กลับมารู้สึกตัว Glap Ma Roosuek Dtua (Return to Consciousness)

By แอ๊ด คาราบาว & ตามมาเรา Add Carabao & Tamaraw (Tamaraw is the name of Add’s backup band for this album, whose members are a subset of Carabao)
From the bootleg album UFO (2023)

Translation note about the title: The words “กลับมา” mean “come back. The words “รู้สึก” and “ตัว” separately mean “know” and “yourself,” so “know yourself,” but together they usually mean to “realize [something].’ That is, you were distracted, but oh, now I realize [what is happening, what I am doing, where I am]. Here, there may be a double meaning of “to realize [what is happening, what I am doing, where I am]” and “to know yourself.” Google translates the phrase as “returning to consciousness.” I’m going to use the phrase “Come back to yourself and be in the moment.”

Add’s notes to this song say [in translation]: “Returning to consciousness is like summing up all the Buddha’s Dhamma. In returning to consciousness, live in the present, don’t dwell on the future or live in the past. Because we humans have a body and a mind. Wherever the body is, I want my heart to be right there. Buddhism puts the body and mind together. Don’t let your mind drift away. Always be returning to consciousness.” See also Telay Jai.

คิดเท่าไหร่ก็คิดไม่ออก บอกไว้เลยอย่าไปคิด
However much [one] thinks, [one] can’t think it out. I already told you, don’t go off thinking
เรื่องของเราถึงเรามีสิทธิ์ หลงคิดไปก็เท่านั้น
It’s one’s own matter, even though one has the right, it’s only getting lost in thought
ฝันกลางวันหรือฝันกลางคืน มันก็เป็นแค่ความฝัน
Dreaming in the middle of the day or dreaming at night, its [still] only a dream.
หลงคิดเมื่อไหร่ให้รู้เท่าทัน รีบกลับมารู้สึกตัว
[If you] get lost in thought, I’d like you to be aware of it, and hurry back to yourself and be in the moment.

น้ำพึ่งเรือเสือพึ่งป่า ปัญญาพึ่งพาตั้งใจคิด
The water depends on the boat, the tiger depends on the forest.* Knowledge depends on our intentional thinking
เราไม่ใช่ปัญญาประดิษฐ์ อยากหยุดคิดต้องฝึกฝน
We aren’t AI. [If] we want to stop thinking, we have to train [ourselves]
คนมีขันธ์มีกายมีจิต แต่คงอยู่กับเราไม่ทน
We have khanda[s]**, have a body, have a mind. But maybe we can’t endure being with our selves.***
เรียนรู้จากมันเป็นคนเหนือคน ตามคนใต้โคนต้นโพธิ์
Learn from it [and you] will be a superior person, following the person under the Bodhi tree.****

หยุดคิดเมื่อไหร่ ใจเราก็เป็นสุข
Whenever you stop thinking, your heart is happy.
หลงคิดเรื่อยไป ใจเราก็เป็นทุกข์
If you are continuously lost in thought, your heart will be suffering.
One hundred and eight thousand things, [that’s] our matters/problems
Traumatized by feelings of guilt
All of us are people who cultivate/stir up our own suffering

หยุดคิดเมื่อไหร่ ใจเราก็เป็นสุข
Whenever you stop thinking, your heart is happy.
หลงคิดเรื่อยไป ใจเราก็เป็นทุกข์
If you are continuously lost in thought, your heart will be suffering.
One hundred and eight thousand things, [that’s] our matters/problems
Traumatized by feelings of guilt
All of us are people who cultivate/stir up our own suffering

Don’t be sinking with suffering
Realize happiness and let go [of the thoughts]
Life has nothing
but heart, body, and non-self

Come back to oneself and be in the moment
Come back to oneself and be in the moment
Come back to oneself and be in the moment

*This saying is used to emphasize that two different things might be coexisting in a mutual relationship. The idea is that the boat obviously depends on the water, but the water[way] depends on the boat in that if it were not for the boats using it, the waterway would not be maintained. [Imagine a canal.] The tiger obviously depends on the forest, but the forest also depends on the tiger in that the tiger fulfills its role in a flourishing forest ecosystem. Check out the Add Carabao song with this title: น้ำพึ่งเรือเสือพึ่งป่า Nam Peung Reua Seua Peung Bpa (Waters Depend on the Boat; The Tiger Depends on the Forest)
**The five khandas are body, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness. From the article “What is Khandha?” by Ajahn Punnadhammo, at the website “Lion’s Roar: Buddhist Wisdom for Our Time”
***An expert translator tells me that Add probably wanted to say ไม่นาน (not long) instead of ไม่นาน (can’t endure) but used ไม่นาน to make the rhyme (with คน). If so, this changes the meaning to “We have khanda[s], have a body, have a mind. But our body will not last very long.”
****The Buddha.