ศิลปินมาแล้ว Sinlabin Ma Laew (And Here Are the Artists!)

By แอ๊ด คาราบาว Add Carabao (presumably)
Album: ข้าวสีทอง: รำลึก 20 ปี 6 ตุลา Golden Ears of Rice: Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of October 6 [1976]
This album is not currently available at eThaiCD

Note: I’m not sure what America was doing to steal the art of the Thais but it could be that the artists were tempted to perform for the highest bidder, or were sold to the highest bidder? I used to watch spectacular performances of this type of music, out in the country 32 years ago, and was told the shows may have an ugly backstory in that some of the performers may be working under conditions of near slavery. Or it could just be about the loss of traditional culture under Western influences? See also “หลงวัฒน์” “Long Wat” (Obsessed with [Another] Culture. My interpretation of the song is only based on wild guesses, but the direct translation should be good. This Carabao song is unusual in that it is sung by a woman. Add Carabao doesn’t join in singing until the last verse.

[I didn’t translate the whole introduction, but it begins “Here Come the Artists” (the title of the song) and it seems like she is hyping up the audience. The lyrics below begin when the drums join in:]

sĭn-lá-bpin dâai yin tûa bpai
The artists that you hear everywhere you go
dtâng kêun maa ráp chái chon chán yâak jon
Are set up to to serve the poor class of people
ศิลปินของเราทุกคน ศิลปินของเราทุกคน
sĭn-lá-bpin kŏng rao túk kon sĭn-lá-bpin kŏng rao túk kon
[They are] artists belonging to every one of us. Artists belonging to every one of us
gèrt jàak kon jon chaao râi chaao naa
Born from the poor, from farmers, from people who work the fields

kŏr bòk pêe nóng bprà-chaa
Please, I ask my brothers and sisters, fellow citizens
dĭeow née a-may-rí-gaa ao sĭn man maa wàan
Right now American wants to take our artists and scatter them
ขอบอกให้รู้ทั่วกัน ขอบอกให้รู้ทั่วกัน
kŏr bòk hâi róo tûa gan kŏr bòk hâi róo tûa gan
Please let me tell you all so you know. Please let me tell you all so you know
อย่าไปหลงคำหวาน โดยเฉพาะกับเยาวชน
yàa bpai lŏng kam wăan doi chà-pór gàp yao-wá-chon
Don’t go falling for the sweet talk, especially you young people

* ศิลป์เรานี้ไม่มีเปลี่ยนแปลง
sĭn rao née mâi mee bplìan bplaeng
This art of ours doesn’t change
kŏr yeun yòo kâang pôr mâe
Please stand alongside our mothers and fathers
mâi cheuan-chae hĕrn hàang
Don’t stray and become estranged
สิ่งไหนๆ จะมาขัดขวาง
sìng năi năi jà maa kàt kwăang
Whatever comes to get in the way
สิ่งไหนๆ จะมาขัดขวาง
sìng năi năi jà maa kàt kwăang
Whatever comes to get in the way
man jà dtông lóm pang dûay pá-lang muan chon
We must bring it down with the strength of the people

** ขอยืนหยัดกัดฟันต่อไป
kŏr yeun yàt gàt fan dtòr bpai
Grit your teeth and be steadfast going forward
pêua u-dom gaan mài sĭn tai jà rûng reuang
So that a new ideology of Thai art will flourish
bplòt bplòi tai túk tûa mum meuang
Releasing Thais in every corner of the country
bplòt bplòi tai túk tûa mum meuang
Releasing Thais in every corner of the country
sĭn jà dtông leu lêuang láang sĭn gào têe leo saam
[so their] art will spread, washing out the old art that was evil