ไม่เป็นไร Mai Bpen Rai (Never Mind)

Lyrics by อัสนี โชติกุล Asanee Chotikul, and melody by ดนู ฮันตระกูล Dnu Huntrakul
Album: บ้าหอบฟาง Bah Hop Fang (Loaded With A lot of Things) by อัสนี-วสันต์ Asanee & Wasan [Chotikul] (featuring Add Carabao)(1986)

Buy this Album at eThaiCD where you can shop in English.

Note: On this song, Add only sings two lines, however he is included in 3 songs on this album, and the album is compelling. I am noticing connections between this album and other Add Carabao songs and albums. This happens in 2529 (1986) early in Carabao history and so is likely important. แหลม มอริสัน Lem Morrison (of the song Guitar King) plays electric guitar on this song.

mâi bpen rai hâi kăo bpai
Never mind, let them go
mua sĭa jai sĭa way-laa
To be wrapped up in feeling sorry [for yourself] is a waste of time
gèrt maa láew yàa sŏh-gaa
Now it’s happened, don’t [wail about it]
bpan-hăa maa bpan-yaa mee
A problem comes, you have knowledge [you/ve learned something]

mâi bpen rai hâi kăo wâa
Never mind, let them talk
yòo dtâi fáa naa-naa kon
Under the sky, there are all kinds of people
nók gaa sîn nin-taa kon
The crows do nothing but gossip
dtâng hàyt pŏn kon jà paan
Giving reasons for people to bully

ไม่เป็นไร เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind then, right?!
ไม่เป็นไร เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind then, right?!
ไม่เป็นไร เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind then, right?!
ไม่เป็นไร เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind then, right?!

mâi bpen rai hâi tam mài
Never mind. Do it over
pìt plâat bpai krai gôr bpen
You are wrong? Everyone else has been also
pàan bpai láew nâew nâe hĕn
Afterwards, you’ll grasp it firmly
wái dâai hĕn bpen bòt rian
Keep safe the insight as a lesson

ไม่เป็นไร เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind then, right?!
ไม่เป็นไรๆ เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind, never mind, let it go, right?!
ไม่เป็นไรๆ เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind, never mind, let it go, right?!
ไม่เป็นไรๆ เนอะ…
mâi bpen rai mâi bpen rai núh …
Never mind, never mind let it go, right?!

[Guitar Solo, by แหลม มอริสัน Lem Morrison, presumably]

อัสนี) ไม่เป็นไร ให้เขาไป
Asanee: mâi bpen rai hâi kăo bpai
Asanee: Never mind, let them go
แอ๊ด) มัวเสียใจ เสียเวลา
Add: mua sĭa jai sĭa way-laa
Add: To be wrapped up in feeling sorry [for yourself] is a waste of time
อัสนี) ก็เกิดมาแล้ว อย่าโศกา
Asanee: gôr gèrt maa láew yàa-sŏh-gaa
Asanee: And it’s already happened, don’t be wailing about it.
แอ๊ด) ปัญหามา ปัญญามี นะ
Add: bpan-hăa-maa bpan-yaa-mee ná
Add: A problem comes, you have some knowledge [you’ve learned something], right?

mâi bpen rai hâi leum bpai
Never mind. Forget and let it go
chá-ná krai châi dtua ayng
Try to beat whoever [in the contest], not yourself
leum mâi jam tam kòm-hăyng
Forget. Don’t story away a memory so it can bully you
láew ban-layng playng dee ngaam
And make music, [singing] good and beautiful songs

[Chorus sings, very quietly:]
bpan-hăa maa bpan-yaa mee
Problems come, you have knowledge
bpan-hăa maa bpan-yaa mee
Problems come, you have knowledge
bpan-hăa maa bpan-yaa mee
Problems come, you have knowledge
bpan-hăa maa bpan-yaa mee
Problems come, you have knowledge