำ ใจ)
(Kindness, oh, the kindness)
(ของ ใคร ให้มา)
(of whoever, let it come)
(เหมือน การ พึ่ง พา)
(like relying on . . .)
(ภาษา ความ เข้าใจ)
(the language of understanding)

Asanee (or Wasan?):
มันก็เป็น เช่นนั้น
And it’s like that,
นะเออ ฉันเธอต่างมุ่งต่างสาย
am I right? Me, you, different aims, different paths
สิ่งที่วายร้าย มุ่งหมาย ว่าดี
Things that evil people . . . aim that it’s good [?]
If only understanding
were, perhaps, to be spread around
It’s like a gift given to each other
A beautiful world.
ก็ใช่ ว่าใคร ไม่มี จิตใจ
And it’s not like there’s anyone without a heart
ก็ใช่ ว่าใคร อยากไร้ คุณค่า
And it’s not like anyone wants to be worthless
ก็ใช่ ว่าใคร อยากเสียน้ำตา
And it’s not like anyone wants to spill/waste tears
นะ เอย
Am I right? Oh . . .

น้ำ เอย น้ำ ใจ
Kindness, oh the kindness
ของ ใคร ให้มา
of whoever, let it come
เหมือน การ พึ่ง พา
Like relying on
ภาษา ความ เข้าใจ
the language of understanding

Chorus of people:
(น้ำ เอย น้ำ ใจ)
(Kindness, oh, the kindness)
(ของ ใคร ให้มา)
(of whoever, let it come)
(เหมือน การ พึ่ง พา)
(like relying on . . .)
(ภาษา ความ เข้าใจ)
(the language of understanding)

วันนี้ วันดี วันที่เป็นไท Wan Nee Wan Dee Wan Tee Bpen Tai (Today is a Good Day, A Day That We Are Free/Thai)

Lyrics and Melody by by อัสนี โชติกุล Asanee Chotikul
Album: บ้าหอบฟาง Bah Hop Fang (Loaded With A lot of Things) by อัสนี-วสันต์ Asanee-Wasan [Chotikul] (featuring Add Carabao) (1986)
Buy this Album at eThaiCD where you can shop in English.

Note: The words ไท (free) and ไทย (Thai) sound the same but are written differently. There is some murkiness about whether the word “Thai” in “Thailand” means “free” or just names the dominant ethnic group of Thailand (Thai). Bottom line, the word “Thai” has the connotation of “free.”

โอ แล้วกันโว้ เอ๊โอ แล้วกันโว้
OOOHHH! Ok then! OOOOOHHH! Alright! [Let’s do this!] OOOHH!
โอ วันนี้ วันดี วันที่เป็นไท
Oh . . . today . . . a good day . . . a day that we are free
กู่ร้องไป เมืองไทย ของเรา
I sing to. . . Thailand . . . [this country] of ours

ร้องกู่ก้องไป เพลงชาติไทยเดียวกัน
Sing, I sing, a song of our Thai country, right along with you
ร่วมกันร้อง เพื่อนผองไทย
Joining to sing, with the entire group of Thai friends
Thai brothers and sisters, and not anyone else

โอ้ละหนอ วันนี้วันดี วันที่ เป็นไทย
Oh la-naw!* Today is a good day. A day that we are Thai
กู่ ร้องไป เมืองไทย ของเรา
I sing to . . . Thailand . . . [this country] of ours

ร้องกู่ก้องไป เพลงชาติไทยเดียวกัน
Sing, I sing, a song of our Thai country, right along with you
ร่วมกันร้อง เพื่อนผองไทย
Joining to sing, with the entire group of Thai friends
Thai brothers and sisters, and not anyone else

โอ้ๆๆๆ โอ้ย วันนี้วันดี วันที่ เป็นไทย
Oyyy!!! Oh! Today is a good day. A day that we are Thai
กู่ ร้องไป เมืองไทย ของเรา
I sing away [about this] Thailand of ours

*Untranslatable opening to many mor-lam songs, but it is a pining away for something.

ไม่เป็นไร Mai Bpen Rai (Never Mind)

Lyrics by อัสนี โชติกุล Asanee Chotikul, and melody by ดนู ฮันตระกูล Dnu Huntrakul
Album: บ้าหอบฟาง Bah Hop Fang (Loaded With A lot of Things) by อัสนี-วสันต์ Asanee & Wasan [Chotikul] (featuring Add Carabao)(1986)

Buy this Album at eThaiCD where you can shop in English.

Note: On this song, Add only sings two lines, however he is included in 3 songs on this album, and the album is compelling. I am noticing connections between this album and other Add Carabao songs and albums. This happens in 2529 (1986) early in Carabao history and so is likely important. แหลม มอริสัน Lem Morrison (of the song Guitar King) plays electric guitar on this song.

mâi bpen rai hâi kăo bpai
Never mind, let them go
mua sĭa jai sĭa way-laa
To be wrapped up in feeling sorry [for yourself] is a waste of time
gèrt maa láew yàa sŏh-gaa
Now it’s happened, don’t [wail about it]
bpan-hăa maa bpan-yaa mee
A problem comes, you have knowledge [you/ve learned something]

mâi bpen rai hâi kăo wâa
Never mind, let them talk
yòo dtâi fáa naa-naa kon
Under the sky, there are all kinds of people
nók gaa sîn nin-taa kon
The crows do nothing but gossip
dtâng hàyt pŏn kon jà paan
Giving reasons for people to bully

ไม่เป็นไร เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind then, right?!
ไม่เป็นไร เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind then, right?!
ไม่เป็นไร เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind then, right?!
ไม่เป็นไร เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind then, right?!

mâi bpen rai hâi tam mài
Never mind. Do it over
pìt plâat bpai krai gôr bpen
You are wrong? Everyone else has been also
pàan bpai láew nâew nâe hĕn
Afterwards, you’ll grasp it firmly
wái dâai hĕn bpen bòt rian
Keep safe the insight as a lesson

ไม่เป็นไร เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind then, right?!
ไม่เป็นไรๆ เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind, never mind, let it go, right?!
ไม่เป็นไรๆ เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind, never mind, let it go, right?!
ไม่เป็นไรๆ เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind, never mind let it go, right?!

[Guitar Solo, by แหลม มอริสัน Lem Morrison, presumably]

อัสนี) ไม่เป็นไร ให้เขาไป
Asanee: mâi bpen rai hâi kăo bpai
Asanee: Never mind, let them go
แอ๊ด) มัวเสียใจ เสียเวลา
Add: mua sĭa jai sĭa way-laa
Add: To be wrapped up in feeling sorry [for yourself] is a waste of time
อัสนี) ก็เกิดมาแล้ว อย่าโศกา
Asanee: gôr gèrt maa láew yàa-sŏh-gaa
Asanee: And it’s already happened, don’t be wailing about it.
แอ๊ด) ปัญหามา ปัญญามี นะ
Add: bpan-hăa-maa bpan-yaa-mee ná
Add: A problem comes, you have some knowledge [you’ve learned something], right?

mâi bpen rai hâi leum bpai
Never mind. Forget and let it go
chá-ná krai châi dtua ayng
Try to beat whoever [in the contest], not yourself
leum mâi jam tam kòm-hăyng
Forget. Don’t story away a memory so it can bully you
láew ban-layng playng dee ngaam
And make music, [singing] good and beautiful songs

[Chorus sings, very quietly:]
bpan-hăa maa bpan-yaa mee
Problems come, you have knowledge
bpan-hăa maa bpan-yaa mee
Problems come, you have knowledge
bpan-hăa maa bpan-yaa mee
Problems come, you have knowledge
bpan-hăa maa bpan-yaa mee
Problems come, you have knowledge

Old interview with Add Carabao from about 2004

NOTE: This is an old interview with Add Carabao. There is no date, but I believe the “rap” he does is from an album that came out in 2004. I would guess a date about 2004. This interview used to be important because Add admitted that he and several other band members used or were using marijuana. Now that Add Carabao is leading a personal campaign to further legalize marijuana in Thailand (it has just been legalized for medical use), this is no longer a surprising admission. However, the interview has resurfaced in connection with his campaign, and I realized it contains other information relevant to understanding his singing and songwriting. [Do not totally trust this translation. It is probably 95% correct.]

Saryut: The matter that I want to ask, that I’ve asked P’Add here for is, well you might be mad . . .

Add: No problem . . .

S: I want to ask you about your childhood, OK?

A: Sure

S: Add, you’re Chinese right? *

A: Correct

S: I have the face of a Chinese boy. How come you don’t have a Chinese-boy face

A: [Laughs] I don’t know

S: I’m asking

A: I don’t know either.

S: Uh

A: Chinese people don’t all have faces like you, Khun Sarayut

S: Look! Add doesn’t look like a Chinese boy. Did you used to look like a Chinese boy?

A: It was always like this face here.

S: Can you sing Chinese songs?

A: No, I can’t.

S: Not even one song?

A: I never learned Chinese.

S: “Jom Paw Siang Hai,” can you sing it?

A: I can’t

S: Just sing a little

A: Should I sing “Bao”?

S: Yeah

A: [SINGING:] “Long bang . ., Long bao”

S: Can you sing in this style? Can you change styles?

A: If you are talking about ethnicities. If in Chinese, if I studied the language a little, I think it might be possible. It’s embedded in the genes. Really, it’s something about the genes.

S: So it’s a music gene?

A: It is that way. When people practice for a long time they transmit what was accumulated through the genes. Like my friend Tito is Thai. If you had him sing out like Suraphol [Sombatcharoen], like Sanyan Sanya,* he could totally do it. But I couldn’t do it. I would ask, “Why can you sing it, but I can’t sing like that?” He would say, “Because you are Chinese!” And I couldn’t sing it! Couldn’t sing Luuk Tung [Thai country music].**  Even though I was born in Suphan [Buri Province of Thailand]. And he was born in a house next to mine, and he could sing it!” I say that I am a Thai, but my race is Chinese. Like you, Khun Surayut [just] told me.

S: Did you ever have an accent? Tell me the truth, did you have a little bit of an accent? [A Suphan Buri accent relative to a Bangkok accent]

A: When I first came to Bangkok, I had an accent. ***

S: But you can’t sing Luuk Tung?

A: No I can’t. Well I could, but not really. It really doesn’t come out.

[Sings “Gai Ja” ไก่จ๋า (Oh Gai Sweetie!)]

Their news is you, Gai, have a new boyfriend
คงร่ำรวยกันใหญ่ สุขใจอยู่กับเงินตรา
[You two] are probably really rich, happy living with money
แต่ไก่รู้ไหม เมื่อยามไก่ยิ้มออกมา
But do you know, Gai, when your smile beams out
หัวใจฉันแทบบ้า นอนนองน้ำตาอยู่นาน
I almost go crazy. I’ve been sleeping in a flood of tears for so long now”

. . . That’s it. Only to this much [to this degree] It’s not the same. I can’t come out with it like Saiyan Sanyan.****

S: Oh-ho! “Just this much”!

A: Khun Surawat you never really listened to Luuk Tung. If you really listened to Luuk Tung, you’d understand when its full of aroma . . . It’s hard. It’s hard to do. When Luuk Tung come out and sing, this is fake, and this isn’t. When they use just their face/appearance . . oh-ho! Using what is so beautiful, I can’t do.

S: You must do the face for us!

A: All beautiful, painted white, like a young Chinese woman? I can’t.

S: And because of that you can’t. You must sing in the style of Songs for Life

A: Yes.

S: How about rap?

A: In the past I did an album ?????? that was “For Life”

S: Did you ever think you wanted to sing Tung?

A: Yes because at my house, my father was the head of a band. And so I saw my father and older siblings sing and play in a band together, I wanted to be able to do it. And in a past period, they would play for Luuk Tung singers. And I wanted to follow in their trail. But in that period guitars started at XXX baht . . . and so I did like that.

S: And so coming up to this time. How about rap? Can you rap?

A: No, but my daughter can.

S: So sometimes you can sing with your children

A: Yes.*****

S: Sing a little.

A: [*Heavy sigh*]

S: A Songs for Life rap

A: So I guess you want rap . . . [to the audience] So you’ll pay me to sing? Yes or no? [cheering from the audience]

[Jumps up and does a weird rap, which is from a song on the album OTOP] ******

Audience: [Cheering]

A: There, Suphan-style rap.

S: I promise you, we didn’t prepare that. I didn’t know Khun Add was this good [at rap]. How old are you, P’Add?

A: [Things] change.

S: Is that so?

A: Add Carabao changes.

S: And because of that, I want to talk about [your composing.] [Interviewer asks something about “concentration” and having money.]

A: The truth is, the period in which I wrote the best songs was probably the period in which life was more difficult. . . .. so I composed. I spent money, was an amateur. If you want to be an successful artist, you need to be poor first, very, very poor. Then squeeze [your way] out of it. In that period, as soon as one totally squeezes out of it, you can just keep forging ahead. And so before that, you must be poor. And then squeeze out of it.

S: And because of that, before the money, you must be poor.

A: Yes

S: And squeeze out of it.

A: You wouldn’t believe it, Oh Surayut, if you could see [me in] that past era. Oh-ho! I used to sell my blood for something to eat. I would go donate in that past era.

S: Oh really!

A: I would go sell it. For like only $200 baht ($6.50).

S: Why?

A: For something to eat.

S: You were out of money to that extent?

A: It’s true! Bpai long bai ma magot

S: And you would sell your blood?

A: I would sell it it 300cc for $200 baht and a snack. I would get a cookie.

S: And one bag [of blood] was $200 baht?

A: 200. 200 per time. Sometimes two per time.

S: Two per time also! And in that period, you weren’t singing yet?

A: In that period, I had just come to Bangkok to study, at Wat Lapidik.******

S: Oh-ho

A: My mother gave me 10 baht a day. That wasn’t enough. Well I was young

S: [You needed] to go out.

A: Yeah, to go out. That was normal. I was young.

S: You really you [only] sold your blood so you could go out!

A: Maybe I could eat and go out and drink.

S: You made it seem like you were without food.

A: You need to understand what’s going on. If you just eat and study you’ll be an idiot. You have to travel go here and there and continually, learn about the contours of the world you live in. Do you know the [names a specific place]?

S: I wasn’t born in time.

A: Aww . . .

S: I was born in time for some other period

A: [Laughs]

S: I won’t say which one. Your songs come from your imagination, right?

A: Yes, from my imagination. But also sometimes songs come from things I experience. That might be a small factor, it’s a takeoff point, and then I’m off writing.

S: When you composed the song ““Ganja” what were you doing?

A: In that period I still smoked ganja. I smoked with Keow. Lek a little. OK, true story, I smoked. At that time, we would compose in Lek’s room. Lek would be the person on the guitar doing the cords. And I would be coming up with the words. And after that, I just quit. And I told Keow, “I’m quitting.” He said, “OK, fine. I can smoke it [all] myself.” I think he still smokes today.

A: So you tossed aside your friend. OK, let’s leave it there. Thank you!

* His nationality is of course Thai, so this is his ethnicity. His parents or grandparents immigrated from China. See the song “ กีต้าร์แม่ (Mother’s Guitar) for details about the emigration of his parents and grandparents. Add’s mother could speak Chinese as reflected in the song บ่อเยี่ยะโจ่ย Baw Ye-ya Joi (No Big Deal).

** Luuk Tung ลูกทุ่ง is Thai country music. “Luuk Tung” literally means “Child of the Field” or “Farmboy.” It is not like American country music. There is a lot of vibrato and vocal acrobatics. Here is the Wikipeia entry on Luuk Tung.

*** A song on the first Carabao album is a cute song about a young man being teased for his Suphan accent. The song is “Num Suphan” (“Young Man from Suphan”).”

**** Interestingly, a recent Add Carabao album is all covers of Sanya Sanyan songs and Add covered this very song! You can hear it HERE on YouTube:

And Here is my review of the album Add Carabao did of Sanya Sanyan covers.

***** Add’s son raps briefly on the song สวนจตุจักร Suan Jatujak (Jatujak Park), which came out in 2005.

****** I haven’t translated this song with the rap interlude. In 2010, he wrote the hook for a rap song that was amazing: สุดขอบฟ้า Sud Kob Fah (The Horizon).

******* Maybe you can see this era depicted in the music video for the Carabao 4th Anniversary song 40 ปี ฅนคาราบาว See Sip Bpee Kon Carabao (40 Years of Carabao People [Ye Olde Carabao Band: 40 Years]). In the first verse, it says [I] had enough money but I needed to be thrifty/ I came into the big city intending to be a temple boy/ Receiving leftovers to nourish myself.” And in the video, you see him going out with the monks and temple boys ritually begging for food.

คืนรัง Keun Rang (Return to the Nest)

by หงา คาราวาน Nga Caravan

Note: During the 1970s, many young Thai pro-democracy activists fled to the jungle to join the Thai Communist Party, especially after the Thammasat University student massacre in 1976. On April 23, 1980, then-Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda (who has recently passed away) signed Order 66/2523, or order 66/23, leading to an amnesty for members of the Thai Communist who wanted to surrender and come home. This is a beautiful song that expresses relief at being able to return home and reintegrate into Thai society after the amnesty.

โอ้ยอดรัก* ฉันกลับมา
Oh my love, I return
From the horizon so far away
From the base of a rainbow at a mound of rock
From leaves flooded with color
ฉันเหนื่อย ฉันเพลีย ฉันหวัง
I’m tired. I’m weary. I hope.

I entrust my life for you to keep
I leave my heart to sleep within the nest
I entrust my eyes and aspirations
Don’t hate me at all my love

*นานมาแล้ว เราจากกัน
I’m been away for so long
Oh those days were so dragging**
Like a dry field without a shack to rest
ดั่งภูสูง ที่สูงสุดสอย
Like the highest mountain

Oh my love I return
ดั่งชีวา ที่เคยล่องลอย
Like an existence that previously drifted
Coming to the moment we’ve awaited
The little bird rushes up and back into the nest
ฉันเหนื่อย ฉันเพลีย ฉันหวัง
I’m tired. I’m weary. I hope.

*This term of endearment “ยอดรัก” translates “Top Love.”
**”หน่วง” means to be weighted down such that whatever is sinking or dragged down, whether literally or figuratively.

Add Carabao talks about Prem Tinsulanoda and how Prem influenced Add’s life

เปิดใจ “แอ๊ด คาราบาว” กับความรู้สึกที่มีต่อ “ป๋าเปรม”
Add Carabao opens his heart about his feelings for “Ba Prem” [Thai statesman Prem Tinsulanonda who died May 26, 2019, at the age of 98]

Inteview published on Jun 2, 2019

Note: People often express anger and amazement over the changes in Add Carabao’s life and political views. How did a former communist and freedom fighter, singing about poor people and democracy, end up a gazillionare at the head of a business empire based on an energy drink, who gives up on democracy and supports coups? they wonder. I have several theories and also note that the change has not been as drastic as advertised.* This interview about Prem Tinsulanonda, who had just died at the age of 98, is very enlightening on the question of whether and how Add has changed. Learn more about Thai statesman Prem at Wikipeida. “Prem” is pronounced exactly like the English world “blame,” not at all as looks spelled in English. Also please check out the Nga Caravan song Add mentions in this interview. It is remarkable!

TRANSLATION OF ADD’S COMMENTS: “I think there is one person in the military that loves and is very loyal to the institution [of the monarchy?], and probably no one more so, than Ba [Prem]. He is a statesman and a person we must respect closely. The Carabao songs arose in the era of the separatist movement in the jungle. It was the area of Ba’s policy 66/23 [leading to amnesty for former Thai communists].** If not for this policy, me and my group would probably have had difficult lives. Because I don’t know what we would have done. Because in that period, the situation, I must say frankly, [for] the side of the citizens that lost, Ba came out with Order 66/23. And so we were all able to return home. P’ Nga [Caravan] composed the song “Returning to the Nest.” That one says it all [is so clear]. Because the good deed he was able to do for us (because of his prestige) meant we could return and finish our studies. He was a teacher we grew up with. Carabao was established in that period. At that time the band Carabao was just like watching everything. Because it was Communists returning to the country and being born. When we would come out with some song, it was just following society at the time. When we began in 1981, we came out with the album Lung Kee Mao (The Drunken Uncle). Then in the 1984, Made In Thailand was the album that meets up with Ba one more time. It turns out that Ba ordered a music video be made for it. At that time Ba was the Prime Minister. There were many songs in that first period, [for instance] “The Persevering Soldier,” which came out, which they tried to ban. It turns out an order came out not to ban them! And I’m guessing that order probably came from Ba. Why? Well do the soldiers at the lower levels have value or not? But this was taking a stab at higher-ups in the military. It was fun to listen to. But actually it sent moral support to the soldiers at the lower levels. I think in that period, there was always an unseen hand getting involved, making it so Carabao could keep moving forward. And so I bow down to him, bestow money to him, and I made Prem happy. And I even gifted him with a guitar. And he had a concert in Korat, and I went to help him. I sat and talked with him. And he said, “Son, how was that Order 66/23 that I did?” He asked me that. I said, “If in that day, you didn’t do it, me and my group would’ve had a hard life.” Today, I can come back and study and live just like any other person, and it’s because of this policy. It’s that he was that he looking far into the future. . .”

* Add Carabao was supporting coups and dictators at least since albums Made in Thailand and Amerigoy. And one reason is, it’s the only game in town! Conversely, I can clearly see he still cares about humanitarian issues (he has stayed consistent on policy towards refugees) and is sentimental looking back on his communist days, while other reasonable fears (about his personal wealth, position, and family, and the possibility of a Thai civil war) drive him to conservatism.

**Note that Order 66/23 was issued on April 23, 1980. Former members of the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT) surrendered under Prime Ministerial Order No 66/23 in 1980.

ต้นน้ำรำพัน Dton Naam Rampan (The Water Source Laments)

Lyrics and tune by อี๊ด โอภากุล Eed Opakul
Recovered on Eed Opakul’s alblum How: Bpen Kon Bpen Kwai (2015), which is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Read the rave review HERE. Support the artist! BUY THE CD HERE

Originating from cliffs in the middle of the mountains
Distilling the essence of Thai being every time
ผ่านวันผ่านวันคืน ณ กาลเวลา
As days and nights pass, over a long period of time
It comes to be an abundant stream

Providing nourishment for people, animals, trees and plants
The Thai nation affirms connection with the cycle
Life gives life
Like the mother feeding milk to the baby

* และแล้วเวลา ผ่านกาลเวลา
Then time passes
And someone comes along and does something dirty
เอาดาบจ้วงแทง อกแม่สะท้านสะทก
[They] take a sword and stab it into the chest of the mother, who trembles and shivers
เลือดทะลักจากอก แม่ขาดใจ
The blood gushes out of her chest. Mother stops breathing

คนทั้งนั้น คนไทยด้วยกันทั้งนั้น
All the people, all the Thai people together
Destroying the rivers, the basins of every single river
Pillaging the mountains, oceans, and forests
แล้วจะร้องทำไม ร้องเพลงชาติไทยให้ใครเขาฟัง
And why would you cry? Sing the Thai National Song for people to hear.

[Musical interlude]

The land and rivers are dry and parched
The people who are distressed are our descendants
Today, today, it’s still not too late
ช่วยกันหน่อยได้ไหม…คนไทย *
Can you please help each other, Thai people?

* และแล้วเวลา ผ่านกาลเวลา
Then time passes
And someone comes along and does something dirty
เอาดาบจ้วงแทง อกแม่สะท้านสะทก
[They] take a sword and stab it into the chest of the mother, who trembles and shivers
เลือดทะลักจากอก แม่ขาดใจ
The blood gushes out of her chest. Mother stops breathing

คนทั้งนั้น คนไทยด้วยกันทั้งนั้น
All the people, all the Thai people together
Destroying the rivers, every single river
Pillaging the mountains, oceans, and forests
แล้วจะร้องทำไม ร้องเพลงชาติไทยให้ใครเขาฟัง
And why would you cry? Sing the Thai National Song for whoever to hear.

คนทั้งนั้น คนไทยด้วยกันทั้งนั้น
All the people, all the Thai people together
มาช่วยกันพิทักษ์ รักแผ่นดินไทย
Come help each other protect and love the land of Thais
ไม่รู้ยินสิ้นชาติ ขาดเยื่อใย
We don’t know the feeling of losing the country and breaking attachments
แล้วจะร้องทำไม ร้องเพลงชาติไทยให้ใครเขาฟัง
And why would you cry? Sing the Thai National Anthem for whoever to hear
แล้วจะร้องทำไม ร้องเพลงชาติไทยให้ชาติใดเขาฟัง!
And why would you cry? Sing the Thai National Anthem so the country can hear!

And two older versions. This one sounds like Add singing:

And this old version sounds like Eed singing:

ฝ่าลมฝน Faa Lom Fon (Braving Wind and Rain)

By ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao (presumably as it is on his first solo album)
Album: กัมพูชา Gampucha (Cambodia) (1984)

Note: Another translator friends tells me the song is about farmers who were exploited and oppressed by landlords, middlemen, shark loaners etc. The song asks the farmers to do something (not specified) and build a better future.

ฝ่าลมฝน ทนลำบาก
fàa lom fŏn ton lam-bàak
Braving wind and rain, enduring difficulty
น้ำไหลหลาก ผืนนาล่ม
nám lăi làak pĕun naa lôm
[Flood] water rushes in, [rice] fields collapse
ยากเหลือแสน ล้านคนสิ้น
yâak lĕua săen láan kon sîn
It’s so extremely difficult. Millions are bankrupt
สิบคนสูบ เลือดจนซีด
sìp kon sòop lêuat jon sêet
Ten people suck the blood dry
lĕua sâak dayn
There are only corpses remaining

เพื่อนเอย เพื่อนจะอยู่ ยังงี้หรือ
pêuan oie pêuan jà yòo yang ngée rĕu
Oh friends, friends. So we’ll live like this?
เพื่อนมีมือ มีตีน และมีวิญญาณ
pêuan mee meu mee dteen láe mee win-yaan
Friends have hands, have feet, have [fighting] spirits
มาสร้างสรรค์ แผ่นดินนั้น
maa sâang săn pàen din nán
Come create that land
jà ìm sŏm-boon
We will be completely full [no longer hungry]!
เพื่อนไม่สาบสูญ ขื่อใครจะไปข่มคอ
pêuan mâi sàap sŏon kèu krai jà bpai kòm kor
Friends won’t disappear [dying from starvation?] No one will chain our necks.

ฝ่าลมฝน ทนลำบาก
fàa lom fŏn ton lam-bàak
Braving wind and rain, enduring difficulty
น้ำไหลหลาก ผืนนาล่ม
nám lăi làak pĕun naa lôm
Flood water rushes in, [rice] fields collapse
ยากเหลือแสน ล้านคนสิ้น
yâak lĕua săen láan kon sîn
It’s so extremely difficult. Millions go bankrupt
สิบคนสูบ เลือดจนซีด
sìp kon sòop lêuat jon sêet
Ten people suck the blood dry.
lĕua sâak dayn
There are only corpses remaining

เกลือเอย เกลือยังอยู่ ชิมรู้รสเค็ม
gleua oie gleua yang yòo chim róo rót kem
Oh salt, salt retains it’s saltiness
เหงื่อเราเค็ม กว่าเกลือ เค็มเหลือกำลัง
ngèua rao kem gwàa gleua kem lĕua gam-lang
My sweat is so salty, saltier than salt. [We must retain our strength as salt does]*
อย่าหยุดยั้ง อย่ายืนอยู่ อย่างผู้สิ้นหวัง
yàa yùt yáng yàa yeun yòo yàang pôo sîn wăng
Don’t just stop. Don’t just stand there like a hopeless person
เพื่อนมีพลัง ความหวังเพื่อนมีมากมาย
pêuan mee pá-lang kwaam wăng pêuan mee mâak maai
Friends have strength. The hope of friends abounds

ฝ่าลมฝน ทนลำบาก
fàa lom fŏn ton lam-bàak
Braving wind and rain, enduring difficulty
น้ำไหลหลาก ผืนนาล่ม
nám lăi làak pĕun naa lôm
[Flood] water rushes in, [rice] fields collapse
ยากเหลือแสน ล้านคนสิ้น
yâak lĕua săen láan kon sîn
It’s so extremely difficult. Millions are bankrupt
สิบคนสูบ เลือดจนซีด
sìp kon sòop lêuat jon sêet
Ten people suck the blood dry
lĕua sâak dayn
There are only corpses remaining

เพื่อนเอย เพื่อนจะอยู่ ยังงี้หรือ
pêuan oie pêuan jà yòo yang ngée rĕu
Oh friends, friends. So we’ll live like this?
เพื่อนมีมือ มีตีน และมีวิญญาณ
pêuan mee meu mee dteen láe mee win-yaan
Friends have hands, have feet, have [fighting] spirits
มาสร้างสรรค์ แผ่นดินนั้น
maa sâang săn pàen din nán
Come create that land
jà ìm sŏm-boon
We will be completely full [no longer hungry]!
เพื่อนไม่สาบสูญ ขื่อใครจะไปข่มคอ
pêuan mâi sàap sŏon kèu krai jà bpai kòm kor
Friends won’t disappear [dying from starvation?] No one will chain our necks.
[Last line 4 Times]

*He is probably talking about saltiness because of a proverb “รักษาความดี ดุจดังเกลือรักษาความเค็ม,” (“Maintain goodness as salt maintains its saltiness”).

สืบทอดเจตนา Suep Tot Jaydtana (Carrying out Sueb’s Intentions)

Words and lyrics by แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao
From the Album โน พลอมแพลม (No Problem) (1990)

Note: This is a song about Seub Nakhasathien, a Thai forest conservator who became despondent and committed suicide on September 1, 1990, sometime after writing and submitting a report to UNESCO make the wildlife sancutuary he worked in a World Heritage Site. His proposal was approved after his death and his example inspired many Thai youth to become forest rangers. Read the whole story HERE at Wikipedia. The title was very hard to translate because there is a pun. สืบทอด” (sueb-tot) means to inherit, succession, or to carry on with. But “สืบ” is also the first name of Seub Nakhasathien. So there is a pun. “ทอด” or “tot” on it’s own means to extend. “เจตนา” is “intention” or “aim.” So I combined the two possible readings of the title to get “Carrying Out Sueb’s Intentions.” There is also a sequel, a “Carrying Out Sueb’s Intentions 2” titled “Corridor.”

ดวงตาของเจ้าลุกโชน เสียงตะโกนของเจ้าก้องไพร
duang dtaa kŏng jâo lúk-chohn sĭang dtà-gohn kŏng jâo gông prai
Your eyes blaze, your voice shouts, echoing through the forest
บัดนี้เจ้านอนทอดกาย จากป่าไปด้วยดวงใจกังวล
bàt-née jâo non tôt gaai jàak bpàa bpai dûay duang jai gang-won
Right now you lay, your body stretched out. From the forest you left with an anxious heart
วาจาของเจ้าจริงจัง มีพลังเหมือนดังมีมนต์
waa-jaa kŏng jâo jing jang mee pá-lang mĕuan dang mee mon
Your speech was sincere, having the power of a magic spell
นักสู้ของประชาชน จะมีกี่คนทำได้ดั่งเจ้า
nák sôo kŏng bprà-chaa chon jà mee gèe kon tam dâai dàng jâo
Fighting for the people. How many people will there be who can do like you?

สืบ นาคะเสถียร เป็นบทเรียนของกรมป่าไม้
sèup naa ká sà-tĭan bpen bòt rian kŏng grom bpàa máai
Suep Nakhasathien is a lesson of the Forestry Department
หัวหน้ารักษาพงไพร จังหวัดอุทัย ณ ห้วยขาแข้ง
hŭa nâa rák-săa pong prai jang-wàt u-tai ná hûay kăa kâeng
A leader maintaining the forest in Uthai Province at Huai Kha Khaeng [Wildlife Sanctuary]

สองมือเจ้าเคยฟันฝ่า อีกสองขาเจ้าย่างย่ำไป
sŏng meu jâo koie fan fàa · èek sŏng kăa jâo yâang yâm bpai
Your two hands once struggled and your two legs tramped along
ลัดเลาะสุมทุมพุ่มไม้ ตระเวนไพรให้ความคุ้มครอง
lát lór sŭm-tum pûm máai dtrà-wayn prai hâi kwaam kúm krong
Traversing the bushes and woods. Roaming the forest to protect it.
ดูแลสารทุกข์สารสัตว์ ในป่ารกชัฎหลังห้วยลำคลอง
doo lae săa-ra-túk săa-ra-sàt nai bpàa rók chát lăng hûay lam klong
Looking after them, the essence of suffering, the essence of creatures in the vivid cluttered jungle beyond Huai Kha Khaeng
ขาแข้งเหมือนดังขาน่อง สองขาเจ้าย่ำนำความร่มเย็น
kăa kâeng mĕuan dang kăa nông sŏng kăa jâo yâm nam kwaam rôm yen
Strong legs as if [just] calves, your two legs tread bringing cool shade [that is, protection]

สืบ นาคะเสถียร เป็นบทเรียนข้าราชการไทย
sèup naa ká sà-tĭan bpen bòt rian kâa râat-chá-gaan tai
Suep Nakhasathien is a lesson [of/for?] Thai government officials
ถือประโยชน์ของชาติเป็นใหญ่ ถึงตัวจะตายไม่เสียดายชีวา
tĕu bprà-yòht kŏng châat bpen yài tĕung dtua jà dtaai mâi sĭa daai chee-waa
Considering benefits to the nation to be most important [such that] even if one dies, one [won’t] regret their life

สืบ นาคะเสถียร เป็นบทเรียนของกรมป่าไม้
sèup naa ká sà-tĭan bpen bòt rian kŏng grom bpàa máai
Suep Nakhasathien is a lesson of the Forestry Department
หัวหน้ารักษาพงไพร จังหวัดอุทัย ณ ห้วยขาแข้ง
hŭa nâa rák-săa pong prai jang-wàt u-tai ná hûay kăa kâeng
A leader maintaining the forest in Uthai Province at Huai Kha Khaeng

เช้าวันที่หนึ่งกันยา ในราวป่าเสียงปืนกึกก้อง
cháo wan têe nèung gan-yaa nai raao bpàa sĭang bpeun gèuk gông
On the morning of September 1st, in a strip of forest, the sound of a gun resounds
หยาดนี้เพื่อนน้ำตานอง จากข่าวร้ายกลางป่าอุทัย
yàat née pêuan nám dtaa nong jàak kàao ráai glaang bpàa u-tai
These drops are the deluge of friends’ tears from the terrible news within Uthai Forest
วิญญาณเจ้าจงรับรู้ คนที่ยังอยู่ ยังยืนหยัดต่อไป
win-yaan jâo jong ráp róo kon têe yang yòo yang yeun yàt dtòr bpai
Your spirit must know that the people still alive will steadfastly carry on
เพื่อนเอ๋ยหลับให้สบาย เจ้าจากโลกไปมิให้สูญเปล่า
pêuan ŏie làp hâi sà-baai jâo jàak lôhk bpai mí hâi sŏon bplào
Oh my friend, sleep comfortably [rest in peace], you’ve left this world, but it won’t be for nothing

สืบเอ๋ย เจ้าจากไป ไม่สูญเปล่า
sèup ŏie jâo jàak bpai mâi sŏon bplào
Oh Suep, you’ve left, but it wasn’t all in vain
สืบเอ๋ย เจ้าจากไป ไม่สูญเปล่า
sèup ŏie jâo jàak bpai mâi sŏon bplào
Oh Suep, you’ve left, but [your sacrifice] won’t be wasted
สืบเอ๋ย เจ้าจากไป ไม่สูญเปล่า
sèup ŏie jâo jàak bpai mâi sŏon bplào
Oh Suep, you’ve left, but it wasn’t all in vain
สืบเอ๋ย เจ้าจากไป ไม่สูญเปล่า
sèup ŏie jâo jàak bpai mâi sŏon bplào
Oh Suep, you’ve left, but [your sacrifice] won’t be wasted

กัญชาคอมมิชชั่น Ganja Commission [Cannabis Commission]

By แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao
Posted to YouTube on August 9, 2019
The official English-language title is “Cannabis Commission.”

Note: This song is very much like the song “Ameri-goy” (a made-up word involving “America”). Both songs attack America for something it most likely did (I didn’t check Add Carabao’s allegations, but they ring true), and he does it using the metaphor of a Thai boxing championship (see the video with this song and check the lyrics of the song “Ameri-goy“). He’s fighting an important issue with a compelling new song! He’s BACK!!

*กัญชง กัญชา อเมริกาทำสงครามเย็น
Ganja. America makes cold war
(อะ) กัญชง กัญชา อเมริกา(ละ) กดดันยูเอ็น
Ganja. Pressuring the UN
ให้บังคับโลกที่สามอย่างไทย ลาว เขมร
To force the third world, as with Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia
ออกกฎหมายกัญชง กัญชาเป็นยาเสพติด
to pass laws [treating] ganja as an addictive drug

คุณคิดว่าใครล้าหลัง ฝรั่งใช้กันลึ่มๆ
Who do you think is backward? Westerners use it widely.
เราก็เป็นไอ้ทึ่ม ไทยแลนด์ทะเลาะกันเอง
And so we are foolish. Thailand is divided [with some supporting legalization and some not]
นักเลงกัญชาต้องลงใต้ดิน ราชการกังฉินเสพสุขสบาย
The potheads* must go underground. The corrupt government partakes, happy and content.

สาธารณสุข อย. และ ปปส
Public Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and Narcotics Control Board
คิดบ้างไหมหนอ ว่าปกป้องผลประโยชน์ใคร
Have you ever wondered whose benefits they are protecting?
อเมริกาห้ามเรา แต่เขากลับใช้
America forbids us, but they turn around and use
ทั้งปลูกทั้งขาย เบ่งบานเป็นธุรกิจ
Both cultivating and selling, [cannabis] blooming is [big] business
คนไทยกับกัญชา ผูกพันมาตั้งปีมะโว้
Thais and ganja have been closely tied since forever
กฎหมายดันมาโผล่ ว่ากัญชาเป็นยาเสพติด
Then the law comes along and classifies ganja is an addictive drug
ใครปลูกใครใช้ ต้มไก่ก็ยังมีความผิด
Those who grow it and add it to chicken soup are still guilty!
มันคือการรอนริด สิทธิ์เสรีภาพประชาชน
It’s an infringement on the rights and liberties of the people!
ใครละกินคอมมิช คอมมิชชั่น กัญชากัญชง
So who takes commissions [to grow ganja] and kickbacks from the Cannabis Commission?

กัญชง กัญชา อเมริกาทำสงครามเย็น
Ganja. America makes cold war
(อะ) กัญชง กัญชา อเมริกา(ละ) กดดันยูเอ็น
Ganja. Pressuring the UN
ให้บังคับโลกที่สามอย่างไทย ลาว เขมร
To force the third world, as with Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia
ออกกฎหมายกัญชง กัญชาเป็นยาเสพติด
To come out with law that ganja is an addictive drug

คุณคิดว่าใครล้าหลัง ฝรั่งใช้กันลึ่มๆ
Who do you think is backwards? Westerners use it widely.
เราก็เป็นไอ้ทึ่ม ไทยแลนด์ทะเลาะกันเอง
And so we are foolish. Thailand is divided [with some supporting legalization and some not]
นักเลงกัญชาต้องลงใต้ดิน ราชการกังฉินเสพสุขสบาย
The potheads must go underground. The corrupt government partakes, happy and content.

กัญชาเป็นยา เป็นสมุนไพรพื้นบ้าน
Ganja is a medicine, a local herb
มีมานมนาน ตั้งแต่ยุคสมเด็จพระนารายณ์
That’s been around for so very long, since the Age of Narai [1631-1688]
แต่อเมริกากลัวยาเขาจะขายไม่ได้ จึงกีดกันคนไทย
But America is afraid they won’t be able to sell it [because Thailand will underprice them], and so they obstruct the Thai people
[They] hold that planting and using [it] is wrong
May Thais please have their rights to access marijuana?
ขอแก้กฎหมาย ปลดล็อคออกจากยาเสพติด
Can we please fix the law, unlocking [ganja] from [the category of] addictive drugs?
แล้วก็ช่วยกันคุม ไม่ให้ใช้กันผิดๆ
And together we’ll help oversee use of marijuana, so that it isn’t abused
ดีกว่าคอยรอนริด สิทธิ์เสรีภาพประชาชน
That’s better than to keep infringing on the rights and liberties of people.
ดีกว่ากินคอมมิช คอมมิชชั่น กัญชากัญชง
It’s better than taking a commission or kickback from the Cannabis Commission

กัญชง กัญชา อเมริกาทำสงครามเย็น
Ganja. America makes cold war
(อะ) กัญชง กัญชา อเมริกา(ละ) กดดันยูเอ็น
Gganja. Pressuring the UN
ให้บังคับโลกที่สามอย่างไทย ลาว เขมร
To force the third world, as with Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia
ออกกฎหมายกัญชง กัญชาเป็นยาเสพติด
to pass laws [treating] ganja as an addictive drug

คุณคิดว่าใครล้าหลัง ฝรั่งใช้กันลึ่มๆ
Who do you think is backwards? Westerners use it widely.
เราก็เป็นไอ้ทึ่ม ไทยแลนด์ทะเลาะกันเอง
And so we are foolish. Thailand is divided [with some supporting legalization and some not]
นักเลงกัญชาต้องลงใต้ดิน ราชการกังฉินเสพสุขสบาย
The potheads must go underground. The corrupt government partakes, happy and content.
The potheads must go underground
The crooked government. They should be gutted to death.**

*I translated “นักเลงกัญชา” as potheads. “นักเลง” means “hooligan” or “ruffian” very old-fashioned words “กัญชา” is of course “ganja.” So I translated “ganja holligan” as “pothead” and I don’t think it is meant too negatively, as many Carabao band members openly admit to smoking ganja. And one translator suggested just “users.” Many users go underground.
** Based on the written lyrics, it looks like “The crooked government wants the potheads to be gutted to death.” But based on a pause in the line as sung, I am hearing: “The crooked government. They should be gutted to death.”

ในนามแห่งความรัก Nai Nam Heng Rak (In the Name of Love)

By ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao; ลือชัย งามสม Luechai Ngaamsom aka ดุก คาราบาว Duk Carabao; ขจรศักดิ์ หุตะวัฒนะ Kajonsak Hudtawattana aka หมี คาราบาว Mee Carabao
Album: รุ่นคนสร้างชาติ Run Kon Saang Chaat (Nation Builders)(1994)
This album is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Buy it at where you can shop in English.

Note: David Rubin saw my first rough translation on my Facebook and suggested many great improvements, most of which I accepted. So it this translation has been crowd-sourced. He has has posted his translation of this song at a song translation site.

บอกกับคนข้างๆ ช่วยบอกดังๆ ว่ารักยังมี
bòk gàp kon kâang kâang chûay bòk dang dang wâa rák yang mee
Tell the person beside you, please tell them loudly, that love still exists
ที่หาย ไปจากเมืองนี้ ยังสบายดี ไม่หนีไปไหน
têe hăai bpai jàak meuang née yang sà-baai dee mâi nĕe bpai năi
What dissappeared from this this city is still fine; it hasn’t fled anywhere
เมือง ที่ คน แดกด่วน เร่งรีบเร็วไว
meuang têe kon dàek dùan râyng rêep reo wai
A city where people urgently push and crowd and rush around
เมืองที่รถ ติดแหง็กแย่งกันหายใจ
meuang têe rót dtìt ngèak yâeng gan hăai jai
The city where there the cars are stuck in traffic and [drivers] compete for breathable air
ธรรมชาติ ต้องโดนทำลาย
tam-má-châat dtông dohn tam laai
Nature had to be destroyed
แลกความเมามาย กิเลสตัณหา
lâek kwaam mao maai gì-làyt dtan-hăa
Exchanged for drunkenness, lust, and passion
กิเลสตัณหา. .
gì-làyt dtan-hăa
Lust and passion

บอกกับคนข้างๆ ช่วยบอกดังๆ ว่ารักเรียกหา
bòk gàp kon kâang kâang chûay bòk dang dang wâa rák rîak hăa
Tell the person beside you, please tell them loudly, that love is calling for you
แต่ยาม นี้คนทั้งหล้า กำลังตื่นตา ความศิวิไลซ์
dtàe yaam née kon táng lâa gam-lang dtèun dtaa kwaam sì-wí-lai
But in this period, people right now are dazzled by civilization [by the big, bright city]*
เดิน เหมือน คน ตาบอด ลูกกะตาใส
dern mĕuan kon dtaa bòt lôok gà dtaa săi
Walking like blind people, their eyes unseeing
คลำหาทาง อยู่รอด อย่างไร้น้ำใจ
klam hăa taang yòo rôt yàang rái nám jai
Groping for a way to survive, devoid of kindness
โรงเรียน หรือมหาลัย มี่ที่แห่งไหน สอนคนเป็นคน
rohng rian rĕu má-hăa-lai mêe têe hàeng năi sŏn kon bpen kon
Where are there any schools or universities that teach people to be human?
sŏn kon bpen kon
Teach people to be human?

แต่ความรักยิ่งใหญ่ นั้นยังไม่เกิด ประคองกันเถิดถ้าพอไปไหว
dtàe kwaam rák yîng yài nán yang mâi gèrt bprà-kong gan tèrt tâa por bpai wăi
But great love hasn’t yet arisen. Support each other if you are able.
jùap pàen fáa tà-lòm
Until the sky collapses
pĕun din tá-laai
The land crumbles
แม้โลกวอดวาย ไฟบรรลัยกัลป์
máe lôhk wôt-waai fai ban-lai-gan
Even if the world is razed to the ground and destroyed by fire for all time
ที่ ในความฝัน รักนั้นเคยมาถึง
têe nai kwaam făn rák nán koie maa tĕung
There in a dream, at one time love had arrived
bon lôhk kráng nèung sŭay dûay sĕe săn
On the earth, once upon a time, it’s beautiful with color,
ธรรมชาติ สัตว์ป่า ไม้นานาพันธุ์
tam-má-châat sàt bpàa máai naa-naa pan
nature, many species of wild animals and plants,
ผู้คนรักกัน เยี่ยง ฉันท์ พี่น้อง
pôo kon rák gan yîang chăn pêe nóng
People love each other like a verse of poetry, brothers and sisters!


แต่ความรักยิ่งใหญ่ นั้นยังไม่เกิด ประคองกันเถิดถ้าพอไปไหว
dtàe kwaam rák yîng yài nán yang mâi gèrt bprà-kong gan tèrt tâa por bpai wăi
But great love, that still hasn’t come about. Support each other if you are able
jùap pàen fáa tà-lòm
Until the sky collapses
pĕun din tá-laai
The land crumbles
แม้โลกวอดวาย ไฟบรรลัยกัลป์
máe lôhk wôt-waai fai ban-lai-gan
Even if the world is razed to the ground, destroyed by fire for all time
ที่ ในความฝัน รักนั้นเคยมาถึง
têe nai kwaam făn rák nán koie maa tĕung
There in a dream, at one time, love had arrived
bon lôhk kráng nèung sŭay dûay sĕe săn
Once upon a time, on the Earth, it’s beautiful with color
ธรรมชาติ สัตว์ป่า ไม้นานาพันธุ์
tam-má-châat sàt bpàa máai naa-naa pan
nature, many species of wild animals and plants
ผู้คนรักกัน เยี่ยง ฉันท์ พี่น้อง
pôo kon rák gan yîang chăn pêe nóng
People love each other like a verse of poetry, brothers and sisters!

บอก กับคนข้างๆ ช่วยบอกดังๆ ว่ารักร่ำร้อง
bòk gàp kon kâang kâang chûay bòk dang dang wâa rák râm róng
Tell the person beside you, please tell them loudly, that love is begging you
ความรัก จากคนทั้งสอง มีท่วงทำนอง สวยสดงดงาม
kwaam rák jàak kon táng sŏng mee tûang-tam-nong sŭay sòt ngót ngaam
The love from two people, has a harmony that is beautiful, wonderful
หนุ่ม สาว คือ พลัง ผู้เป็นความหวัง
nùm săao keu pá-lang pôo bpen kwaam wăng
Young people are [our] strength; they are [our] hope
สองมือคือที่ตั้ง ใช่มือที่สาม
sŏng meu keu têe dtâng châi meu têe săam
[One’s] two hands are where [it starts], not [with] some third party
รัก ให้ฉันมาตาม ฉันมาในนาม
rák hâi chăn maa dtaam chăn maa nai naam
Love wants me to follow it. I come in the name
hàeng kwaam rák
of love!
รัก ให้ฉันมาตาม ฉันมาในนาม แห่งความรัก
rák hâi chăn maa dtaam chăn maa nai naam hàeng kwaam rák
Love wants me to follow it. I come in the name of love!
รัก ให้ฉันมาตาม ฉันมาในนาม…..แห่ง ความ รัก
rák hâi chăn maa dtaam chăn maa nai naam ….. hàeng kwaam rák
Love has me come along. I come . . . . in the name of love!

*The word “kwam-civilized” is a borrowed English word for “civilization” but in Thai, it has the connotation of “bright lights, big city” and doesn’t mean exactly the same as “civilization” in English. In the famous song “Telay Jai,” has the line “Amidst the lights of civilization it’s not difficult to lose your way.”

มหัศจรรย์กัญชา Mahatsajan Gancha (Miraculous Ganja)

By แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao, posted on Facebook and YouTube, May 13, 2019.

This song apologizes for the song “Ganja” from 1982. It’s not a top Carabao song, but it is getting a lot of attention, so I finally posted the translation in my list, where I publish great and/or interesting Carabao songs. For more details on Carabao and ganja, you will have to come “Backstage” (at this site).

มหัศจรรย์กัญชา เกิดมาเพิ่งรู้ความจริง
Miraculous ganja. It happens that [I/we] just recently know the truth
เมื่อก่อนรู้เพียงเป็นสิ่ง เสพติดและผิดกฎหมาย
Before [I/we] know only that is something addictive and illegal
ใครมีไว้ในครอบครอง เป็นต้องถูกจับทุกราย
Anyone who has it in their possession should be arrested
แต่บัดนี้โลกเปลี่ยนไป เราใช้กัญชารักษาโรคที่ร้ายแรง
But now the world changes. We use ganja to treat serious illnesses

มหัศจรรย์กัญชา ถึงเวลาต้องปฏิวัติ
Miraculous ganja! It’s time for a revolution
เพราะพืชนี้คือโอกาส ช่วยชนในชาติกู้ชีวิตแต่ไม่แพง
Because this plant is an opportunity to help people in the country to save lives, and it’s not expensive.
แถมยังได้ผลชะงัด มะเร็งที่หนักขั้นคีโมฉายแสง
And its very effective for cancer at the stage treated with chemo and radiation
ผู้ป่วยอ่อนล้าโรยแรง หันพึ่งกัญชายืดชีวาดังหายขาด
The patient who is weak and losing strength, turns around and rely on ganja to extend their life as if they’ve completely recovered

* มาปฎิวัติกัญชา เข้าใจใหม่หนานะประชาชนทั้งชาติ
Coming to a ganja revolution! A new understanding for all the people of the country
ผมเองก็เคยผิดพลาด ร้องเพลง “นอนตายใต้ต้นกัญชา”
I myself made a mistake singing, “Lying down and dying of ganja”
แต่วันนี้ตาสว่างแล้ว พี่เอยน้องแก้ว ผมกราบขอขมา
But I’ve been enlightened now. Brothers and sisters. I beg your forgiveness.
มหัศจรรย์กัญชา ชีวิตนี้หนายังมีกัญชา เป็นยาวิเศษ
Miraculous ganga. In this tough life, we still have excellent ganja

มหัศจรรย์กัญชา โลกใบนี้หนาเรามีกัญชา เป็นยาวิเศษ
Miraculous ganga. In this tough life, we still have excellent ganja

Add Carabao talks about marijuana between songs at a concert at SR Residennce Hotel, Petchabun

The video of the Concert at SR Residennce Hotel, Petchabun (โรงแรมเอสอาร์เรสซิเด้นซ์ จ.เพชรบรูณ์) was posted on Facebook June 20, 2019. Yuenyong Opakul (ยืนยง โอภากุล), aka Add Carabao (แอ๊ด คาราบาว), opens up about marijuana at minute 24.08 – 28.57 right after playing “กัญชา” ““Ganja” (from 1982) and right before playing the new song, “มหัศจรรย์กัญชา”(“Miraculous Ganja”), just released (May 2019.) Below is the transcript of what he said with translation.

[Video no longer available]

ขอบคุณครับ 38 ปีที่แล้ว เป็นมุมมองแต่เพียงด้านเดียว แต่ในวันนี้วันเวลาได้เปลี่ยนไปแล้ว เรื่องกัญชาในหมุ่มหาชน ชาวโลกและชาวไทยปัจจุบันรุ้ดีว่ากัญชาเป็นยา ไม่ใช่ยาเสพติด เป็นยารักษาโรค รักษาโรคที่หมอรักษาไม่ได้แล้ว เวลาเราไปฉายแสงรักษามะเร็งทำคีโม เข็มละแสนกว่าบาท แสนสอง ทำไปสิบกว่าเข้็มหมดไปล้านกว่าบาท ไม่หาย แล้วหมอบอกว่าผมทำ (รักษา) คุณเต็มที่แล้ว คุณกลับไปนอนรอความตายที่บ้านไป ใครแม่ง (swear) อยากจะตายวะ มันก็ต้องกัญชาก่อนแล้ว ใช่มั้ย มันก็รับรุ้กันไปทั่วโลกแล้ว ไม่มีใครโง่หรอกสมัยนี้ ความรู้น่ะมันไปเร็ว อยู่ในโทรศัพทืมือถือ ไปก็ pup pup

Thank you. 38 years ago, there was a one-sided perspective, but today times have changed. The matter of ganja in the view of the people of the world and Thai people in these times is we know very well that marijuana is a medicine, not an addictive drug. It’s a drug that treats diseases. It treats incurable diseases. When we use radiation and chemo to treat cancer, it’s 100,000-200,00 baht ($US 3,250.00-6,500) per injection. After 10 or more injections it’s done, costing a million or more baht. And it’s not cured. And so the doctor says I’ve done everything I can. You go home and wait for death at home. And who [expletive] wants to die? Now they must [use] ganja before [they die], am I right? That’s something we already understand throughout the world. There isn’t anyone stupid in this age. Knowledge spreads fast. It’s in your cell phone. Go push the buttons.

มีคนโง่อยู่ไม่กี่คนนั่งอยุ่ในกระทรวงสาธารณสุขนั่นแหล่ะ ที่มันขวางน่ะ มันขวางไม่ให้กัญชามีอิสรภาพ หลังจากที่มันขังคุกกัญชามาตั้งนานแล้ว

There are a few stupid people in the Ministry of Public Health opposing [a policy to] free ganja after they have locked up ganja for so long.

นี่ผมจะบอกให้ เพื่อนผมนี่ มันดูดมาตั้แต่ 5 ขวบ ตอนนี้มันจะ 70 ยังนั่งยิ้มอยุ่เลย ไม่เห็นมันตายเลย [มันไม่มีโทษ] จะตายยังไง จะมาห่วงอะไรคนแบบนี้ ตายก็ตาย เล่นตลกแล้ว

I’ll tell you this: This friend of mine [points to his friend], he’s been smoking since he was 5. Right now he’s almost 70. Still sitting there smiling. I see he hasn’t died at all. [Someone who sounds like Lek Carabao says, “There is no penalty.”] How’s he going to die? Why should I be worried about something for a person like this? If one dies, one dies. Ok, we’re just playing . . .

ผมจะบอกอะไรให้นะ รู้มั้ยว่าแชมป์โลกโอลิมปิคคนแรกของไทย สมรักษ์ คำสิงห์ครับ ผมเห็นกับตาเลย วันที่เขากลับมาจากแชมป์โลกโอลิมปิก วันนั้นผมได้รับเชิญให้ไปถือพระบรมฉายาลักษ์นำหน้าสมลักษณ์ ได้เวลาจะชกแล้ว ผมก็หาสมลักษณ์ไม่เจอ ผมก็วิ่งไปตาม มันอยุ่ในห้องน้ำนึกว่ามันไปเยี่ยวที่ไหนได้ แม่งไปพี้กัญชา บอกพี่ ถ้าผมไม่ได้สูบผมต่อยไม่ได้ อ้าว แสดงว่าโอลิมปิกมึงก็พี้สิ (Ha)

I’ll tell you something. Do you know that the first Olympic World Champion of Thailand, Samrak Kamsing? I saw with my own eyes, the day that he came back as the Olympic World Champion, that day I had accepted the invitation to hold up a picture of the king ahead of Somrak. The time came to fight and I couldn’t find Somrak. And so I ran after him. He was in the bathroom. I thought he had gone wherever to pee. [Expletive] he was smoking ganja! He said to me, “If I don’t smoke, I can’t fight.” OMG! So you did this at the Olymipics! (laughs)*

เห็นมั้ย นักดนตรีก็พี้ นักกีฬาก็พี้ แล้วมึงจะเอาอะไรอีกวะ ไม่เชื่อมึงไปถามตำรวจดิ ทุกวันนี้ผมได้กัญชาก็มาจากตำรวจแหล่ะ ตำรวจก็พี (ha) เพียงแต่เขาไม่บอกเท่านั้น มีแต่กระทรวงสาธารณะสุขที่โง่ ดังนั้น จงตาสว่าง นับจากบัดนี้เป็นต้นไป

You see? Musicians smoke [it], athletes smoke [it]. What else do you guys want? If you don’t believe me, go ask a policeman. These days it is the police that I get my ganja from. Police also smoke. (laughs) It’s just that they don’t tell you, that’s all. It is only the Ministry of Public Health that is foolish. And so we must be enlightened from here on.

ถ้ามึงเผากัญชา 22 ตันนะ มึงเจอกุแน่นอน ..

If you burn 22 tons of ganja** . . . You will see me there for sure.***

ไปดูมหัศจรรย์กัญชาเป็นยังไง เชิญครับ

I invite you to go see what “Miraculaous Ganja”**** is like.

*This would have been in 1996.
**There was some dispute about the Ministry of Public Health burning 22 tons of marijuana and Add Carabao had already weighed in on it.
*** Like “I will fight you on this.”
*** “Miraculous Ganja” is the name of his song.

ใจอยู่ที่กระบี่ Jai Yoo Tee Grabee ([Your] Heart is in [Your] Sword)

From an album by แอ๊ด and อี๊ด โอภากุล (Add and Eed Opakul) [real names ยืนยง and ยิ่งยง โอภากุล Yeunyong and Yingyong Opakul]
Album: พฤษภา Preutsapa
Support the artists! Buy Pruetsaspa HERE at eThaiCD, where you can shop in English.

Note: The title “ใจอยู่ที่กระบี่” is a Chinese proverb: “[One’s] heart is in [one’s] sword,” meaning for the real warrior his heart and sword are as one. This song comes from an album by Add and Eed Opakul. Eed Opakul is of course Add’s twin brother. It sounds like Aed singing it, so one presumes he wrote it. However I can’t be sure, especially as the lyrics are more typical of an Eed Opakul song. Check out the( the Eed Opakul section of this website).

In the video below the song is at minute 39:25:

ถ้อยคำที่เธอพูดมา มิอาจนำพา
tôi kam têe ter pôot maa mí àat nam paa
The words that you say to me, I’m not going to pay attention to,
นำมายึดถือ เชื่อถือได้อีกต่อไป
nam maa yéut tĕu chêua tĕu dâai èek dtòr bpai
hold onto, or depend on anymore.
หารดูคงหมดหัวใจ ไม่เหลืออะไร
hăan doo kong mòt hŭa jai mâi lĕua a-rai
Assessing the situation, in the whole heart, there’s nothing left
bpen jing dâai sàk kam dieow
that’s true, not even one word.

* ถ้อยคำ ที่เธอมักเอ่ย
tôi kam têe ter mák òie
The words that you like to say
มันอาจจะเคย คุ้นเคยได้ยิน
man àat jà koie kún koie dâai yin
It may be I used to feel familiar hearing
dâai fang gan táng gà-bpee
them everywhere
máe kam jà fang kâo tee
[But] even if your words sound appropriate
dtàe jai ter mee
Your heart still has a
grà-bèe sôn wái kâang nai
a sword hidden in it

gèp wái têe dtrong nán làe dee
You keep nicely stored right there
waang wái têe dtrong nán
Placed right there
nai duang jai kŏng chăn
In my heart,
mâi lĕua néua têe chêua kun
there is no part left that believes you
kam têe kun êuan òie òk maa
The words that you come out with
มันก็แค่ วาจา บิดเบือน . . .
man gôr kâe waa-jaa bìt beuan . . .
It’s just distorted speech . . .

mĕuan boh-raan yám dteuan
It’s like the ancient warning:
ปากปราศัย ใจเชือดคอ
bpàak bpraa-săi jai chêuat kor
The mouth greets [you]; the heart slashes for the throat

ใครพูดจา มิอาจนำพา
krai pôot-jaa mí àat nam paa
Whoever says something, I probably won’t be able to pay attention,
นำมายึดถือ เชื่อถือได้อีกต่อไป
nam maa yéut tĕu chêua tĕu dâai èek dtòr bpai
hold onto, or trust it anymore
หารดูคงหมดหัวใจ ไม่เหลืออะไร
hăan doo kong mòt hŭa jai mâi lĕua a-rai
Assessing it, in the whole heart, there’s probably nothing left
bpen jing dâai sàk kam dieow
that’s true, not even one word

รักก็บอก ว่ารักก็บอก
rák gôr bòk wâa rák gôr bòk
If you love, just say it. I think, if you love then say it.
ไม่รัก ก็บอกไม่รัก
mâi rák gôr bòk mâi rák
If you don’t love, then say “[I] don’t love [you]”

ไม่จริง อย่าหลอกว่าจริง ต้องบอกไม่จริง
mâi jing yàa lòk wâa jing dtông bòk mâi jing
If it’s not true, don’t deceitfully say it is true. You must say it’s not
ไม่จริง ไม่จริง ไม่จริง….มันไม่จริง
mâi jing mâi jing mâi jing …. man mâi jing
You must say it’s not! It’s not true! Not true! Not true! . . .. It’s not true.

Solo :

เก็บไว้ที่ตรงนั้นแหละดี วางไว้ที่ตรงนั้น
gèp wái têe dtrong nán làe dee waang wái têe dtrong nán
You keep it nicely stored right there. Placed right there
ในดวงใจของฉันไม่เหลือเนื้อที่เชื่อคุณ คนที่มีหัวใจ อยู่ที่กระบี่
nai duang jai kŏng chăn mâi lĕua néua têe chêua kun kon têe mee hŭa jai yòo têe grà-bèe
In my heart, there is no part left that believes you. You person whose heart is one with your sword.*

* ถ้อยคำ ที่เธอมักเอ่ย
tôi kam têe ter mák òie
The words that you like to say
มันอาจจะเคย คุ้นเคยได้ยิน
man àat jà koie kún koie dâai yin
It may be I used to feel familiar hearing
dâai fang gan táng gà-bpee
them everywhere
máe kam jà fang kâo tee
[But] even if your words sound appropriate
dtàe jai ter mee
Your heart still has a
grà-bèe sôn wái kâang nai
a sword hidden in it

มันอยู่ที่ใจ ไม่ใช่กระบี่
man yòo têe jai mâi châi grà-bèe
It’s in your heart, not the sword.
ไม่ใช่กระบี่ มันอยู่ที่ใจ
mâi châi grà-bèe man yòo têe jai
Not the sword. It’s in your heart.
มันอยู่ที่ใจ ไม่ใช่กระบี่
man yòo têe jai mâi châi grà-bèe
It’s in your heart, not the sword.
ไม่ใช่กระบี่ มัน อยู่ที่….ใจ
mâi châi grà-bèe man yòo têe …. jai
Not the sword. It’s in your . . . heart.

*From the Chinese proverb “ใจอยู่ที่กระบี่” “[One’s] heart is in [one’s] sword,” meaning for the real warrior his heart and sword are as one.

คนสร้างชาติ Kon Saang Chaat (Nation Builders)

By ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao; Melody is an alteration of a Korean song (according to Wikipedia)
Album: รุ่นคนสร้างชาติ Run Kon Saang Chaat (Nation Builders)(1994)
This album is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Buy it at where you can shop in English.

ชาติต้องการ คน ที่ซื่อสัตย์
The nation needs people who are honest
ชาติต้องการ คน เสียสละ
The nation needs people who sacrifice
หาก ประชาชน เกียจคร้าน
If the people are lazy
จะอดอยาก ยากจน.
They will be destitute

ชาติต้องการ คน ที่ซื่อสัตย์
The nation needs people who are honest
ชาติต้องการ คน เสียสละ
The nation needs people who sacrifice
หากประชาชน โง่เขลา
If the citizens are foolish
It will be the end of the nation

เกิด กันหนเดียว
We are all born here together just one time
บนแผ่นดินเดียว ร่วมฝัน
On one land, sharing a dream
อยู่ ร่วมเผ่าพันธุ์
Living together, joining the ethnic groups
เผ่าใคร เผ่ามัน เผ่าไทย.
Whoever’s tribe, that tribe, is a Thai tribe
หัวใจ เรารวม เข้าด้วย กัน
Our hearts combine altogether
ทุกข์สุข เรามี ร่วมฝ่า ฟัน
Happiness and sorrow, we’ll have; we share in the struggle
Sincere love
อันผูกพัน เป็นชาติเดียว
bonded to be one nation

ชาติต้องการ คน ที่ซื่อสัตย์
The nation needs people who are honest
ชาติต้องการ คน เสียสละ
The nation needs people who sacrifice
หาก ประชาชน เกียจคร้าน
If the people are lazy
จะอดอยาก ยากจน.
They will be destitute

ชาติต้องการ คน ที่ซื่อสัตย์
The nation needs people who are honest
ชาติต้องการ คน เสียสละ
The nation needs people who sacrifice
หากประชาชน โง่เขลา
If the citizens are foolish
ก็สิ้นชาติ ไทย
It will be the end of the Thai nation

ชาติต้องการ คน ที่ซื่อสัตย์
The nation needs people who are honest
ชาติต้องการ คน เสียสละ
The nation needs people who sacrifice
หาก ประชาชน เกียจคร้าน
If the people are lazy
จะอดอยาก ยากจน.
They will be destitute

ชาติต้องการ คน ที่ซื่อสัตย์
The nation needs people who are honest
ชาติต้องการ คน เสียสละ
The nation needs people who sacrifice
หากประชาชน โง่เขลา
If the citizens are foolish
ก็สิ้นชาติ ไทย
It will be the end of the Thai nation

ชาติต้องการ คน ที่ซื่อสัตย์
The nation needs people who are honest
ชาติต้องการ คน เสียสละ
The nation needs people who sacrifice
หาก ประชาชน เกียจคร้าน
If the people are lazy
จะอดอยาก ยากจน.
They will be destitute

ชาติต้องการ คน ที่ซื่อสัตย์
The nation needs people who are honest
ชาติต้องการ คน เสียสละ
The nation needs people who sacrifice
หากประชาชน โง่เขลา
If the citizens are foolish
ก็สิ้นชาติ ไทย
It will be the end of the Thai nation

ใครฆ่าประชาชน Krai Ka Bprachachon (Who Kills the Citizens?)

From an album by แอ๊ด and อี๊ด โอภากุล (Add and Eed Opakul) [real names ยืนยง and ยิ่งยง โอภากุล Yeunyong and Yingyong Opakul]
Album: พฤษภา Preutsapa
Support the artist! Buy Pruetsaspa HERE at eThaiCD, where you can shop in English.

Note: This song is on the album “พฤษภา” “Preutsapa” or May, which refers to the Black May or Bloody May, which according to Wikipedia, is the “common name for the 17–20 May 1992 popular protest in Bangkok against the government of General Suchinda Kraprayoon and the military crackdown that followed. Up to 200,000 people demonstrated in central Bangkok at the height of the protests. The military crackdown resulted in 52 officially confirmed deaths, many disappearances, hundreds of injuries, and over 3,500 arrests. Many of those arrested are alleged to have been tortured.” Also check out a even better, later, and almost unknown song on the same theme: แสงทองส่องทาง Seng Tong Song Tang (Golden Light Lighting the Way).

เรา เป็นประชาชน
We are the citizens
รักประชา ธิปไตย
We love democracy
Why do you slaughter us?
ใครฆ่า ประชาชน
Who kills the citizens?

แม่ ที่ลูกไม่กลับบ้าน
Even that the children do not come home
แหละหลานๆ ที่อาได้หายไป
Even the grandchildren whose uncles disappear
ลูก ที่พ่อไปหนใด
The children whose fathers go wherever
จะมีใคร หยั่งรู้ถึงจิตใจ
Who will there be to give insights to their minds?
ฝน ที่หล่นเป็นตะกั่ว
The rain that falls is lead
คือความหวาดกลัว ของหัวใจใคร
It is terror of whose heart?
ฝัน ได้เท่ากับฝันร้าย
Dreams are as nightmares
ในการจากไป ของคนที่ตนรัก
in the departing of people who you love

เรา เป็นประชาชน
We are the citizens
รักประชา ธิปไตย
We love democracy
Why do you slaughter us?
ใครฆ่า ประชาชน
Who kills the citizens?

คืน นี้ดาวได้ร่วงหล่น
This night the stars drop [from the sky]
ไร้ร่างคน ที่ตนเคยหนุนตัก
Without the body of someone whose head you used to cradle in your lap
รัก ของใครต้องพลัดพราก
Some people’s love must be separated
จากกันไป ชั่วนิจนิรันดร
To be parted eternally
He is a person who sacrifices
แต่ภาระ นั้นใครจะถ่ายถอน
But that duty, who will redeem it?
เสียง แม่กล่อมลูกน้อยนอน
The sound of a mother soothing a child to sleep
ขับบทกลอน พ่อเป็นวีระชน
Singing a verse: [your] father is heroic

เรา เป็นประชาชน
We are the citizens
รักประชา ธิปไตย
We love democracy
Why do you slaughter us?
ใครฆ่า ประชาชน
Who kills the citizens?

เรา เป็นประชาชน
We are the citizens
รักประชา ธิปไตย
We love democracy
Why do you slaughter us?
ใครฆ่า ประชาชน
Who kills the citizens?

พ่อ จ๋าพ่อจ๊ะพ่อจ๋า
Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?
พ่อหนู ไปอยู่ไหน
Where did my Daddy go?
อยู่ไหน เล่าแม่จ๋า
Where is he? Tell me Mommy?
เมื่อไร พ่อหนูจะกลับมา
When will my Daddy come back
ซื้อตุ๊กตา ซื้อขนม มาฝาก
Bringing the doll and the candy he bought for me?

Someone tell me, which are the crazy ones?
ไม่ยอมฟัง เสียงเพลง ประชาชน
[They] don’t want to listen to the songs of the people
สั่ง ก็คือเสียงปืนกล
[They] give the order and there is the sound of bullets
ใบไม้หล่น ถนนนั้นแดงฉาน
The leaves fall on the bloody road

The spirits of free men
คือผู้คน ผู้ควรกล่าวขาน
are people, people who should be renowned
This honored history long endures
แห่งการสืบสาน ประชาธิปไตย
of democracy’s continuance

เรา เป็นประชาชน
We are the citizens
รักประชา ธิปไตย
We love democracy
Why do you slaughter us?
ใครฆ่า ประชาชน
Who kills the citizens?

เดินขบวน Dern Kabuan (Walking in Procession)

By ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul
Album: แจกกล้วย Handing Out Bananas (1995)

Support the artists and BUY a CD of THE ALBUM at eThaiCD, where you can shop in English.

Note: “เดินขบวน” or “Dern Kabuan” means to walk in a procession, in this case, as in a protest march. You could also say translate it as marching [as in a protest]. A translation of the note under the official video on YouTube says: “Dern Kabuan.” It’s a song that must communicate that marching is just a part of campaigning for democracy of the people. Because poverty and distress will come out as “Dern Kabuan.”

Walking is a normal action
เหมือนดังการกินอยู่ การหลับการนอน
The same as making a living, same as sleeping.
Walking doesn’t cause anyone distress
Using the strength of your own legs, you go to a place that is better
Walking is a basic activity
มวลมนุษย์ทุกคน เกิดมาปรารถนา
Humankind, every one, is born desiring [things]
Walking never creates problems
Nature gives it to us; it’s something we can be proud of

เดินขบวน ไม่ได้มากวนใจใครๆ
Walking in procession. We didn’t come to annoy anyone
We have rights, we have democracy
We are Thais same as you, but it’s so hard to get by

Walking is a normal action
เหมือนดังการกินอยู่ การหลับการนอน
The same as making a living, same as sleeping.
Walking doesn’t cause anyone distress
Using the strength of your own legs, you go to a place that is better

Politics is a matter of the mouth and the stomach [a matter of life]
When you get together with loved ones, your mother, father and siblings,
you are obsessed with politics, playing like the Parliament
And about the “country bumpkins,” you’re going to criticize them?!

เดินขบวน ไม่ได้มากวนใจใครๆ
Walking in procession. We didn’t come to annoy anyone
We have rights, we have democracy
We are Thais same as you, but it’s so hard to get by

เดินขบวน ไม่ได้มากวนใจใครๆ
Walking in procession. We didn’t come to annoy anyone
We have rights, we have democracy
We are Thais same as you, but it’s so hard to get by

ไอ้ที ที่เดินไปหย่อนบัตรเลือกตั้ง
When its time to walk to drop in the ballot
เขาว่าความหวัง เป็นของคนไทย
They say “Hope belongs to the Thai people”
As soon as one walks . . . in procession, they say “they’re making trouble”
They are really amazing, those politicians!

เดินขบวน ไม่ได้มากวนใจใครๆ
March along. We didn’t come to annoy anyone
We have rights, we have democracy
We are Thais same as you, but it’s so hard to get by
เดินขบวน ไม่ได้มากวนใจใครๆ
March along. We didn’t come to annoy anyone
We have rights, we have democracy
We are Thais same as you, but it’s so hard to get by
เดินขบวน ไม่ได้มากวนใจใครๆ
March along. We didn’t come to annoy anyone
We have rights, we have democracy
We are Thais same as you, but it’s so hard to get by
เดินขบวน ไม่ได้มากวนใจใครๆ
March along. We didn’t come to annoy anyone
We have rights, we have democracy
We are Thais same as you, but its so hard to get by

ทูโอวันไนน์ นอนหลับสบายใต้ต้นกัญชา 2019 Non Lap Sabai Dtai Dton Ganja ([In] 2019 Sleeping Comfortably Under the Stem of Ganja

Word and music by ปรีชา ชนะภัย Preecha Chanopai (aka เล็ก คาราบาว Lek Carabao)
This version posted on YouTube June 11, 2019. Also posted at Lek Carabao’s Facebook page Lek Carabao Solo.

Note: Both Add and Lek Carabao recently released songs apologizing for the song “Ganja” (from 1982). Notice the title is a play on the mistake made in the first song,  the last line of which has the marijuana addict in the end “นอนตายใต้ต้นกัญชา” which word for word means “lie down and die under a ganja plant” (just as the Drunken Uncle lays down and dies under an overpass in the last line of the first song of the first album). The title of this new song changes “ตาย” from that problematic line of the song 1982 “Ganja” to get หลับสบาย “Sleeping Comfortably under a Marajana Plant.”

We once composed the song “Ganja”
The jist of which: [We] opposed it
As days pass,
อะไรๆ มันก็เปลี่ยน
anything will change

It can be made into medicine
To treat people
Who have serious illnesses
Relieving pain and suffering

We previously thought it was dangerous
Harming the lives of people
A thing that would cause people to “lay down and die”
under its stem

* วันนี้เราจึงต้องพูดถึงมันกันใหม่
So today we all must talk about this again
และทำความเข้าใจ ในพืชชนิดนี้
And get to an understanding of this plant
Today we all should talk about this one more time
พูดถึงสิ่งดีๆ ที่มันมีให้ผู้คน
Talk about the very good things this can provide people

พูดถึงสิ่งดีๆ ที่มันมีให้ผู้คน
So today we all must talk about this again
พูดถึงสิ่งดีๆ ที่มันมีให้ผู้คน
Talk about the very good things this can provide people
พูดถึงสิ่งที่มันมี อยู่ในตัวมัน
Talk about the very good things it has in it
ทูโอวันไนน์ นอนหลับสบายใต้ต้น….กัญชา
[In] 2019 [we] sleep comfortably under the stem of ganja

พระยาพิชัยดาบหัก Praya Pichai Dap Hak (Praya Pichai Broken Sword)

Recorded live at the Exclusive Concert คนกับเม้าท์ “Kon Gap Mouth” (“Man and Harmonica”)

Note: This is an amazing live performance with an interesting guitar solo. พระยาพิชัยดาบหัก Praya Pichai Dap Hak along with Chao Praya Chakri were generals under King Taksin and considered his left- and right-hand men. After the fall of Ayuttya 1767, they all fought the Burmese and reunited Siam. When King Taksin was deposed, Chao Praya Chakri succeeded him, becoming the first king of the Chakri dynasty, and is today remembered as Rama I. Praya Pichai Dap Hak is remembered for choosing to die with his King, Taksin, rather than making a play for the throne himself. The story is that Praya Pichai Kap Hak asked to be executed along with King Taksin. Thus the references in the song to his being unwilling to serve two kings (it comes from a proverb). Praya Pichai (“Praya” is a title of nobility) got the name Praya Pichai Dap Hak, or Praya Pichai Broken Sword, by fighting with a sword in each hand until one was broken.

[The spoken words are something like: “He is a man from Pichai, who according to legend has a lot of ability in muay (Thai martial arts). He had the opportunity to meet up with Prince Dtak. In the end, he joins him in destiny.”]

ในวัยเยาว์ เขามีนามว่าจ้อย
In childhood, he had the name “Joy”
ชอบชกต่อย โลดโผนโจนทะยาน
[He] liked boxing and was action-packed, jumping and rushing
ชำนาญเชิงหมัดมวย ถึงช่วยรุมสามรุมหนึ่ง
Skillful with the technique of the Muay fist until he can fight three against one
ยังพากันล้มตึงเป็นที่ตะลึง อัศจรรย์ใจ
And yet brings them all down together, to be stunned and amazed
To be stunned and amazed

ได้เล่าเรียน อยู่วัดมหาธาตุ
Studies at Wat Mahathat
It’s an opportunity to be immersed in a new life
กลายเป็นนายทองดี ผู้มากมีฝีมือวิชา
Becomes Mr. Tongdee, an expert in this branch of knowledge
จนเป็นที่เข้าตา พระยาตากจึงออกปากชวน
Until it is pleasing. Praya Dtak (Taksin) comes out and invites him
Praya Dtak (Taksin) comes out and invites him

Not willing to be a slave to two kings*
Not willing to be a servant to two masters
ขอตายตามสเด็จพระเจ้าตาก ด้วยความจงรักภัคดี
He wishes to die following His Majesty the King Dtak (Taksin) with love and loyalty
Thais throughout this land welcome and respect Praya Pichai
Respect Praya Pichai

นายทองดีเข้าตีข้าศึกศัตรู รบเคียงคู่เคียงข้างพระยาตาก
Mr. Tongdee attacks and kills the enemy, fighting close by the side of Praya Dtak (Taksin)
From the North to the South, fighting wherever, they enter combat together
จนเป็นที่โจษจันทร์ ขึ้นชั้น หลวงพิชัยอาสา
Until rumors of it spread to the moon, rising up when Pichai volunteers
ขึ้นชั้น หลวงพิชัยอาสา
Rising up when Pichai volunteers

In legends protecting the city, Pichai
อาศัยช่วงทัพกรุงธน ทำศึกกัมพูชา
Living with some of the troops of Thon [Buri]
Burma snuck in and attacked the Thais
Military forces on both sides wrestled
จนแผ่นดินสะท้อน ดาบหลวงพิชัยถึงหักกระเด็น
Until the land echoed with the sword of The Great Pichai until [it] broke and flung off
The sword of the Great Pichai broke and flung off

And so he is Praya Pichai
Praya Pichai Dap Hak [Praya Pichai Broken Sword]
(And so he is Praya Pichai)
(Praya Pichai Dap Hak [Praya Pichai Broken Sword])
He is someone faithful and loyal to the King of Thon City [Thon Buri]*
The King of Thon
The King of Thon
Thon Buri

[A collaborative guitar solo]

He is Praya Pichai
Praya Pichai Dab Hak [Praya Pichai Broken Sword]
(He is Praya Pichai)
(Praya Pichai Dab Hak [Praya Pichai Broken Sword])
He is a person faithful and loyal to the King of Thon

Not willing to be a slave to two princes
Not willing to be a servant to two masters
He wishes to die following His Majesty King Dak (Taksin)
with love and loyalty
Thais throughout this land welcome and respect Praya Pichai
Respect Praya Pichai

Not willing to be a slave to two princes
Not willing to be a servant to two masters
He wishes to die following His Majesty King Dak (Taksin)*
with love and loyalty
Thais throughout this land welcome and respect Praya Pichai
Respect Praya Pichai

Aren’t willing to be a slaves to two princes
Aren’t willing to be a servant to two masters
Thais throughout this land welcome and respect Praya Pichai
Respect Praya Pichai
With gratefulness

*He is loyal to King Taksin

องค์ดำ Ong Dam

By Carabao
Album: โฮะ Ho! (2009)

This album is RECOMMENDED! BUY The album HERE at eThai.CD, where you can shop in English.

Note: Dam is a previous name of King Naresuan, who reigned from 1590 to 1605. “Ong” is a word used for the category of monks and kings. This song is about a legendary elephant battle that would have taken place in January 1593 between Siam’s Naresuan and Crown Prince Mingyi Swa of Burma. According to the Wikipedia entry for King Naresuan, under “The Elephant Battle,” it says Naresuan, seeing Mingyi Swa on an elephant under a tree, shouted, “My brother, why do you stay on your elephant under the shade of a tree? Why not come out and engage in single combat to be an honour to us? There will be no kings in future who will engage in single combat like us.” I guess, I translated that part of the song right! For another song about this legendary elephant battle, check out พระนเรศวรมหาราช Pra Naresuan Maha Rat (King Naresuan the Great).

อัดอั้นตันใจ ที่เห็นคนไทยถูกหยามหมิ่น
Frustrated to see Thai people viewed with contempt and dishonored
พม่ามายึดแผ่นดิน โดยมีบิดาให้ท้าย
(Burma comes and seizes the land, with a father backing),*
เพื่อชนชาติปฐพี เพื่อศักดิ์ศรีลูกผู้ชาย
for the people of the nationality of this soil for the honor of real men,
วันนี้สู้ทนขวนขวาย พิชัยสงครามให้ชำนาญ
today we fight, energetically, enduring suffering. The Art of War** brings about proficiency
Brings proficiency

The child of the king
ถูกพม่าคัดไปจำนำ แม้หัวอกต้องชอกช้ำ
is sent off to Burma as a pawn, even if the heart must be pained,
the mind is firm and fearless,
เพื่อคอยลบคำว่าเมืองขึ้น (ลบคำว่าเมืองขึ้น)
in order to remove the word “colony,” (remove the word “colony”)
กลับคืนเมืองไทยตลอดกาล (กลับคืนเมืองไทย)
to again be the country of the Thais.***
Not imagining a miracle,
แต่ต้องพลิกผันด้วยมือองค์ดำ กระทำยุทธหัตถี
the change must instead be made by the hand of Ong Dam performing elephant combat

องค์พระนเรศ ใครว่าวิเศษจากฟากฟ้า
Naresuan. Who people say is splendid from the heavens
ด้วยความมุ่งมั่นวิริยะ อุตสาหะกู้ชาติไทย
With determination and diligence, he persevered and saved the Thai nation
ผู้ยิ่งใหญ่เหนือสิบทิศ ผู้พิชิตศัตรูพ่าย
A great man over 10 directions. A conqueror of enemies.
ก่อวีรกรรมที่ชนชาวไทย เทิดทูนไว้ในดวงใจ
Building bravery that the Thai people esteem in their hearts
เทิดทูนพระองค์ดำ เทิดทูนพระองค์ดำ เทิดทูนพระองค์ดำ
Reverence to Ong Dam, reverence to Ong Dam, reverence to Ong Dam!

เจ้าพี่จะยืนช้างอยู่ในร่มไม้ทำไม เชิญเสด็จมาทำยุทธหัตถีกันเถิด
Brother Prince, why is your elephant standing in the shade of a tree? Let’s have an elephant duel right now
ให้เป็นเกียรติยศ สืบกัลปาวสาน แห่งกษัตริย์ชนช้าง
So that the honor of the kings who battle the elephants continues forever,
like you’ll never see again!

จ้าพี่จะยืนช้างอยู่ในร่มไม้ทำไม เชิญเสด็จมาทำยุทธหัตถีกันเถิด
Brother Prince, why is your elephant standing in the shade of a tree? Let’s have an elephant duel right now
ให้เป็นเกียรติยศ สืบกัลปาวสาน แห่งกษัตริย์ชนช้าง
so that the honor of the kings who collide the elephants continues forever,
like nothing we’ve had before!


เทิดทูนพระองค์ดำ เทิดทูนพระองค์ดำ เทิดทูนพระองค์ดำ
Reverence to Ong Dam, reverence to Ong Dam, reverence to Ong Dam!

เจ้าพี่จะยืนช้างอยู่ในร่มไม้ทำไม เชิญเสด็จมาทำยุทธหัตถีกันเถิด
Brother Prince, why is your elephant standing in the shade of a tree? Let’s have an elephant duel right now,
ให้เป็นเกียรติยศ สืบกัลปาวสาน แห่งกษัตริย์ชนช้าง
so that the honor of the kings who battle the elephants continues forever,
like you’ll never see again!

จ้าพี่จะยืนช้างอยู่ในร่มไม้ทำไม เชิญเสด็จมาทำยุทธหัตถีกันเถิด
Brother Prince, why is your elephant standing in the shade of a tree? Let’s have an elephant duel right now,
ให้เป็นเกียรติยศ สืบกัลปาวสาน แห่งกษัตริย์ชนช้าง
so that the honor of the kings who collide the elephants continues forever,
like you’ll never see again!

เทิดทูนพระองค์ดำ เทิดทูนพระองค์ดำ เทิดทูนพระองค์ดำ
Reverence to Ong Dam, reverence to Ong Dam, reverence to Ong Dam!

* Likely refers to Bayinnaung, King of Burma, who ordered his son Mingyi Swa to attack Ayutthaya.
** The treatise on war.
***I want to say “Thailand” but that would be anachronistic.

หลวงพ่อคูณ Luang Por Koon

By กัญญาณัฐ ปุญยวัฒนานนท์ Kanyanat Punyaiwattananon,พยัพ คำพันธุ์ Phayap Khamphan, and ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul
Album: รุ่นคนสร้างชาติ Run Kon Saang Chaat (Nation Builders) (1994)

This album is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Buy it at where you can shop in English.

Note: This song is about the famous monk Luang Por Koon, who has now passed away (in 2015) at the age of 91. This song is on the album, “People who Create the Nation,” so presumably he is one of those people. It seems that Add and other Carabao band were followers of Lung Por Koon, as were many Thai people. He was thought to have especially strong magical powers. The notes under the official video give a clue to interpretation. They say:”หลวงพ่อคูณ อย่ามัวรอโชคชะตา หรือ พึ่งพาพระเพียงอย่างเดียว ควรพึ่งความมานะและอุตสาหะของแต่ละคนด้วย” “Luang Por Kun. Don’t be wrapped up in waiting for fate or relying on a Buddha image only. It should also depend on the efforts and perseverance of each person.”

เมตตา มหา มงคล
Auspicious, great, kindness
แด่ สาธุชน ศิษย์ หลวงพ่อคูณ
But upright people, students of Luang Por Koon
หลั่งไหล กันมา ทำบุญ
All flow in to make merit.
พรหลวง พ่อคูณ
The blessing of Luang Por Koon:
ขอ ให้รวย ให้รวย
May you be rich, rich!
รับแจก วัตถุ มงคล
Accepting and giving out auspicious objects
แล้วประพรม น้ำมนต์
and sprinkling holy water
สาธุชน พระช่วย
His holiness helps upright people
เดินสาย ปลอดภัย ไปได้สวย
To walk on the path, safe, going along beautifully,
ค้าขาย ร่ำรวย
doing business, rich
ดังถูกหวย เบอร์ใหญ่
Like winning the lottery, a big number

เพี้ยง หลวงพ่อคูณ
Just this please, Luang Por Koon?
ช่วยคุ้ม ช่วยคุ้ม
Please protect us, please protect us!
อุ้มเอาไปแช่ น้ำมนต์
[They] grab and soak in the holy water

ลูกศิษย์ ลูกหา มากมี
There are many disciples/followers
ทั้งรัฐ-มนตรี ส.ส. ก็มากมาย
There are many government ministers, and members of the House of Representatives
ขอพร กันไม่ ขาดสาย
They all ask for blessings continually
หลวงพ่อบอก ไอ้นาย รุ่นกู ให้-มึง
Luang Por tells these young guys,
ทั้งนัก-มวย นักเลง นักเล่น
the kickboxers, gangsters, and players,
ดารา ดวงเด่น ศรัทธา จนน่า-ทึ่ง
the stars, lucky and prominent, confident to the point of amazing
หลวง-พ่อคูณ รุ่นกู ให้มึง
Luang Por Koon, he tells these young guys,
ก็แล้วแต่ พวกมึง
It’s [really] up to you guys
จะนึกถึง ชั่ว-ดี
to be thinking about good and evil
ชั่ว-ดี อยู่ใน กะโหลก
Good and evil is inside the skull
มาเขก โป๊ก โป๊ก จำไว้ ให้ดี
I come knock, bonk! bonk! Be sure to remember and not forget!
(ชั่ว-ดี อยู่ใน กะโหลก)
(Good and evil is inside the skull)
(มาเขก โป๊ก โป๊ก จำไว้ ให้ดี)
I come knock [them] bonk! bonk! Be sure to remember and not forget!
เข้ามา พวกรัฐ-มนตรี
Enter all you government ministers,
ส.ส. ตัวดี กู จะให้ พร
Members of the House, mischief makers,* I will give a blessing:
ไปนั่ง อยู่ใน ส-ภา
Go sit in Parliament
อย่าให้ เขาด่า จง พึง สัง-วร
I won’t have you speaking abusively. [You] must be aware!
แขวน พระ เป็นอุ-ทา-หรณ์
Hang a monk or Buddha [amulet around the neck] to be an model
ประชาชน เดือดร้อน
The citizens are distressed
เขา จึงเดิน ขบวน
And so they march [in protest]

ชั่ว-ดี อยู่ใน กะโหลก
Good and evil is in the skull
มาเขก โป๊ก โป๊ก จำไว้ ให้ดี
[I] come knock, bonk! bonk! Be sure to remember and not forget!]
(ชั่ว-ดี อยู่ใน กะโหลก)
Good and evil is in the skull)
(มาเขก โป๊ก โป๊ก จำไว้ ให้ดี)
([I] come knock, bonk! bonk! Be sure to remember and not forget!)
เข้ามา พวกรัฐ-มนตรี
Come in all you Government Ministers
ส.ส. ตัวดี กู จะให้ พร
House of Representatives, mischief makers, I will give you a blessing:
ไปนั่ง อยู่ใน ส-ภา
Go sit in Parliment
อย่าให้ เขาด่า จง พึง สัง-วร
I don’t want you speaking abusively, you should be aware
แขวน พระ เป็นอุ-ทา-หรณ์
Hang a Buddha (or monk) image around the neck to be a model
ประชาชน เดือดร้อน
The citizens are distressed
เขา จึงเดิน ขบวน
And so they march [in protest]

อนิจ-จัง วัฏสัง-ขารา [This is all one word: “อนิจจาวตสังขารา”
Isn’t it true that all bodies are impermanent?
ลาภยศ ศรัทธา ย่อมมี ผันผวน
Fortune, rank, faith/confidence are likely to fluctuation
การเมือง ย่อมมี ตีรวน
Politics tends to have fights breaking out
อย่ารวมหัว ตีตรวน แหกตา ประชาชน
Don’t put your heads together [in conspiracy], shackle, and hoodwink the people
หลวงพ่อ ท่านเบื่อ จะตาย
Luang Por, he’s so sick to death of it
สร้างรุ่น สุดท้าย
Creating a generation. In the end,
รุ่นแช่ น้ำมนต์
the generation soaking in holy water
ถ้าจะให้ขลัง มีประสิท-ธิผล
For a miracle that is effective,
ต้องเตะ ตูด ทีละคน
you must kick the butts of each person,
ไล่ เสนียด จัญ-ไร
expelling the evil

*ตัวดี can mean “the culprit” but it is often used in a joking way, like in English you might call your friends your “partners in crime.”

คนขายฝัน Kon Kaai Fun (Sellers of Dreams)

By Grammy Artists
Note: This song is from Thailand’s Intellectual Property Festival 2002. It is a song sung by many Grammy Artists, and I’m sorry that I don’t recognize the women, but the other stars participating are Add Carabao, Sek Loso, Bird Thongchai McIntyre, and Asanee & Wasan Chotikul.

กว่าจะรวมพลัง กว่าจะสร้างจะสรรค์ กว่าจะเป็นผลงานอย่างที่เห็น
Before one gathers the strength, before creating what one will create, before it becomes the works that you see
อาจจะดูเหมือนทำ ได้ไม่ยากไม่เย็น แต่ความจริงที่เป็น ไม่ง่ายเลย
Maybe it looks it’s done without difficulty, but in truth, it’s not easy at all

(*) เพราะศิลปะ มันสร้างกันด้วยใจ โปรดอย่าทำลายด้วยเทคโนโลยี
Because art is created with love, please don’t destroy it with technology
อยากให้ลองคิดดูข้อนี้ บ้างเป็นไร
We want you to think about this a moment
อย่าคิดแค่เพียงประโยชน์ส่วนตัว โดยไม่ได้คิดถึงหัวใจใคร
Don’t think only of your own interest and not consider the heart of anyone else
คุณอาจไม่รู้ ว่ากำลังทำลายเพื่อนไทยกันเอง
Maybe you don’t know that you are in the process of destroying your own Thai friends

(**) ฉันก็เป็นแค่คนร้องเพลง ที่บรรเลงเรื่องราวชีวิต ฉันก็เป็นแค่นักผลิต ที่จริงใจ
I am just a person who sings a song, who creates music, a story of life. I’m just a producer of something genuine.
ให้คิดเสียบ้างก่อนที่จะทำ ว่าความเจ็บช้ำมันอย่างไร เอาใจเขาใส่ในหัวใจตนบ้างก็ดี
Please think of what sort of hurt it will cause before you pirate, pleasing those who put something in your heart is good

โลกต้องการความรัก โลกต้องการรอยยิ้ม อิ่มกาย สุขใจพริ้ม สามัคคี
The world needs love. The world needs smiles. To be full, sweetly happy, and united
ทำดีเถิดเพื่อนเอ๋ย ทำดีจะได้ดี สัจธรรมข้อนี้ เรารู้กัน
Do good things, friends, “one good turn deserves another” is a saying of truth, we all know.


เราก็เป็นแค่คนขายฝัน… แรงผลักดันคือกำลังใจ
We are just Sellers of Dreams . . . the power of motivation is our spirit!

Add and Lek Carabao Write New Songs That Apologize for the Song “Ganja.” And My Own Theory about the Origins of the Song

The new songs

Interestingly both Add Carabao and Lek Carabao have recently come out with different songs apologizing for the classic Carabao song “Ganja,” which was a huge hit in 1982. The original song condemns marijuana use by telling a musically compelling but logically implausible story of an addict who becomes listless and eventually dies of his marijuana addiction. This has always struck people as odd, as marijuana is not a lethal drug.

If you have not heard the original song, you really should. It is very evocative, very “trippy.” Here it is with the translation. And interestingly there is also an English version in which the protagonist does not die but only “pass[es] out from sweet ganja.”

Now both Add and Lek apologize outright for [the Thai version of] this song. The Thai government has recently changed its policy and legalized medical marijuana. The apology songs were likely catalyzed by this change in government policy. Carabao songs often are public service announcements that support government policy. I have heard that Add can write this type of song in just a couple hours. Most of Add’s public service announcement-type songs, this one included, have a sam-cha tune and are unremarkable. So I am only translating it this one because it addresses an issue in a top-100 Carabao song. [EDIT: Add has now come out with a killer pro-Ganja song (I would almost call it a top-100 Carabao song, but I can’t decide which song to move out of the top-100), and he is campaigning hard to further legalize marijuana.]

Here is Add’s apology song มหัศจรรย์กัญชา Miraculous Ganja, posted May 13, 2019 (with translation):

มหัศจรรย์กัญชา เกิดมาเพิ่งรู้ความจริง
Miraculous ganja. It happens that [I/we] just recently know the truth
เมื่อก่อนรู้เพียงเป็นสิ่ง เสพติดและผิดกฎหมาย
Before [I/we] know only that is something addictive and illegal
ใครมีไว้ในครอบครอง เป็นต้องถูกจับทุกราย
Anyone who has it in their possession should be arrested
แต่บัดนี้โลกเปลี่ยนไป เราใช้กัญชารักษาโรคที่ร้ายแรง
But now the world changes. We use ganja to treat serious illnesses

มหัศจรรย์กัญชา ถึงเวลาต้องปฏิวัติ
Miraculous ganja! It’s time for a revolution
เพราะพืชนี้คือโอกาส ช่วยชนในชาติกู้ชีวิตแต่ไม่แพง
Because this plant is an opportunity to help people in the country to save lives, and it’s not expensive.
แถมยังได้ผลชะงัด มะเร็งที่หนักขั้นคีโมฉายแสง
And its very effective for cancer at the stage treated with chemo and radiation
ผู้ป่วยอ่อนล้าโรยแรง หันพึ่งกัญชายืดชีวาดังหายขาด
The patient who is weak and losing strength, turns around and rely on ganja to extend their life as if they’ve completely recovered

* มาปฎิวัติกัญชา เข้าใจใหม่หนานะประชาชนทั้งชาติ
Coming to a ganja revolution! A new understanding for all the people of the country
ผมเองก็เคยผิดพลาด ร้องเพลง “นอนตายใต้ต้นกัญชา”
I myself made a mistake singing, “Lying down and dying of ganja”
แต่วันนี้ตาสว่างแล้ว พี่เอยน้องแก้ว ผมกราบขอขมา
But I’ve been enlightened now. Brothers and sisters. I beg your forgiveness.
มหัศจรรย์กัญชา ชีวิตนี้หนายังมีกัญชา เป็นยาวิเศษ
Miraculous ganga. In this tough life, we still have excellent ganja

มหัศจรรย์กัญชา โลกใบนี้หนาเรามีกัญชา เป็นยาวิเศษ
Miraculous ganga. In this tough life, we still have excellent ganja

Here is Lek’s apology song “กัญชา 2562” (Ganja 2019), posted May 14, 2019, on Facebook (with translation). I actually like it better than Add’s:

I once composed the song “Ganja”
The jist of which: I was opposed to it.
As days pass,
anything will change.

It can be made into medicine
to treat people
who have serious illnesses,
relieving pain and suffering

A thing we thought was dangerous
Has in these times become a medicine
Those who treat people
Give it out to free them from dangerous illnesses

So today we all must talk about this again
And get to an understanding of this plant
Today we all should talk about about this one more time
Talk about the very good things this can provide people

So today we all must talk about this again
And get to an understanding of this plant
Today we all should talk about about this one more time
Talk about the very good things this can provide people

Back in 2011, Add Carabao introduced the song “Ganja” at the Carabao New Year Expo by neutrally describing changing opinions on the topic and the fact that many other countries are legalizing marijuana.

“Ganja” might be considered the second song Add Carabao has apologized for in a year. He recently released “Che 2018,” in part to fix [an unspecified] mistake in his song “Che Yang Mai Dtai” (“Che’s Not Dead” or “Che Lives!”) from 1997.

A theory about the origins of the song “Ganja”

The very first Carabao song on the very first album was ลุงขี้เมา Lung Kee Mao (“The Druken Uncle”) and it was a huge hit. Some people still claim it is the best Carabao song. However, it is an anomalous Carabao song in two ways: First, the tune was not original but borrowed/stolen directly from a the song “Anak” (“Child”) by Freddie Aguilar, a Filipino musician. And second, there is no moral to the story: it is just a nihilistic sad song about a guy who drinks himself to death and in the last line of the song, dies under a bridge. And the fans LOVED it.

I think that “Ganja” is simply an attempt to write an original song that has the same magic as “Lung Kee Mao” (“The Druken Uncle”). And the attempt succeeded. “Ganja” was the biggest hit and the only enduring hit from the second album. According to my theory, the reason the protagonist dies of his addition in the last line of the song “Ganja,” is because that was a formula that had already worked in the song “Kee Mao.” In addition, about 10% of the early Carabao songs were banned from the radio. An outright pro-drug song would almost certainly have been banned in that era.

For those who can read Thai, look at the parallels in the way these two songs end. It’s even stronger before translated to English because someone lays down and dies beneath something. The drunk lays down and dies beneath an overpass, while the ganja smoker lays down and dies beneath [the influence of?] the ganja plant:

lung kêe mao
เช้าวันหนึ่ง มีคนพบศพ
cháo wan nèung mee kon póp sòp
ขี้เมานอนตาย อยู่ที่ใต้สะพานลอย
kêe mao non dtaai yòo têe dtâi sà-paan loi

chûa chee-wít kít sân tam-mai
เส้นทางสุดท้าย นอนตายใต้ต้นกัญชา
sên taang sùt táai non dtaai dtâi dtôn gan-chaa

Interestingly on the 25th anniversary of the band, Add wrote a sequel to ลุงขี้เมา Lung Kee Mao (“The Druken Uncle”), which is is stunning. This song, ลูกลุงขี้เมา Luuk Lung Kee Mow (Child of the Drunken Uncle), manages to be uplifting while remaining true to the spirit of the first song.

The Carabao-Santana Jams in 2013 and 2016 – With video

Add Carabao has said that the band’s biggest influence is Santana. Carabao played with Santana two times: The first time did not go great. And the second time was transcendent, as you can see in the video below.

The story of the first Carabao Santana Jam: Carabao opened for Santana at a concert in Bangkok, on March 6, 2013. The Carabao fans were beside ourselves with anticipation hoping that the two bands might also play together that night, although nothing had been arranged beforehand. I later heard this story from two directions: from an interview I watched of Add Carabao talking about the experience, and from my own conversation with a sound engineer who facilitated that jam session. The sound engineer says that when Carabao started playing, he was standing next to Carlos Santana, who instantly reacted to it, jumping up and down and playing air guitar. He turned to the sound engineer and said, “Ask them if we can play together.” This is exactly what everyone had been hoping for, but Add was so intimidated by the enormity of it, he had to be urged to go on. As it turns out he was starstruck and could hardly say or sing anything on stage, which is really odd, as from my perspective he’s the bigger star. They played the Santana song “Exodus,” and Add had had just hours to learn that song. He failed. Although Add couldn’t sing much in that first Carabao-Santana jam session, he said he had fun, and the rest of the band did well. Then after a long jam finished, Carlos Santana shouted out “CaraBOO” (pronouncing the band’s name wrong as he tried to recognize them). The whole crowd shouted back “CaraBOW!” Also at that concert, Carabao performed the song “Santana Carabao” and presented Carlos Santana with a translation of that song (their own translation). The song summarizes the Carabao-Santana connection better than anything I can say. Years after that concert, I did a singable English translation of “Santana Carabao.” The next Carabao album that would come out, สวัสดีประเทศไทย Sawadee Prathet Thai (Hello Thailand!), has a Santana sound, as if the band was still riding the high of that experience on stage.

The second Carabao-Santana Jam: On February 29, 2016, Carabao again opened for Santana in Bangkok. This time the two bands met at sound check the night before and made a plan. Carlos Santana suggested that this time they do Carabao songs, and so they all practiced two Carabao songs together. At this point, a different sound engineer leaked to fans that this would be “an out of body experience” (if I remember correctly.) You can judge for yourself. On the night of the concert, he first song sung, was “Wanipok.” The official video cuts off in the middle of Add’s guitar solo, so here is my favorite video of that song that night, apparently taken by a fan who is also singing along:

The second song they did is “Yaai Samang.” Here is the official video:

The whole thing was perfect.

Awesome English-language cover of “วณิพก” “Wanipok” by Michael P. Albert

Michael Albert, a friend of mine from work, did this awesome cover of “”วณิพก” “Wanipok” that even contains an Easter egg from another famous Carabao song (listen for it). Michael lives in the United States and is not Thai. Long ago, I introduced him to this song with the English translation. He loved it! I emailed him the words to google in Thai, and he started listening and studying all versions of the song “วณิพก” and the rest of the “คาราบาว” music. A week later, with no further input from me, he created a version of the song that you hear at this link. Various Farang fans of Carabao, including one Carabao sound engineer were blown away. The typical reaction was “Goosebumps . . .” I sent it to Carabao Foundation, who reposted it. Years later, Michael surprised me with a new version. It is even better than the first version. He intended it as a going-away present, as I leave my job of 30 years. This cover proves I have achieved my mission of, bridging the language barrier, and showing the Carabao music to the English-speaking world.

Message from Michael on my Facebook page: Okay, so Ann Norman will be leaving the place where I work in the near future and I kind of had said I was going to eventually record another version of this song that she’d translated/adapted as part of her project to bring the music of Aed Carabao and his band to the West..

So, I sat down earlier this afternoon (I guess 4 or 5 years after the first version) and did this. It is just a rough draft, but it was fun enough to do. This is essentially an improvised recording and my “Warts And All” principle applies.

The drums are courtesy of Garage Band. The three guitar parts are my ole Strat that Shari Reynolds Albert bought for me at the end of the 80s, and the Hondo 830 that I bought for her sometime back in the ’90s provides a serviceable bass. My trusty Sennheiser MD421 does its thing.

(Warning: I continue to be mostly deaf on my right side, so this was rough-mixed with speakers. The panning on headphones leaves much to be desired. This is best listened to on a car stereo where the flaws are absorbed by whatever makes things sound better in the car.)


More translations of Carabao songs can be found here [at Carabao in English]. Actual versions of Wanipok (and other songs) by Carabao are 1) much better than mine 2) available at a video/music site near you. You should go listen to them.


Review of the Album “World Folk Zen” (Audiophile Remaster Edition)

World Folk Zen (เวิลด์ โฟล์คเซน) is a solo album by ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka แอ๊ด คาราบาว Aed Carabao, originally released in 1991, and now digitally remastered. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. BUY the new Audiophile Remaster Edition HERE from eThaiCD, where you can shop in English.

One of my favorite solo albums of ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka แอ๊ด คาราบาว Aed Carabao, which first came out in 1991, has just been rereleased, digitally remastered. This is an album that lives up to the promise of its title: World Folk Zen

Yes, it is international, in sound, concept, and even in language. Yes, it is about saving the Earth. Yes, the music is rousing and addictive, with twangy guitars. Yes, it is Asian. The music is at turns funny, profound, inspiring, angry, . . . and, as Zen encourages, immediate.

By my count, three of the top-100 “Carabao” songs are on this album. They come in the middle of the album and are completely addictive.

Add Carabao rarely sings in English, but four of the songs on this album include a verse or at least a few lines in English. These lines are sung or spoken by Todd Tongdee (ทอดด์ ทองดี), a singer/songwriter born in America who lives and works in Thailand (up until the present). In each case, the English sections represent the rest of the song quite well. If all you understand is the little section in English, you will get the jist of the song. Although, in “Luang Paw Prajak” (“หลวงพ่อประจักษ์”), the English words are alarming because they are shouted out at the end of the song: “THE ONLY MONK IN THE HISTORY OF THAILAND EVER PUT IN PRISON . . . FOR TRYING TO SAVE THE . . . FOREST!”

All of these songs are raw and real. With the mix of Thai and English language and Western and Asian sensibilities, the earnestness, and the “go way out on a limb” approach, it could have failed, but it sure didn’t! The opening song “Yuenyong as Neil Young” (“ยืนยงอย่างเนลยัง”), is an announcement by Add Carabao that he wants to be like his idol Neil Young including the harmonica and the songs that mean something. That’s what is said in Thai, while an English verse says:

“I’ve been banging these songs since the age of 15
And I’m wandering along
If you might take them to heart
Give them words of your own
Make a brand new song”

The next song “Crazy” (“บ้า”), similarly throws caution to the wind, telling a ridiculous story from the perspective of someone in a mental hospital, who is shouting nonsensical advice to a woman outside the gate whose car has broken down. The refrain of the song is “I’m not a bad person. It’s just that my thinking is bad.” And the last line of the song, is “I may be crazy, but I’m not stupid!” At some point in the future, political correctness may turn on this song, but before that happens, like “Baby it’s Cold Outside,” it will have had a many-decades-long run as a fan favorite. Add said he got the idea for this song when he saw a mentally handicapped person was at his concert and he thought to himself, “I wonder how that person thinks?”

The next song “World” is perhaps the most famous of several Carabao “save the Earth” songs. There is an alarmingly high, sharp note near the beginning, almost a scream, then it settles into more of a lullaby. The English verses are not perfectly translated from the Thai, but they’re close enough. And a Thai song titled with the word “World” in English ought to be bilingual.

The next song “Rain, Land” “ฝนดิน” is also environmental, and in my opinion is way better than “World.” The tune is simple, folky, and completely addictive—-on a par with “This Land is Your Land.” Perhaps better. Although it’s all in Thai, you may not even notice any foreign language. It will just sweep you up.

The next two songs are equally good. “For Thailand” (“เพื่อเมืองไทย”) is more folky guitar that picks you up and makes you want go out and change the world for the better. . . or at least start cleaning the house. (I just read the The Thai Wikipedia article on this album which says the song began as a Coke commercial!) The song asks young people, in an open-ended way, “What will you do for Thailand?” The beauty of the song is is better appreciated if you know the concept of “Thainess” is often presented as a set of expectations that one must live up to. This song instead advises:

“Now the river of Thainess
goes however we go,
is as we are.
No exceptions ever
[If you] don’t try, of course, you won’t know.
It’s something deep from the thoughts in the heart.
If we have you teach, will you teach?
If [we] have you think, what will you think?
If we have you do, then what will you do?
Go ahead! Do it!”

The next song “The Arrow of Arjuna” (“ศรอรชุน”) is another simple song that is way better than a simple song should be: it’s a total earworm. I loved it before I could understand the words. And from the marching drumbeat, I got the main point even before I understand the words: it is an inspiring call to battle. According to Wikipedia, Arjuna is is a hero of an Indian epic, “an archer and a warrior accompanied by Lord Krishna” who “helped him destroy asuras (demons) who had been born in the form of humans on earth.” The translation of the refrain turns out to be:

“We are warriors. We are war. We fight injustice.
We are fighters. We are war. We fight with hearts/minds not with a weapon

We come fight together, each different one come to fight together and make war. That has a purpose.
Even if we must live, or if we must die, and the bones burn away to nothing, the soul still lives”

Another interesting song is “Saeng Dao” (“แสงดาว”), which sounds a little more Asian, with a tune that meanders along in an unexpected way, taking such strange turns that it is almost impossible to sing along to. This song is another with a complicated story to tell, about a women named “Saeng Dao” (or Starlight) who seems to have been helping as a medic for communists in the jungle when she died.

This album uses the directness of folk music to tell compelling stories bigger than the boundaries of Thailand.

[BELOW ARE THE SONGS FROM WORLD FOLK ZEN ALREADY TRANSLATED AT CARABAO IN ENGLISH (the album also contains 3 songs that I haven’t yet translated)]

World Folk Zen (Aed Carabao solo album 1991):
ยืนยงอย่างเนลยัง Yuenyong Yang Neil Young (Yuenyong as Neil Young)
บ้า Ba (Crazy) ✰✰✰
World [NOT A translation; already half in English] ✰✰
ฝนดิน Fon Din (Rain, Land) ✰✰✰
เพื่อเมืองไทย Peua Muang Thai (For Thailand) ✰✰✰
ศรอรชุน Son Arachun (The Arrow of Arjuna) ✰✰
แสงดาว Saeng Dao

แสงดาว Saeng Dao

Album: World Folk Zen
By ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka แอ๊ด คาราบาว Aed Carabao
Album: World Folk Zen (1991)
This album is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. BUY IT HERE from eThaiCD, where you can shop in English.

Note: Googling it seems this is something that happened in the late 1950s. However, to confuse the issue, in the movie Young ‘Bao, set in the late 1970s, Young Add (the character) has a love interest named Saeng Dao with a similar story. I am guessing that the movie used alot of dramatic license. My apologies if this really happened to Add’s friend. The tune of this song is really challenging to sing. Can you do it?

แสงดาวสาวน้อย อยู่ ณ ดอยแสงดาว
săeng daao săao nói yòo ná doi săeng daao
The young woman Saeng Dao, at Saeng Dao mountain
ผิวพรรณขาวนวล อาบด้วยเลือดสีแดง
pĭw pan kăao nuan àap dûay lêuat sĕe daeng
Creamy white complexion bathed in red blood

Er . . . Er . . . Er . . .

*แสงดาวสาวน้อย คอยดูแลคนป่วย
săeng daao săao nói koi doo lae kon bpùay
The young woman Saeng Dao, used to look after sick people
ใบหน้าสาวสวย มาสวมหมวกสีเขียว
bai nâa săao sŭay maa sŭam mùak sĕe kĭeow
The face of the beautiful woman comes to be wearing a green hat
เป็นนักศึกษา ปัญญาฉลาดเฉลียว
bpen nák sèuk-săa bpan-yaa chà-làat chà-lĭeow
She is a student, with briliant knowledge,
แบ่งให้โลกใบเดียว เท่าเทียมกันทุกคน
bàeng hâi lôhk bai dieow tâo tiam gan túk kon
sharing it out so this one world will have equality for everyone

คุมภารกิจ อุทิศตนต่องาน
kum paa-rá-gìt u-tít dton dtòr ngaan
Tending to her duties, dedicating herself to her work
แห่งฐานที่ มันภูพาน เป็นเหล่าทหารประชา
hàeng tăan têe man-poo-paan bpen lào tá-hăan bprà-chaa
at the base of Man Pu Pan to be in a citizen’s corps
บนแดนดินเดือด ด้วยเลือดและน้ำตา
bon daen din dèuat dûay lêuat láe nám dtaa
It is a region boiling with blood and tears
sŏm têe ter gèrt maa bpen wee-ra-sa-dtree
It is appropriate that she becomes a heroine

*แสงดาวสาวน้อย คอยดูแลคนป่วย
săeng daao săao nói koi doo lae kon bpùay
The young woman Saeng Dao, used to look after sick people
ใบหน้าสาวสวย มาสวมหมวกสีเขียว
bai nâa săao sŭay maa sŭam mùak sĕe kĭeow
The face of the beautiful woman comes to be wearing a green hat
เป็นนักศึกษา ปัญญาฉลาดเฉลียว
bpen nák sèuk-săa bpan-yaa chà-làat chà-lĭeow
She is a student, [her] bright knowledge
แบ่งให้โลกใบเดียว เท่าเทียมกันทุกคน
bàeng hâi lôhk bai dieow tâo tiam gan túk kon
sharing it so that this one world will have equality for everyone

เธอไปทำหน้าที่ มีเมตตาคนป่วย
ter bpai tam nâa-têe mee mâyt-dtaa kon bpùay
She goes to do her duty, has compassion for sick people
มาตามเธอไปช่วย ไปป้อนน้ำป้อนยา
maa dtaam ter bpai chûay bpai bpôn nám bpôn yaa
Come follow her go help provide medicines
ชาวบ้านจับไข้ ให้เธอไปช่วยรักษา
chaao bâan jàp kâi hâi ter bpai chûay rák-săa
Villagers catch a fever, have her help to treat [it]
บ่มีใครคิดว่า เธอจะไม่หวนคืน
bòr mee krai kít wâa ter jà mâi hŭan keun
No one thinks that she won’t come back

แสงดาวสาวน้อย อยู่ ณ ดอยแสงดาว
săeng daao săao nói yòo ná doi săeng daao
The young woman Saeng Dao, at Saeng Dao mountain
ผิวพรรณขาวนวล อาบด้วยเลือดสีแดง
pĭw pan kăao nuan àap dûay lêuat sĕe daeng
Creamy white complexion bathed in red blood.
pêua chee-wít láe săng-kom ter jeung dâai jàak lôhk bpai
For life and society she thus must leave this world
ในแดนดินเดือด ด้วยเลือดและน้ำตา
nai daen din dèuat dûay lêuat láe nám dtaa
In a land boiling with blood and tears
หนทางที่ผ่านมา ได้ชื่อว่าดอยแสงดาว
hŏn taang têe pàan maa dâai chêu wâa doi săeng daao
The way that she came got the name “Saeng Dao Mountain”


Er . . . Er . . . Er . . .

*แสงดาวสาวน้อย คอยดูแลคนป่วย
săeng daao săao nói koi doo lae kon bpùay
The young woman Saeng Dao, used to look after sick people
ใบหน้าสาวสวย มาสวมหมวกสีเขียว
bai nâa săao sŭay maa sŭam mùak sĕe kĭeow
The face of the beautiful woman comes to be wearing a green hat
เป็นนักศึกษา ปัญญาฉลาดเฉลียว
bpen nák sèuk-săa bpan-yaa chà-làat chà-lĭeow
She is a student, with briliant knowledge,
แบ่งให้โลกใบเดียว เท่าเทียมกันทุกคน
bàeng hâi lôhk bai dieow tâo tiam gan túk kon
sharing it out so this one world will have equality for everyone

แสงดาวสาวน้อย อยู่ ณ ดอยแสงดาว
săeng daao săao nói yòo ná doi săeng daao
The young woman Saeng Dao, at Saeng Dao mountain
ผิวพรรณขาวนวล อาบด้วยเลือดสีแดง
pĭw pan kăao nuan àap dûay lêuat sĕe daeng
Creamy white complexion bathed in red blood
pêua chee-wít láe săng-kom ter jeung dâai jàak lôhk bpai
For life and society she thus must leave this world
ในแดนดินเดือด ด้วยเลือดและน้ำตา
nai daen din dèuat dûay lêuat láe nám dtaa
In a land boiling with blood and tears
หนทางที่ผ่านมา ได้ชื่อว่าดอยแสงดาว
hŏn taang têe pàan maa dâai chêu wâa doi săeng daao
The way that she came got the name “Saeng Dao Mountain”

ในแดนดินเดือก ด้วยเลือกและน้ำตา
nai daen din dèuat dûay lêuat láe nám dtaa
In a land boiling with blood and tears
หนทางที่ผ่านมา ได้ชื่อว่าดอยแสงดาว
hŏn taang têe pàan maa dâai chêu wâa doi săeng daao
The way that [she?] came got the name “Saeng Dao Mountain”

“ทะเลใจ” “Telay Jai” translated by Tom Vamvanij

Note: Another person wrote to me to say they also translate Carabao songs into English! Tom Vamvanij offers this excellent translation of “Telay Jai” (you can compare to mine), with some thoughtful advice for translating this and other songs. The song “Telay Jai” is available on the limited Gold Edition of Made in Thailand.”

“ทะเลใจ” “Sea of the Heart” by แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao, translated by Tom Vamvanij

Though I am now past the age of aspirations
And the days of aimlessness,
I have learned to live only that my body and my heart
May be at peace with one another.

As I lived through my days of loneliness,
The body belonged to me, but to whom the heart?
Life was but a struggle in those cruel days
When the body and the heart were miles apart.

On any given night, the heart succumbs to the body,
But in times of terror, the body succumbs to the heart.
Amidst the glitters of modernity,
It’s easy to lose one’s path.

*On any given night, the heart takes flight,
Carried off by fancy to the edge of the earth,
Like a little bird by the wind
Only to fall eventually to the sea of the heart.

Each life strives to reach its goals
Yet can’t find the heart in its own body.
Suffering comes out of a delirious heart,
Pin it down and therein lies happiness.

*On any given night, the heart takes flight,
Carried off by fancy to the edge of the earth,
Like a little bird by the wind
Only to fall eventually to the sea of the heart.

Though I am now past the age of aspirations
And the days of aimlessness,
I have learned to live only that my body and my heart
May be at peace forever.

Below is his translation advice, in response to some questions I had asked:

The song is not difficult to understand when one keeps in mind its main theme, which is present throughout. That is, the dichotomy between the body and the heart, or the visceral and the spiritual. (“Jai” here comprises the senses of not only “heart”, but also “mind,” “will,” “spirit,” and “soul.”) We see how the two are often at odds and struggle for supremacy over each other. The song’s lesson, offered up front and repeated at the end, is to stop this unhappy struggle and live in such a way that the body and the heart are in harmony.

Translating poetry is inherently difficult. The faithful ones aren’t pretty and the pretty ones aren’t faithful, it is said. In my translation, I tried to stay as faithful as I could while maintaining more or less idiomatic English. You’ll find the original meaning in each verse, though not necessarily in each word. Literal inexactness is a small price to pay to avoid rendering awkward in translation what sound so beautiful in the original.


ชีวิตบ้านนา Chewit Baan Na (Country Life)

By? or made famous by คำรณ สัมบุญณานนท์ Kamron Samboonnanon
รอยคำรณ Roi Kam Ron (1994)

Note: Below is a recent cover of the song by คาวบอย ตามรอยควาย Cowboy Dtamroykwai (Cowboy Following-in-the-Tracks-of-the-Buffalo), the best Add Carabao impersonator. Add Carabao’s version was also a cover of an old song made famous (or written?) by Kamron Samboonnanon, who was Thailand’s first Luuk Tong or Thai country music singer. I still need to run the lyrics by a checker, but you get the idea! Enjoy.

Life way out in the country
Living in the way of the highland forest
Grab the plough handle and forge ahead through wind and hot sun
Sleep on a straw mattress. Whatever! I’m content.
I don’t need to worry
However much the price of gasoline rises
I can ride a buffalo wherever
However far away, I don’t ever grumble
The power of the buffalo plows the fields
It eats grass, doesn’t waste gasoline
If it dies we make a beef curry to eat together
The benefits of it are many and various
Life way out in the country
Love the speech of both women and men
Honest to the point that they say [we] are as foolish as the buffalo
Knowing shyness and modesty

Life way out in the country
According to our [own] manners
Far from tantalizing lights and colors
Loving the group of us like family
Poor and depending on one another
My heart loves them? Not thinking only of oneself
Never had overindulgence/addiction
Mine and my own can depend on ourselves
The forest highlands way out in the country
As far as the eye can see I have what I cherish
Honest and straightforward as I also give the love I have
Life way out in the country forests and mountains
In the afternoon, we take a break from the fields
The rice and fish we’ve cooked awaits us
Hot rice and curry, fish sauce, and sadao [a leafy vegetable]
With my children and wife close at my side

Life way out in the country
The odor of mud, straw, and musty buffalo
All one’s life persevering with a tired body
Sell the rice for not enough to take care of one’s self
The land is dried out
The sky and rain just tease you
Gradually water dries to stubble
One finally becomes destitute
Life is hard, isn’t it? So difficult and bothersome
Every person being humble
Still can’t get beyond the people who hate
We’re people, right? People? Can you have a little heart for us
In your city storehouses, can you understand?
Lives way out in the country
or ladies and gentlemen, however wealthy,
are born and then must be extinguished
I only ask that I die away upon goodness.

The range of musical styles: Add Carabao can do anything

Rock, folk, protest anthems, disco, new wave, balads, country, blue grass, heavy metal . . . Add Carabao is a musical genius who can do any musical style and make it his own. He says he can’t do rap. But even there, he wrote the hook for a hip hop anthem that is completely addictive. About once a year, for about 35 years, he did both an official Carabao studio album (in keeping with the band’s brand, which is already pretty broad musically) and one solo album of his own, which was usually more experimental–an attempt to stretch himself. He says he purposefully challenges himself: if he sitting somewhere and an interesting song plays, he thinks, “I wonder if I can do one like that?” The answer seems to always be YES!

Below is a list of songs demonstrating Add Carabao’s huge musical range, beginning with the song that made Carabao instantly famous. This song, “Made in Thailand” also demonstrates the band’s signature style, which is a fusion of Northern Thai and Latin styles called “sam cha.” The next style I emphasize is “Santana” as that is the band’s biggest influence. (I have labeled musical styles as they sound to me.)

The very original, killer song that made Carabao famous (Sam Cha musical style):
เมดอินไทยแลนด์ Made in Thailand

Sam cha + Santana (Santana is the band’s biggest influence):
กีต้าร์คิงส์ Guitar King
ซานตาน่าคาราบาว Santana Carabao

Protest Song/Antham:
เสียงเพลงแห่งเสรีภาพ Music of Freedom Siang Pleang Heng Saripaap

New Wave:
ประชาธิปไตย Bprachaatipbpadtai (Democracy)

ผีเสื้อนักสู้ (ก้าวไกลไปด้วยกัน) Pee Seua Nak Soo (Fighter Butterfly)

Honky Tonk Blues:
ฝาโลง Fa Long (Coffin Lid)

Rock and Roll:
วางดาบ Wang Dap (Set Down the Sword)

Hip hop/Rap (Add wrote the hook):
สุดขอบฟ้า Sud Kob Fah (The Horizon)

Slow Blues (written for him Teewa Sarachuta):
เวลาที่เหลือ Wayla Tee Leua (The Time Remaining)

Blue Grass:
อาจารย์เสก Ahjahn Sek (Teacher Sek)

Heavy Metal (written for the band Assist):
แค่คิดยังไม่เคย Kae Kit Yang Mai Koie (Only Thought About It, Still Haven’t Ever . . .)

Balad sung in the persona of a transgender person (he’s not transgender):
ดอกไม้สีชมพู Dok Mai See Champoo (Pink Flower)

Song about lost ideals (Big Chill):
น้ำตาเพื่อน ต.ค. Nam Dtaa Peuan Dtula (Tears of the October Friends)

A Hymn to Rice (sounds like an ancient Christian song):
รวงข้าวสีทอง Ruang Kao See Tong (Golden Ears of Rice)

Elton John piano:
อยากได้ยิน Yaak Daiyin (Want to Hear)

John Denver country:
รกกำเนิด Rok Gamnert (Original Placenta)

Jethro Tull (Lek Carabao co-wrote the melody) :
ลูกหิน Luuk Hin (Stone Child)

Jackson Browne:
ความจริง Kwam-jing (Truth)

Perfect airline commercial (it was an airline commercial):
รักคุณเท่าฟ้า (Rak Kun Tao Fah) Love You as Much as the Sky

Movie music (written for a blockbuster movie):
บางระจันวันเพ็ญ Bangrajan Wan Pen (Bangrajan, Day of the Full Moon)

Translating Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song” into Thai
ปลดแอก Blohd Aek “Remove the Yoke”

แม่สลอง Mae Salong

Singing in Spanish:
Che 2018

Singing in English:
Keep Joy

Everyone light candles and be unified:
โลกแห่งความรัก Lok Haeng Kwaam Rak (World of Love)

Everyone cry:
Dap Nu Tee
Please Answer the Child

Feel better after a break up:
รักต้องสู้ Rak Dtong Soo (Love Must Struggle)

คนล่าฝัน Kon La Fun Dream Chaser

Really “ultra-Thai”
ศิลปินมาแล้ว Sinlabin Ma Laew (And Here Are the Artists!)

Duet in Thai and English (a valentine to the fans on the 30th anniversary of the band):
เพลงแบบไหน Pleang Baap Nai (What Kind of Song?); English title is “Harmony of Hearts”

Everything together. If you don’t like this, never mind. You were not meant to be a Carabao fan!
หนุ่มบาวสาวปาน Num Bao Sao Parn (Carabao Boy and Parn Girl)

ชนะภัย Chanapai

By คาราบาว Carabao
Album: สัจจะ ๑๐ ประการ satja sip bpragaan (Ten Truths) (1992)

Support the artists and buy the album HERE

Note: This song is named after Preecha Chanapai aka Lek Carabao, a band member of Carabao. At first I thought the reference to him was almost random, but now I’m wondering if it has to do with the meaning of his name (follow the footnotes below). This is a song about the Cruel May (พฤษภาทมิฬ Prutsapa Tamin) or Bloody May (May 17-20 1992) event, a popular uprising that ended badly with a military crackdown, 52 confirmed dead, many disappearances, and thousands arrested. Add Carabao famously wrote the very inward-looking song “Telay Jai” or Ocean Heart immediately after coming home from that protest. It came out that same year on an album titled พฤษภา “Prutsapa” or “May.” Bloody May is more vividly described in the song เว้นวรรค Wen-Wak (Some Space) and used as an argument for “some space” in order to “fix the constitution” in the midst of the unrest of 2006. In that song, he urges, “Democracy will gain strength. . . why must we buy it expensively?” It seems like the violence of this event had a strong impact on his views.

It’s because we trust them [too] easily
Its because our minds are naively sincere
[About] how many people does the world broadcast,
ว่าคุณคือคุณค่า ประชาธิปไตย
that “You are of value.” Democracy

Like when the wind passes through an open field
Like the morning dew, for example,
The promise of evening when the sun is setting
Or when we just wake up to the absence of our bosses’ shadow.

So tell me who is occupied with suffering?
And who dreams dreams that become reality
And who gets to be a boss or a Lady [a noble person]?
แล้วใครถูกทิ้ง ให้หลงลืมกันไป
And who has been tossed aside so as to be forgotten?
(So as to be forgotten forever)

Unlucky citizens are like “NO!”
That the country is tumultuous is a problem
Dictators come along and govern the country
And harass and kill/slaughter the people

Judges don’t judge the wrong way
Viewing the lives of some people as more important
Thai society lacks that spicy sauce*
จริงมั้ยครับหัวหน้าชวน หลีกภัย
Isn’t that true, Leader Chuan Leekpai**

And tell me who is occupied with suffering
And who dreams dreams that become reality?
And who is a boss or a Lady
แล้วใครถูกทิ้ง ให้หลงลืมกันไป
And who has been tossed aside so as to be forgotten?
(So as to be forgotten forever)

So tell me who is occupied with suffering?
And who dreams dreams that become reality?
And who gets to be a boss or a Lady [a noble person]?
แล้วใครถูกทิ้ง ให้หลงลืมกันไป
And who has been tossed aside so as to be forgotten?

ถามคุณชวน หลีกภัยใครควรรับผิด
Ask Mr. Chuan Leekpai** who should take responsibility for their mistake
Heros died in the month of May
If [he] can’t answer, go ask the guitarist
เขานั้นชื่อปรีชา ชนะภัย
His name is Preecha Chanapai***
So tell me who is occupied with suffering?
And who dreams dreams that become reality?
And who gets to be a boss or a Lady [a noble person]?
แล้วใครถูกทิ้ง ให้หลงลืมกันไป
And who has been tossed aside so as to be forgotten?
(So as to be forgotten forever)

* น้ำยา (“naam yaa”) can mean either a liquid medicine or chili paste. To say that someone doesn’t have “น้ำยา” means that they are lacking a certain something that would make them effective. For a man having “naam yaa’ can also be a euphemism for sexual potency; lacking it would mean you are infertile. “mojo” or “gumption” might be a good translation. Here I used “that special spicy sauce.”
** According to Wikipedia, Chuan Leekpai was Thailand’s Prime Minister from 20 September 20, 1992 to May 19. 1995 and again from 9 November 1997 to 9 February 2001.
***I don’t know if this means that Preecha Chanapai (Lek Carabao) has special insight into this issue, or if “Preecha Chanapai” sort of sounds like “Chuan Leekpai” and so this is a way of saying “Ask any random person. We all know whose fault it is.” OR it could be a play on the meaning of their names! “Chuan Leekpai” sounds like “persuade to make room for danger” while “Preecha Chanapai” could mean “ability [to] win against danger”

นส. 3 ก. (Nor Sor Saam Gor) NS3K Document

by คาราบาว Carabao
Album: ห้ามจอดควาย Ham Jod Kwai (No Buffalo Parking) (1990)

Support the artists! Buy it HERE at, where you can shop in English.

Note: The NS3K document is deed or land title. NSK corresponds to น.ส.ก. an abbreviation of หนังสือรับรองการทำประโยชน์ [Document Guaranteeing the Benefits Produced]. The “ก” letter, which has been officially translated “K” in the English name of the document, should really be “G,” and stands for “การทำประโยชน์” or “the benefits produced.” The “3” just distinguishes this particular land deed from other similar varieties of land deeds. But in this song, about a young girl or woman sold by her parents into prostitution, there is a pun such that the abbreviation is read as “Deed Giving Rights to 3 Benefits Produced.”

Her stomach is still hungry
Her skin and flesh is the residence of desolate men
The younger siblings she has still wait
Wait for her to come find the comfort of home and her things
Brought from the land of the Thais
Back to Kengtung city [Shan State, Myanmar]*

The work that she does, she does unwillingly
ทอดเนื้อตัวไปใจเจ็บก็เพราะจน ตั้งแต่เกิด
She flaunts her flesh and hurts her heart because she has been poor since birth.
The dreams she has are just breezes [amount to nothing]
People come pounce/clamor to share her life
It’s like a toilet that is for all the public

ฝันอันล่องลอย ไร้ซึ่งจุดหมาย
Her dreams drift aimlessly
บ้านก็อยู่ไกล ไร้ที่พึ่งพิง
Here home is far way. She is without a refuge
แสงตะวันรอน ลับลงติดดิน
The sunlight dips and disappears meeting the earth
เธอต้องขายกิน นส. 3 ก
To survive she must sell the NS3K title [or Rights to 3 Benefits Produced].

The stomach that waits is still hungry
สิบนิ้วที่มี ไม่อาจจะทดแทนคุณกําเนิด
Her 10 fingers probably can’t repay the value of her birth [She can’t work to repay the gift of her birth]
That all there is to this society of ours
If we blame each other, we must excuse [ourselves] by saying “Whose daughter is she?”
She’s not your daughter

Cry away with one’s dreams
It’s not bad fortune not any sin in a past life
This life is an example/is one instance
สอนใจผู้คน น้องสาวเป็นไทยใหญ่
Be interested in people. This young sister is Thai Yai [Shan]
เธอดีทั้งหัวใจ ร่างกายและวิญญาณ
She is good — heart, body, and soul
ฝันอันล่องลอย ไร้ซึ่งจุดหมาย
Her dreams drift aimlessly
Her home is far away. [She is] without a refuge
The sunlight dips and disappears meeting the earth
เธอต้องขายกิน นส. 3 ก
In order to live, she must sell the rights to three “Gs”

ก. ที่หนึ่งกิน
The first “G” is “gin” [“eating/consuming”]
The second “G” is “giat” [“respect”]
ก.ที่สามกาม นส. 3 ก
The third “G” is “gaam” [“sexual desire”]
The father goes and sells, the mother grabs the worth
เนื้อนุ่ม นมดี กระหรี่ดัง
Her soft flesh, her good breasts, a famous prostitute
ฝันอันล่องลอย ไร้ซึ่งจุดหมาย
Her dreams drift aimlessly
บ้านก็อยู่ไกล ไร้ที่พึ่งพิง
Her home is far away. She is without a refuge
The sunlight dips and disappears meeting the earth
เธอต้องขายกิน นส. 3 ก
There are three things she must sell in order to survive

*It sounds like she has a care package from home that has arrived and her friends at the brothel are her new siblings.

ยูคา[ลิปตัส] (Yuka[lipdtat]) Euca[lyptus]

By ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka Add Carabao
Album: แจกกล้วย Jaek Gluay (Handing Out Bannanas) (1995)

Support the artists and BUY a CD of THE ALBUM at eThaiCD, where you can shop in English.

Note: I translated this song because is sounds like Santana (which Add has said is his biggest musical influence). Turns out it is a song about a species of plant brought to Thailand from Australia, which apparently causing some trouble. Apparently this plant sucks up alot of water. The rest of the story you can get from the song.

May I ask you where do you come from?
(We come from far away, Australia)
You’ve come so far, you must be tired
(Hungry until we feel weak. Our eyes and ears [are showing us dizzy] patterns)*
The dirt and water of your home, is it bountiful?
(My home is sandy. Planting peaches is difficult)
It may be hard to find food in the ground
(But we can rise up. It’s up to us and us alone)

How did you wind up here in Isaan?
(There were people who brought our species here to plant)
They probably planted you hoping they could eat the fruit
(I only have roots that penetrate deeply in to the earth)
And do you have anything seriously great?
(Our price is quite good for supplying the paper factory)
Oh, so it’s just like that. I’m not surprised
Thailand is a country promoting Eu-ca [lyptus]

ยูคายูคา.. ใช้ทำกระดาษไม่ใช่ปลูกป่า
Euca, Euca . . . Eucalyptus. It’s used to make paper not to plant forest
ยูคายูคา..ยูคาลิปตัส ใช้ทำกระดาษไม่ใช่ปลูกป่า
Euca, Euca . . . Eucalyptus. It’s used to make paper not to plant forest.

They plant so much. It’s called a Euca planation
And not a forestry plantation either, Mister
They’ve tricked us already, Mister

ยูคายูคา..ยูคาลิปตัส ใช้ทำกระดาษไม่ใช่ปลูกป่า
Euca, Euca . . . Eucalyptus. Used to make paper, not to plant forest
ยูคายูคา..ยูคาลิปตัส ใช้ทำกระดาษไม่ใช่ปลูกป่า
Euca, Euca . . . Eucalyptus Used it to make paper, not to plant forest

Plant so much! It’s called a Euca plantation
And not a forestry plantation either, Mister
The earth is cracked, the water disappears
The fields go one again become dry sand
The breezes and rains are finished; what arrives is just dry dusty wind
The trees with red trunks dry out and die standing
It is an evil of the wise experts
แจก สปก.รุกไปในป่า
They hand out the SBG certificates [which give rights to new land reform practices] and invade the forest
It’s the trick of a sinful person
Handing out the protected forest to plant a eucalyptus planation
It is the trick of a sinful person
Handing out the protected forest . . . to plant a eucalyptus plantation

ยูคายูคา..ยูคาลิปตัส ใช้ทำกระดาษไม่ใช่ปลูกป่า
Euca, Euca . . . Eucalyptus. Used to make paper, not to plant forest
ยูคายูคา..ยูคาลิปตัส ใช้ทำกระดาษไม่ใช่ปลูกป่า
Euca, Euca . . . Eucalyptus. Used to make paper, not to plant forest
ยูคายูคา..ยูคาลิปตัส ใช้ทำกระดาษไม่ใช่ปลูกป่า
Euca, Euca . . . Eucalyptus. Used it to make paper, not to plant forest
ยูคายูคา..ยูคาลิปตัส ใช้ทำกระดาษไม่ใช่ปลูกป่า
Euca, Euca . . . Eucalyptus. Used to make paper, not to plant forest
ยูคายูคา..ยูคาลิปตัส ใช้ทำกระดาษไม่ใช่ปลูกป่า
Euca, Euca . . . Eucalyptus. Used to make paper, not to plant forst

*ตาลาย or dtaa laai means literally “the eyes patterns” where “patterns” is a verb. At the end of the experience when you stand up too fast and the blood rushes from your head and then your vision comes back all spotty or with patterns, like dazed, that is “ตาลาย” or “dtaa laai.” So in this case, they are so hungry they are dizzy and seeing patterns.

นางสาวสยาม (Nang Sao Siam) Miss Siam

By คาราบาว Carabao
Album: สาวเบียร์ช้าง Sao Bia Change (Chang Beer Girl) (2001)

This album is RECOMMENDED. Buy it at eThaiCD, where you can shop in English

Note: According to the notes under the official YouTube: “Nang Sao Siam (Miss Siam) is the name of the first civilian airplane of Thailand in 1932 owned by Captain Leuan Pongsohpon. Miss Siam made a flight welding friendly relations with China when Leuan Pongsohpon made the flight from Bangkok, passing Laos and Vietnam, ending in Shantou, China, (eastern coast of Guangdong) taking 5 days.” There is also a perfect, top-100 Carabao song about the experience of flying in a plane:”รักคุณเท่าฟ้า” (“Rak Kun Tao Fah“) or “Love You as Much as the Sky!” Near the end of this song, “Nongsao Siam,” listen for a lovely riff from “Rak Kun Tao Fah.”

Miss Siam
Miss Siam
เครื่องบินลำนี้ บินไกลบินไปถึงเมืองจีน
This airplane flew far, all the way to China
It seems so aloft and daring
บินสี่พันฟุต สูงสุดเสี่ยงความตาย
Flew 4,000 feet, so very high, risking death
But he wasn’t afraid of dying
ลูกผู้ชาย คนรักฟ้าใจกล้า
This real man, a person who loved the sky, with a brave heart
Welding a relationship between China and Thailand
Accomplishing this duty made Thailand widely talked about
คนรักฟ้าต่างนับถือ เกียรติคุณท่านคือ ให้ไทยเราได้ก้าวไกล
All lovers of the sky respect him. That we honor you is because you made us Thais advance far

เลื่อน พงโสภณ
Leuan Pongsohpon
Brimming with virtuous contributions
เลื่อน พงโสภณ
Leuan Pongsohpon
So full of experience

เครื่องบินลำน้อย บินลอยไปไกลถึงเมืองจีน
A little plane, flew along so far reaching China
It seems so aloft and daring
สู้ลม สู้ฟ้า เด็ดเดี่ยวและเดียวดาย
Vying with the wind and the sky, resolute and all alone
But he’s not afraid to die
It was the first airplane owned by a Thai person
Miss Siam reaches the Chinese mainland
2475 ด้วยบารมีองค์ ร.7
in 1932 with the baramee** of Rama the 7th [King Prajadhipok]
A success of the Thai people
Tell me who will ever forget the pilot who glided the steel bones along?

เลื่อน พงโสภณ
Leuan Pongsohpon
Brimming with virtuous contributions
เลื่อน พงโสภณ
Leuan Pongsohpon
So full of experience
A history-making
legend of Thai aviation

[Riff from “รักคุณเท่าฟ้า” (“Rak Kun Tao Fah”) “Love You as Much as the Sky!”]

Miss Siam
Miss Siam

เลื่อน พงโสภณ
Leuan Pongsohpon
Brimming with virtuous contributions
เลื่อน พงโสภณ
Leuan Pongsohpon
So full of experience
A history-making
legend of Thai aviation

* “ดูช่าง” means “It seems so [very] . . .” “ผกผิ” is is a kind of flying. It is what a kite does when the wind catches it: it is a floating and an ability to stay afloat in the strong winds.
**”baramee” is like a magic aura that influences things and has to be earned through past good deeds. Often it can be translated as “moral authority” or “prestige” or “charisma.” If you have enough moral authority or prestige you can influence other people just by asking them to do something or by them knowing you want it done. But here the idea seems to be that King Prajadhipok’s magical accumulated merit gave good luck to the flight.

ดาวแห่งโดม [ปรีดี พนมยงค์] (Dao Haeng Dohm [Ppridi Panomyong]) Star of the Dome [Pridi Banomyong])

By คาราบาว Carabao
Album: สาวเบียร์ช้าง Sao Bia Change (Chang Beer Girl) (2001)

This album is RECOMMENDED. Buy it at eThaiCD, where you can shop in English

Note: Pridi Banomyong led the revolution that changed Thailand from absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy in 1932, so he the founder of Thai democracy. He is also the founder of Thamassat University. The knickname of Thamassat University is โดม “Dome” and students are often called “ลูกแม่โดม” “Children of Mother Dome.” Pridi had to flee Thailand after false rumors spread that he had conspired to murder King Ananda, who was found shot in the head in his bedroom at the Grand Palace on June 1946. (Three men were executed for this supposed conspiracy, but they are now considered scapegoats.) Not mentioned in this song but notable, during World War II, when Thailand was cooperating with the Japanese, Pridi built an underground anti-Japanese resistance movement in Thailand called the Seri Thai, or Free Thai Movement. Pridi Banomyong died in 1983, before this song came out. Read more about him at Wikipedia.

ข้าวจากรวงร่วงกราว เมื่อดาวแห่งโดมลาลับไป
Rice from the ear of grain falls off clamorously, when the Star of the Dome says goodbye and leaves forever
ปฐพีสะอื้นร่ำไห้ ทะเลเอ่อนองด้วยน้ำตา
The land sobs and cries. The sea wells up with tears
วิหคนกเอยไร้รัง หัวใจเปี่ยมหวังยังแรงกล้า
The bird is without a nest. The heart brimming with hope is still fervent
กู้แผ่นดินให้ฟื้นคืนมา ประชาธิปไตยปวงชน
Save the country, restoring democracy for all the people!

ลมพายุพัดแรง กระหน่ำถ้อยคำมิหวังดี
The stormy winds blow strong, hammering words that are not well wishes
มนุษย์ไหนหนอช่างไร้ศักดิ์ศรี ว่าปรีดีฆ่าในหลวง
What [sort of] honorless people would say Pridi killed the king!
ทรชนคนถ่อย หลอกโลกด้วยถ้อยคำหลอกลวง
Despicable evildoers deceiving the world with fraudulent words
คนดีๆ ต้องน้ำตาร่วง คนเลวหัวเราะชอบใจ
Good people will shed tears, while bad people laugh with satisfaction

*เพราะว่าสัจธรรมเป็นอมตะ แต่มักนานนั้นจึงปรากฎ
Because truth is undying, but it’s likely to be a long time before it shows itself
เมื่อคนไทยเข้าใจว่าใครคด ความจริงงะงามงดทศทวี
When Thai people understand who is crooked, the reality is 10 times as beautiful

**เมื่อความดีทุกอย่างยังคงอยู่ ประชาชนย่อมรู้ว่าที่นี่
When all goodness lives on, the people will likely come to know that, HERE
มหาวีรบุรุษจะต้องมี เมื่อนั้นปรีดีจะกลับมา กลับมา
a great hero [there] must be. When that [happens], Pridi will return! return!

***ปรีดี ปรีดี ดาวแห่งโดมที่ดำรง
Pridi, Pridi Star of the dome that maintains
ปรีดี ปรีดี ปรีดี พนมยงค์
Pridi, Pridi, Pridi Banomyong
ปรีดี ปรีดี ปรีดี พนมยงค์
Pridi, Pridi, Pridi Banomyong

โลกมนุษย์จะงดงาม ถ้าผู้คนกล้าถามกับตัวเอง
The human world will be beautiful if people dare ask themselves
ว่าชั่วชีวิตที่โลดบรรเลง มีไหมเจ้ากล้าท้าอธรรม
Throughout life, do I ever dare challenge injustice?*
ปล่อยให้โลกช้ำหมองไหม้ เผชิญโชคไปยถากรรม
Let this bruised gloomy burned world meet its fortune and fate
แต่คนชื่อปรีดีกล้าทำ ให้จดจำขึ้นใจ
But the person named Pridi dared to do it. Remember this for sure!

(*, **, ***)

[THE ENDING WHERE ADD IS SHOUTING seems IMPOSSIBLE to TRANSLATE. It sounds like he is playing with syllables of Pridi’s name. Maybe like scat?]

*I did not translate “โลดบรรเลง” which my best guess was “to jump and make music.” An informant explains “Literally, โลดบรรเลง is not understandable. The author wants บรรเลง to rhyme with ตัวเอง of the previous line. That’s why I believe โลดบรรเลง refers to โลดแล่น. We often heard ชีวิตโลดแล่น…. which means the life goes on as it is.”

หรอย (Roi) Fun

by ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao
Album: วณิพก Wanipok (The Beggar) (1983)
The album Wanipok, appearing two years before the band became hugely famous, is a classic and pretty much perfect. You should BUY IT HERE from the friendly people at eThaiCD, where you can shop in English.

Note: When Add Carbao writes a song involving someone from a particular region of Thailand, he often uses words from that region’s dialect. And so, in this song about someone from the South of Thailand who has to migrate to the Middle East (perhaps Saudia Arabia) to find work, there are words from the southern dialect, including the title “หรอย” (roi), which means “fun” or “to one’s liking.” In the context of food, it means “delicious.” The overall story of the song: A young man from the south of Thailand went to study at a university in Bangkok with high hopes for a bright future. After he graduated he could not find a job in Thailand. Then he had to leave Thailand to get a job in the Middle East, which was disappointing for him.

มาฟังกันฮิต เพื่อนนิสิตนักศึกษา
Come listen to a hit [song], student friends
I have a degree from graduating university
I complete my study from Southeast Asia
Just to serve the people in the Middle East
Although I have a degree, I still have to compete with others
หางานทําทั้งวัน มาเป็นเวลาหลายปี
I look for work every day, for, what’s been, many years now
Humans in this world are given to energetic struggle
Humans in this world are given to struggle. Without money, they starve to death
Without connections they miss out on work

They collect a tax [to build universities] and teach
จากเมืองใต้ขึ้นมา จากเมืองเหนือลงมา
[Students] come up from the South and down from the North [to Bangkok]
[they] come and construct big huge tall buildings [the tax was used to construct tall buildings]
There is water, electricity, air conditioning so one can study
They come buy a printed paper that is the degree
Distributed to students at all the universities
Studying until they graduate, and only having one piece of paper
They study until they graduate, and only have one piece of paper*
There isn’t work in Thailand, [they] are forced to depart [the country]

ไม่ยักกะหรอย ยักกะหรอย เอย…
This is no fun! This is no fun! . . . oh! . . .
I have a degree for what!
When I graduated, I had to fly [swiftly] to a faraway country
I think of fish curry,
นํ้าซุบแมงดาผักสะตอ หนังลุงหนังจอ
Horseshoe crab soup, pak-sada [sato, a lima bean-looking vegetable], shadow puppet plays
The Norah [dance], of Southern [Thailand].
ทั้งเพื่อนฝูงมากมาย อยู่หาดใหญ่ ปัตตานี
All of my large group of friends live in Hat Yai and Pattani
Songkhla, Nakorn Si [Thammarat] all throughout the South
All around me here, there are only golden deserts
All around me here, there only golden deserts
มองไปทิศทางใด มีแต่ทราย
I look in any direction, there is only sand!
มีแต่ทราย ไม่ยักกะหรอย จังฮู้
There is only sand. This is no fun at all! *sigh*

แดดร้อนๆ นอนใต้ต้นตะบองเพชรตัว
The sun is so hot sleeping under a cactus
[sweat] glistens beaded on the body, burning [as if] Chilli Padi*
Looking at the ground, there is only rocks and sand
There are only camels and [Thai] buffalo [meaning “fools”]. It’s that Thai people have been deceived
People have degrees, we still don’t know what we are doing here
People who are going hungry, what hope do they have?
I miss home. I could make a living by being a rubber tapper [employed as on a rubber plantation in the South of Thailand]
I miss home. I could make a living as a rubber tabber.
I want to fly a plane back to my home in the South.

ให้มันหรอย ให้มันหรอย
I want to have fun! I want to be fun
ให้มันหรอย ให้มันหรอย เอ้ย…
I want to have fun! I want it to be fun, oh . . .
ให้มันหรอย ให้มันหรอย หรอยจังฮู้
I want it to have fun. Oh . . . so much fun!
ให้มันหรอย ให้มันหรอย เอ้ย….หรอยจังฮู้
I want it to have fun! I want it to have fun! Oh . . . so very much fun!

*In the era of October 14 and October 6 events (the 1970s), there was a famous poem excerpt that became important in the pro-democracy movement “ฉันเยาว์ฉันเขลาฉันทึ่ง ฉันจึงมาหาความหมาย ฉันหวังจะเก็บอะไรไปมากมาย สุดท้ายให้กระดาษฉันแผ่นเดียว,” which translates, ‘I was young, innocent and curious. Therefore, I went through a university. I hoped to learn a lot from there. At the end they gave me only a piece of paper.’ The first verse of this song imitates that verse. Also check out the much more famous Carabao song “มหาลัย [มหาหลอก]” (“University [Great Big Rip-off]”), which sticks even closer to this theme.

Also check out the hit song ซาอุดร Sa-Udon from the album Amerigoy about someone who has to migrate for work.