Posted to Bom Suthisak Sinchareon’s facebook page on 1/20/2015
Lyrics and melody by Add Carabao and Bom Sinchareon. (According the Bom’s post, Add composed the first two verses and Bom composed the hook and the last verse.
Note: Compare to Rainy Season’s Promises. At this time, the best version is below, from Facebook, done solo by Bom Sinchareon, but you can also find a rough version on Facebook with Add and Bom together. Still waiting for a YouTube.
The cold season this year, even though I don’t have anyone to warm me up,
I still want to give thanks for it.
I still have the boon of encountering the cold weather*
I wake up right on time every morning
I want to keep and hide away the cold
ไว้รอคอยเจ้า คนที่มีใจ
Storing it to wait for you, the one who has [my?] heart.
That cold season, you and I were together
that short period of time.
I remember clearly the day my dreams were shattered.
Like beautiful plumeria flowers,** it’s not long before it wilts
It’s not like we can fix the passage of time,
which leaves this heart feeling gloomy
หนาวลม ยังไม่ขื่นขม เท่าหนาวใจ
The cold wind is still not as bitterly cold as my heart
Scenes remembered that keep hurting
จำได้ ปลายฤดูหนาว
I can remember the end of the winter
เจ็บครั้งนั้น มันร้าวลึกระยะยาว
The pain at that time, it’s a crack that’s deep and long lasting
ผ่านกี่ฝน กี่ร้อนกี่หนาว
No matter how many rainy seasons, hot seasons, or cold seasons pass
[the pain] doesn’t subside at all.***
หนาวลม มันระบมไปถึงใจ
The pain of the cold wind reaches the heart
Oh . . . These days how are you?
Please know who cares about you, hoping you’re alright
อยากลืมยิ่งจำ ยิ่งบอบยิ่งช้ำ
The more I want to forget, the more I remember and hurt.
ทั้งสามเวลาสามเวลา [ถึงสามเวลา?]
All three times [until it’s been three times?]****
This winter I miss you so much, I’m almost crazy,
To the point I want to say goodbye to the cold
* The word บุญ (pronounced “boon” in Thai, and close in meaning to the English word “boon”) is some good thing that happens to you because of good karma. That is it is good luck, but additionally it comes from karma.
**Plumeria or frangipani flowers have spiritual meaning in Buddhism.
***It doesn’t mitigate or moderate. ทุเลา means “mitigate” or “moderate.”
****The written lyrics say ทั้ง (all) but I’m hearing ถึง (until).