ซานตาน่าคาราบาว Santana Carabao IN SINGABLE ENGLISH!!!!!

By คาราบาว Carabao
Album: สวัสดีประเทศไทย Sawadee Prathet Thai (Hello Thailand!) (2013)
SINGABLE ENGLISH VERSION translated by Ann Norman
The direct translation is HERE
THIS ALBUM IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Buy it HERE at eThaiCD. Read the Album Review here at CarabaoinEnglish

Note: I LOVE LOVE THIS SONG, and I love this translation, if I do say so myself. This song was written as a tribute to both Santana and Carabao, and it was sung for Carlos Santana in 2013 when Carabao opened for Santana.

Also a very rough voice memo to help you match English language words to the music. VERY ROUGH! I manage to mispronounce both the words “Carabao” and “Santana.” Oh well . . . For demonstration purposes only:

A teen in his room, just singing out loud
In a mirror performs, showing off with no crowd
I cared only to learn lead guitar,
Santana, the band we adore
Woodstock showed the world there was more
music to explore: Hippie, rock and roll.

From October 14th, was born P’ Nga Caravan*
Out from Thammasat U., they lead the crowds on
College students and regular folks, were the ones who made dictators flee
We were just grains of sand in that sea
Grains that blossomed somehow . . . into our band Carabao

He wowed, that Latin lead guitar
Santana was for us such a star
“Wanipok,” opened doors; rock/sam cha**
Carabao to this day: Thailand’s Santana

He wowed, that Latin lead guitar
Santana was for us such a star
“Wanipok,” opened doors; rock/sam-cha
Carabao to this day: Thailand’s Santana

Songs for Life serve, as if destined to be,
Encouraging Thais towards a path good and free
A mirror to reflect black and white,
honor, fairness, hu-man-ity
Our group creates songs, melody,
helping Thailand to see . . . a path forward for life

Santana Carabao, sam cha Carabao
Sam cha Carabao, Santana Carabao
Santana Carabao, sam cha Carabao
sam cha Carabao, Santana Carabao


*The popular uprising of October 14th, 1973. Nga Caravan is an early Songs for Life artist, who the group Carabao followed and admired, even picking a similar band name. “Carabao” sounds like “Carawan.”
** “Wanipok” is Carabao’s first huge hit. Sam cha is a musical style, and Caraboao’s signature style. “Wanipok” is a perfect illustration of the sam cha musical style. This song is a 50-50 blend of Santana’s signature sound and Carabao’s signature sound, which is sam cha. Also check out my singable English-language version of “Wanipok”, which (while awesome) is not sam cha.