นส. 3 ก. (Nor Sor Saam Gor) NS3K Document

by คาราบาว Carabao
Album: ห้ามจอดควาย Ham Jod Kwai (No Buffalo Parking) (1990)

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Note: The NS3K document is deed or land title. NSK corresponds to น.ส.ก. an abbreviation of หนังสือรับรองการทำประโยชน์ [Document Guaranteeing the Benefits Produced]. The “ก” letter, which has been officially translated “K” in the English name of the document, should really be “G,” and stands for “การทำประโยชน์” or “the benefits produced.” The “3” just distinguishes this particular land deed from other similar varieties of land deeds. But in this song, about a young girl or woman sold by her parents into prostitution, there is a pun such that the abbreviation is read as “Deed Giving Rights to 3 Benefits Produced.”

Her stomach is still hungry
Her skin and flesh is the residence of desolate men
The younger siblings she has still wait
Wait for her to come find the comfort of home and her things
Brought from the land of the Thais
Back to Kengtung city [Shan State, Myanmar]*

The work that she does, she does unwillingly
ทอดเนื้อตัวไปใจเจ็บก็เพราะจน ตั้งแต่เกิด
She flaunts her flesh and hurts her heart because she has been poor since birth.
The dreams she has are just breezes [amount to nothing]
People come pounce/clamor to share her life
It’s like a toilet that is for all the public

ฝันอันล่องลอย ไร้ซึ่งจุดหมาย
Her dreams drift aimlessly
บ้านก็อยู่ไกล ไร้ที่พึ่งพิง
Here home is far way. She is without a refuge
แสงตะวันรอน ลับลงติดดิน
The sunlight dips and disappears meeting the earth
เธอต้องขายกิน นส. 3 ก
To survive she must sell the NS3K title [or Rights to 3 Benefits Produced].

The stomach that waits is still hungry
สิบนิ้วที่มี ไม่อาจจะทดแทนคุณกําเนิด
Her 10 fingers probably can’t repay the value of her birth [She can’t work to repay the gift of her birth]
That all there is to this society of ours
If we blame each other, we must excuse [ourselves] by saying “Whose daughter is she?”
She’s not your daughter

Cry away with one’s dreams
It’s not bad fortune not any sin in a past life
This life is an example/is one instance
สอนใจผู้คน น้องสาวเป็นไทยใหญ่
Be interested in people. This young sister is Thai Yai [Shan]
เธอดีทั้งหัวใจ ร่างกายและวิญญาณ
She is good — heart, body, and soul
ฝันอันล่องลอย ไร้ซึ่งจุดหมาย
Her dreams drift aimlessly
Her home is far away. [She is] without a refuge
The sunlight dips and disappears meeting the earth
เธอต้องขายกิน นส. 3 ก
In order to live, she must sell the rights to three “Gs”

ก. ที่หนึ่งกิน
The first “G” is “gin” [“eating/consuming”]
The second “G” is “giat” [“respect”]
ก.ที่สามกาม นส. 3 ก
The third “G” is “gaam” [“sexual desire”]
The father goes and sells, the mother grabs the worth
เนื้อนุ่ม นมดี กระหรี่ดัง
Her soft flesh, her good breasts, a famous prostitute
ฝันอันล่องลอย ไร้ซึ่งจุดหมาย
Her dreams drift aimlessly
บ้านก็อยู่ไกล ไร้ที่พึ่งพิง
Her home is far away. She is without a refuge
The sunlight dips and disappears meeting the earth
เธอต้องขายกิน นส. 3 ก
There are three things she must sell in order to survive

*It sounds like she has a care package from home that has arrived and her friends at the brothel are her new siblings.