Lyrics by Yeunyong Opakul ยืนยง โอภากุล; Melody is from the song “Wrote a Song for Everyone” by John Fogerty
Album: ขี้เมา Kee Mao (The Drunk) (1981)
Note: This comes from the very first Carabao album, before the band was famous, and like at least one other song from that album, the tune is “borrowed” from an already famous song. The lyrics are original, and quite striking! The poem hinges on two concepts that don’t translate exactly into English. “เวรกรรม” “wayn-gaam” is a Buddhist concept and means a combination of fate and karma in the negative sense, which of course translates into misfortune coming from out of nowhere? “ความงมงาย” is credulity, ignorance, and blind belief. It has a very bad connotation. So is the last line “Praise blind belief” sarcastic? Or is it saying that we really have no choice but to try in the face of what may come?
There is now a RHYMING Singable ENGLISH TRANSLATION here.
yen lom choi bòhk poi pát
The cold breeze gently blows
plíw bpliw yôt máai yài
Fluttering the tops of tall tress
yôm bòhk pát sà-bàt gìng gwai
It’s likely to wave and fling the branches
yôm wàn wăi bpen tam-má-daa
[They] tend to shake as is natural
โลกกลมๆ ก็ใบนี้
lôhk glom glom gôr bai née
The round, round world, this very world
mee kwaam wăng yòo mâak maai
has a lot of hope
dtàe wayn láe gam koi tam laai
But misfortune and bad karma slowly demolishes
hâi yôr tór yom jam-non
So [one] is discouraged and surrenders
เขียนเพลงขึ้นบทหนึ่ง เขียนเตือนความทรงจํา
kĭan playng kêun bòt nèung kĭan dteuan kwaam song jam
[I] write up a song, write a warning to remember
แด่เวรและแด่กรรม สุดดีความงมงาย
dàe wayn láe dàe gam sà-dù-dee kwaam ngom-ngaai
about fate and karma. Praise blind belief
yaam lom choi bòhk boi plíw
When the wind is blowing
bon hŏn taang kŏng kwaam jing
on the path of truth,
grà-săe lom têe koie yùt nîng
the wind current that used to be still
piang yùt pák réu-doo gaan
only takes a break for a season
gèrt bpen kon gôr kuan kít
Being born a person, you should think,
kít tĕung tam-má-châat têe bpen jing
think of nature that is real
lôhk sŏm-boon dûay sàp-pá-sìng
A perfectly whole world with everything
săm-pàt dâai dûay gaai dton
You can feel this with your own body [realize this on your own]
เขียนเพลงขึ้นบทหนึ่ง เขียนเตือนความทรงจํา
kĭan playng kêun bòt nèung kĭan dteuan kwaam song jam
[I] write up one song, write a warning to remember
แด่เวรและแด่กรรม สุดดี*ความงมงาย
dàe wayn láe dàe gam sà-dù-dee kwaam ngom-ngaai
about fate and karma. Praise blind belief
เขียนเพลงขึ้นบทหนึ่ง เขียนเตือนความทรงจํา
kĭan playng kêun bòt nèung kĭan dteuan kwaam song jam
[I] write up a song, write a warning to remember
แด่เวรและแด่กรรม สุดดีความงมงาย
dàe wayn láe dàe gam sà-dù-dee kwaam ngom-ngaai
about fate and karma. Praise blind belief
lôhk mŭn bpai châi kwaam făn
The world revolves. It’s not a dream
lúan bprae păn bpai bon gaen
It all fluctuates on its axis
tam-má-châat mêua yaam ráen-káen
Nature during a time of destitution
dàng sŏn kon hâi pâak-pian
is like it’s teaching people to persist
chêua kaa-rom dàng lom pát
Believe in the loud eloquence of the blowing wind
têe pàan maa láe pàan bpai
That passes in and passes by
jong tam dton dàng dtôn máai
You should do like the tree
têe yìat dtrong láe dtèrp dtoh
that stretches forth, grows up and matures
เขียนเพลงขึ้นบทหนึ่ง เขียนเตือนความทรงจํา
kĭan playng kêun bòt nèung kĭan dteuan kwaam song jam
[I] write up one song, write a warning to remember
แด่เวรและแด่กรรม สุดดีความงมงาย
dàe wayn láe dàe gam sà-dù-dee kwaam ngom-ngaai
about fate and karma. Praise blind belief
เขียนเพลงขึ้นบทหนึ่ง เขียนเตือนความทรงจํา
kĭan playng kêun bòt nèung kĭan dteuan kwaam song jam
[I] write up one song, write a warning to remember
แด่เวรและแด่กรรม สุดดีความงมงาย
dàe wayn láe dàe gam sà-dù-dee kwaam ngom-ngaai
about fate and karma. Praise blind belief
เขียนเพลงขึ้นบทหนึ่ง เขียนเตือนความทรงจํา
kĭan playng kêun bòt nèung kĭan dteuan kwaam song jam
[I] write up one song. [I] write a warning to remember
แด่เวรและแด่กรรม สวัสดีความงมงาย
dàe wayn láe dàe gam sà-wàt-dee kwaam ngom-ngaai
about fate and karma. Hello blind faith.