ครูตึ๋ง Kru Dteung (Teacher Dteung)

By คาราบาว Carabao
Album: โฮะ Ho (Curry) (2009)

This album is RECOMMENDED! BUY The album HERE at eThai.CD, where you can shop in English.

Note: I googled in Thai to try to find out who this person was. There are other tribute songs to him and there are some YouTubes with news stories about him. Just from the pictures and video, it looks like he was a naturalist at the National Forest and also a musician. But I can only confirm that he was a musician. Reading, I find that Naai Dteung (real name: มานพ รัตนพันธากุล Manop Rattanaphanakun) was the originator of Carabao’s buffalo horns logo and a background person for famous “For Life” artists. He composed many famous songs. He died of liver cancer and didn’t discover in time what he was sick with. When his family announced his death they released the lyrics of one more song “World Heritage – Our Heritage Khao Yai” to be a commemoration. Please contact me if you have correction or any further information you would like to share.

mêua săeng sĕe tong sàat sòng kòp fáa
When the golden sunlight breaks through the horizon
mòo muan nók gaa paa gan hâi rá-ngom
A group of crows lead each other out noisily
ชะนีโหยหวน ให้ใจระทม
chá-nee hŏi hŭan chuan hâi jai rá-tom
A gibbon moans, inducing me to feel downhearted
คนเคย อุ้มสม ล้มลง ริม เขาใหญ่
kon koie ûm sŏm lóm long rim kăo-yài
A person I used to be well matched with fell at the foot of Khao Yai [Khao Yai is a national park, and it means Big Mountain]

dàng bai máai lûang èek bai nai bpàa
Another leaf blossoming in the forest
bai yài sŏm-yaa kon jon pôo yîng yài
The big leaf named “Poor Person, Great Person”
krai koie róo jàk hâi néuk rák sĭa daai
Someone I used to know has me thinking back with loving regrets
pôo tĕu máai paai pian sŏn kon dteen bplào
The person who respects the woods persists in rowing to teach people barefooted

* เขาจ้วงพายเรือจ้าง อย่างบำเพ็ญอารมณ์ดี
kăo jûang paai reua jâang yàang bam-pen aa-rom dee
He stabbed the paddle of the ferry boat [into the water], like one in a good mood
เติมดีกรีบางๆ ครางดนตรีเบาๆ
dterm dee-gree baang baang kraang don-dtree bao bao
Adding some degrees. Crooning soft music*
ทั้งหยอกเย้ามิตรสหาย เหมือนผู้ชายไม่เคยเหงา
táng yòk yáo mít sà-hăai · mĕuan pôo chaai mâi koie ngăo
Always teasing friends, like a man never lonely
ซุกความทุกข์ซ่อนความเศร้า เขาไม่ให้เราได้ยิน…
súk kwaam túk sôn kwaam sâo · kăo mâi hâi rao dâai yin …
Concealing his sorrow, concealing his sadness. He wouldn’t let us hear [about it]

ตึ๋งแปตีนเปล่า เช้าวาเลนไทน์
dtĕung bpae dteen bplào cháo waa-layn-tai
Dtueng Bpae, barefooted. A Valentines person.
wan têe yĭng chaai môp kwaam rák tà-wĭn
The day that men and women delegate for romantic love
14 กุมภา’ ถึงเวลาโบยบิน
sìp sèe gum-paa ‘ tĕung way-laa boi bin
February 14 is the time he disappears [flies away]
เพลงรักนี้ไม่สิ้น ต่อครูตีนเปล่าตึ๋งแป “คนจนผู้ยิ่งใหญ่”
playng rák née mâi sîn dtòr kroo dteen bplào dtĕung bpae “kon jon pôo yîng yài ”
This love song won’t end for the barefooted teacher Dtueng-Bae, “Poor Person, Great Person”

คนจนผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ ครูตีนเปล่าตึ๋งแป
kon jon pôo yîng yài kroo dteen bplào dtĕung bpae
A poor person–great person, the barefooted Teacher Dtueng Bpae
ครูตีนเปล่าตึ๋งแป คนจนผู้ยิ่งใหญ่…
kroo dteen bplào dtĕung bpae · kon jon pôo yîng yài …
The barefooted Teacher, a poor person–great person

*Academic degrees? The phrases “some degrees” and “soft music” sound similar.