มาร์ช 40 ปี คาราบาว March See Sip Bee (40th Year Carabao March)

Album: 40 ปี ฅนคาราบาว See Sip Bpee Kon Carabao (40 Years of Carabao People) [Ye Olde Carabao Band: 40 Years]
Lyrics: ยืนยง โอภากุล Yuenyong Opakul, aka Add Carabao, and ปรีชา ชนะภัย Preecha Chanapai, aka Lek Carabao
Composer: ปรีชา ชนะภัย Preecha Chanapai, aka Lek Carabao

Note: This song is a “march” (using the borrowed English word) and the music video shows a march of Carabao albums and pictures through time. More speculatively, the word “march” is similar to the word “Caravan” (the name of a band that preceded and inspired Carabao). I only bring this up because of the way the writer of the lyrics is playing with the spelling of “ฅน” (kon or people) with the obsolete letter “k” in the phrase “kon Carabao” (Carabao people, or Buffalo people). Caravan spelled the name of their band, starting with this same obsolete letter “k,” the ฅ “kor-kon” (k is for people) rather than the ค “kor-kwai” (k is for buffalo).

Like a raven* singing songs
A soothing rhythm, creating songs, to be lyrics, to be music
ฅนคาราบาว 40 ปี ฅนคาราบาว 40 ปี
40 years of Carabao people, 40 years of Carabao people [“ฅน” people, is spelled with the obsolete “k-kon” (“k is for people”)]
For Life, standing strong** until today
Today the world tries to resist the regime
Brothers and sisters, the old goes [and] the new comes, huh?**
พี่ไม่ต้องน้องทำเอง อยากได้ยินคำๆ นี้
Us older siblings don’t need you younger siblings to do it yourselves. [We] want [you] to listen to these words here.

40 ปี คาราบาวก้าวผ่านมา
40 years of Carabao striding on until now
Though the passage of time and so many stories
Having traveled so long, [we] we take our experiences and write songs
Together singing and making music from the heart

The symbol of this band is the buffalo horns
Conveying the meaning of the laborers
Together building and weaving creative things for Thai society
โลกยุคใหม่ รักกัน รักกัน
The new world era: love each other, love each other!

The symbol of this band is the buffalo horns
Conveying the meaning of the laborers
Together building and weaving creative things for Thai society
โลกยุคใหม่ รักกัน รักกัน
The new world era: love each other, love each other!

รักกัน รักกัน
Love each other! Love each other!
รักกัน รักกัน
Love each other! Love each other!
รักกัน รักกัน
Love each other! Love each other!
รักกัน รักกัน
Love each other! Love each other!
รักกัน รักกัน
Love each other! Love each other!

Like a raven singing songs!
A soothing rhythm, creating songs, to be lyrics, to be music
ฅนคาราบาว 40 ปี ฅนคาราบาว 40 ปี
40 years of Carabao people, 40 years of Carabao [Buffalo] people
For Life standing strong [actually “lasting long”]*** until today!
Today the world tries to resist the regime
The old goes, and the new comes, huh, brothers and sisters?
พี่ไม่ต้องน้องทำเอง อยากได้ยินคำๆ นี้
Us older siblings don’t need you younger siblings to do it yourselves. [We] want [you] to listen to these words here.

The symbol of this band is the buffalo horns
Conveying the meaning of the laborers
Together building and weaving creative things for Thai society
โลกยุคใหม่ รักกัน รักกัน
The new world era: love each other, love each other!

The symbol of this band is the buffalo horns
Conveying the meaning of the laborers
Together building and weaving creative things for Thai society
โลกยุคใหม่ รักกัน รักกัน
The new world era: love each other, love each other!

รักกัน รักกัน
Love each other! Love each other!
รักกัน รักกัน
Love each other! Love each other!
รักกัน รักกัน
Love each other! Love each other!
รักกัน รักกัน
Love each other! Love each other!

40 ปี คาราบาวก้าวผ่านมา
For 40 years Carabao has been striding until now
Through the passage of time and so many stories
Having traveled so long, [we] we take our experiences and write songs
Together singing and making music from the heart

40 ปี คาราบาวร้องบรรเลง
40 years of Carabao singing and making music
The Songs for Life of many, many people
Both female and male, whether child or old person
Fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, please accept our respects!

*I usually translate this word “นกกา” as “crow,” so the word “crows” appear in many, many Carabao or my Carabao song translations. But “นกกา” can also mean “raven,” a closely related bird. Crows have a negative connotation in English, while ravens have a positive connotation in English, so I switched to the word “raven” for this translation even though I could have said “crow.” The crow is used symbolically in Carabao songs, usually reminding us to work diligently. I can see online that both crows and ravens can mimic human songs and words like parrots. I am guessing the reference to the crow/raven here is more about the positive aspects of these birds.
**Subtext: The more things change, the more they stay the same. The young people are fighting the regime just like current members of the band did when they were young.
***Actually “standing long” or “being long-lasting” is more exact, but “standing strong” is the clearest way to say it in English.